
Becoming a Supreme God and Creator of Origin Elves!

In a cataclysmic battle, a brilliant young man sacrifices himself to protect his family. However, after his death, he finds himself in a vast emptiness of nothingness. There, he does not know how long he's been there or how long he will remain. After a long time, a mysterious and enigmatic man appears before him, referring to him as "Brother." This man reveals a secret that shakes the young man's entire existence, changing the course of his life forever. In a certain universe, this young man becomes the Supreme God and creator of the Origin Elven Race. This universe is full of mysteries and secrets, and its depths are unfathomable. It stands out as a unique universe in its own right. Follow the young man's journey as he watches the progress of his creation - his children. He observes their ups and downs, their happiness and sadness, and their dark and good nature. {Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.}

Death_6907 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Chapter 21 [Returning to Elven Islands]

Chapter 21 [Returning to Elven Islands]

Akarya looked at the massive destruction in the surrounding area as a result of the battle. All of the various enemies were rounded up and trapped alongside the useless human prince. Suddenly, Akarya and her allies felt a massive burst of energy flashing towards them.

"AEGIS!" Alicia shouted, and the multi-colored and multi-layered shield of mana formed, but it did little to protect them as the attack smashed each layer of the shield with relative ease, until it crashed into the team, sending them flying.

Activate, [ Venomous Suppression Formation ]!" An aged but powerful voice sounded, and suddenly, five people arrived.

A middle-aged human man with black hair and eyes.

A Demon with crimson red hair and eyes.

A Dragonoid with Golden Hair and Eyes.

A Jotun with white hair and black eyes.

and finally, a Beastman.

The ferocious aura released from each of those 5 beings was terrifying and enough to suppress the group of young elves, showing their terrible power.

Mana surged from the people in the five corners. The Mana then turned into 25 giant multicolored chains.25 Mana chains rose from the ground. The mana chains immediately flew towards the group of young elves.

Akarya immediately created a dome barrier around the group to protect them and stop the hostages from being taken away, but it did little to help the group. In an instant, a rainbow-coloured chain wrapped around the dome and applied pressure, cracking it instantly.

The chains ferociously latched onto Aos, Gaia, Seraphine, Raphaeline, Alicia, Ayato, Gaara, Ananya, Esper, and Akarya

Akarya and Alicia dodged the chain when It was wrapping around them. All were not lucky enough to escape the chains and were trapped.

A second later, the group started to feel the other effect of this array. The chains began to ferociously suck the mana out of their body, which only included non-elves in the group Aos, Gaia, Seraphine, and Raphaeline.

Because this chain can only suck mana out of the body, the elves didn't store mana in their body. Instead, they stored the Aether energy, a much higher form of energy than Mana, a single unit of pure Aether energy equivalent to a quintillion units of pure Mana. So, yeah, you can say that they possess an infinite supply of pure Mana

During that battle, they simply converted one unit of Aether energy into Quintillion units of mana.

If any 6 elves had performed any lower-tier magic attack formed fully from Aether energy, that attack kept the capacity to destroy the entire Xerath island in a second.

Akarya transmitted her voice into the minds of other elves, " Do not release the seal, and don't do anything that can expose our secret. We do not have to worry they will arrive in a few minutes."

"This is what you get for attacking the Disciples of God. Once your mana is drained, you'll be taken to be interrogated and later executed or enslaved for your transgressions." The Human said, an arrogant expression on his face as he applied more pressure to his chains.

"They attacked us first!" Alicia butted into the conversation, a distraught look on her face as she saw what was occurring to her friends.

"NONSENSE!" The human roared, increasing the pressure on the group, "Aether is the benevolent Apostle of the Goddess of Light, Valeria. He would never attack you first unless you were horrible people."

"IS THAT SO?" A mysterious, serene voice echoed in the region, causing the five attackers to instantly look around themselves to the origin of the voice but to no avail.

"No need to keep looking. We're both here." The voice echoed, and the group looked towards the chained Elves. Immediately, the space rippled, and two Elven Men appeared

The first Elven male had a rather thin and lithe body, yet his body held a special explosiveness about it. The Mana in the region danced around the Elven male, and his red hair swayed in the serene breeze. while man possesses dangerous Crimson eyes, which charm any god and mortal alike

The second male was much more muscular, with a playful and dismissive look on his handsome face. His golden hair was cackled with golden light, and his eyes released an invisible pressure that suppressed the entire region. The sky of Xerath Island is always covered in a blanket of darkness, As he appeared, the dark sky was replaced with a clear blue and bright sky.

The five men instantly became serious upon spotting the two new male Elven entrants. They had never even sensed them appear and couldn't see the limit of their power whatsoever. A defensive stance instantly happened in each of the five men.

"Why are you all so defensive? Weren't you just bullying our people?" Ryker, the Golden-haired Elven male, and one of the firstborn Elves asked with an arrogant look on his face.

Rye Tatsuya, the Crimson-Haired Elven male, and another member of the firstborn origin Elves chuckled and said, "Well, it doesn't matter. I think it's time for me to make my move."

The human male instantly felt a chill on his spine.

Rye slowly extended his hand forward. Mana in the surrounding region surged as his voice echoed out, "Shatter."

Instantly, the chains crumbled into bits.

"NO!!!" The five people holding the chains screamed in anguish. They desperately tried to keep the chains together, but the power of destroying the chains was not something they could go against. In one second, the chains were gone. The backlash from the chains being destroyed was intense, and immediately, blood began to leak out of all of their bodies. The five men from different races looked at Rye as though looking at a monster

'Rye Tatsuya's body crackled with crimson electricity, and immediately, he vanished, going on the offensive. Immediately, the human, the demon, Jotun, and the dragon male rose and clashed with him. Rye wasn't one to be held back, however.

"Domain Expansion, Plane of Eternal Lightning." Rye's voice rang out. Rye's clothes fluttered in the wind. Then, boundless oppressive might swept forth from his body. Like an invisible tornado, it instantly engulfed this region.

The moment that oppressive might arrived, the five men all had an enormous change in their expression. Shock and fright filled their eyes. The reason for that was because they felt themselves to be nearly suffocating under Rye's oppressive might.

A beacon of lightning erupted into the skies before smashing into the ground. The lightning smashed into the ground, the space shattering as eternal darkness covered the land. The human, demon, beast-man, and Jotun male all fell into the eternal darkness, a horrible suppressive feeling terrorizing their bodies as they realized they couldn't even defend themselves as their mana was Sealed.

After falling onto the ground and looking up, the four men were shocked. Lightning. Endless Tyrannical Lightning covered the lands, each bolt of lightning having a destructive power within that felt like it could kill them instantly. The sky was crimson red like an apocalypse, and the smell of blood permeated within. Countless horrifying screams could be heard from within it. The Domain simply resembled hell itself. It was terrifying to witness.

And, upon closer inspection, the four men began to shiver in fear. Out, there were hundreds of millions of people inside that world. From Abyssal Monsters to Humans, Demons, Beastmen, and even Dragons.

All those people were being cruelly tortured. They were all tied up and struck by the terrifying lightning inside that world in an orderly succession. The lightning struck their bodies and their soul, torturing them horrifyingly.

The most surprising thing was that many of these people were recognizable. These people were all horrible criminals in their world, from the Dark Necromancer Demi-God to the Abyssal King Carnage. All of these beings were recognizable evil beings who had disappeared over time.

The human's eyes narrowed. He then heaved a sigh of defeat and let his shoulders fall powerlessly. "What a monster..."

"This is a place where I keep people who had done evil things towards Elven People during our explorations. You'll stay here until our negotiations with our people are completed." Rye's voice rang out, and he went to throw the group of men to be tortured.

But at that moment-

"STOP!" A furious roar sounded, and a gigantic dragon claw flew down towards Rye.

It turned out the Dragon had recovered and forcefully entered the Domain of Rye. Rye himself snorted, his eyes turning cold as he waved his hand.

"Eternal Punishment, Thunder of Perpetual Destruction." voice Rye sounded out, and from the depths of his soul, a raging golden bolt of lightning materialized. It flashed out, imbuing itself into the surrounding bolts of lightning and turning them golden. With a wave of his hand, Rye sent the bolts of golden lightning towards the Dragon.

ARRGGGHHH!" A roar of anguish sounded as the Dragon's battered body crashed onto the ground, completely razed by the Thunder of Perpetual Punishment.

"Did you think it was so easy to enter my domain? The only reason you were allowed to was to join your friends." Rye said, tossing the five males to be tortured as he left his domain, meeting up with Ryker, who had already healed the other Elves.

"Leave a note explaining the situation. Let's get out of here." Ryker said, writing a note and tossing it to the ground, a magic formation surrounding the note to stop it from leaving.

Then, with a flash, the group of Elves and the captured Apostles of Gods and Goddess vanished.


[Gives some comments, which firstborn origin Elves have the most broken Origin Ability and why?]