
Become a Mangaka in Genshin Impact

Reincarnated in the world of Genshin Impact with the Mangaka System? The protagonist will gladly do it! He will captivate everyone in Teyvat with his manga! Everyone is addicted to manga and can't live without manga! The protagonist will ensure that, even though the journey will be long. Motivate me to continue this novel by subscribing to my patreon! https://www.patreon.com/Wisnu5G By the way, you can access the latest chapters early there.

DogLickerGods · Videojogos
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27 Chs

This world is so beautiful!

Inside the library of the Knight of Favonius.

Lisa is currently reading a manga called "Your Name" which she bought from Amber. She's been sitting on a chair and reading manga for over 3 hours now. She herself didn't realize she'd been reading that long, because she was so immersed in manga stories.

She really liked the manga story she was reading. Usually she only reads books like magic books, history books, and novels. The novels she usually reads are mostly action and adventure genres about Archons or warriors. To be honest she was tired of books like that, and she wanted to read a book with a completely new story.

Books that can make her excited, books that can make her sad, and books that can make her laugh. But it was very difficult to find such a book, until she finally read this book. No, this manga is titled "Your Name".

This manga tells the story between two people at different times and places. Their love story is so beautiful and touching at the same time.

She smiled to herself when she saw Taki and Mitsuha swap bodies. It's interesting to see them trying to get used to, with their different bodies.

She wondered. "Is there a magic that can make people switch bodies?"

But she shook her head. She had read countless magic books, and there were no magic spells that could swap bodies for one another.

In the end she didn't think much about magic, and continued reading the manga comfortably. She read while drinking her favorite hot tea.

She likes this feeling...

Reading a book with an interesting story while accompanied by hot tea... Especially when she does it on a cold night.

"Haa... What a beautiful night~" Lisa said while sipping her tea.

Then she started turning the pages of the manga in her hands again. She read each page of the manga slowly, as if she wanted to appreciate every detail in it.


When Lisa was enjoying reading manga in the library. Elsewhere, in a room there is a girl who is crying.

"Hwaaaaa! Why?! *Sniff* Why did the manga end here?! I wonder *Sniff* what happened to Taki and Mitsuha next! Uwaaa!"

The girl was crying while holding a manga book in her hand. The girl was Barbara Pegg, a prominent idol in the city of Monstadt.

Barbara is a beautiful girl. She has pale blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, milky white skin, and a slender build.

She was the younger sister of Jean, the Grand Master Knight of Favonius! Unlike Jean, who worked at the Knight of Favonius, Barbara worked at the Church of Favonius.

Apart from working being Monstadt's idol, she is also a deaconess working at the Church of Favonius.

But right now the beautiful Barbara had a pitiful appearance. Her eyes were swollen with tears, and her nose was runny...

Her current appearance was different from her who usually looked like an idol in public.

"*Sniff* *Sniff* I have to meet the author of this manga! And asked him to tell me what happened to Mitsuha and Taki!"

While wiping her tears. Barbara looked at the author's name on the back page of the manga, there was written the author's name called...

"Ren Kazuma..."


Meanwhile, inside Ren's room.


Ren suddenly sneezed and felt someone was thinking about him. He rubbed his nose and said.

"Is there a pretty girl thinking about me?"

His pants became tight at the thought of the beautiful women of the city of Monstadt.

"Shit! I want----"


The sound of coins falling from the table. The table is full of gold coins called Mora. Mora were a type of currency in Teyvat, and right now Ren had many piles of mora on his desk.

"Where should I keep all these Mora?"

[Host did you forget the system inventory?]

"Ah! I just remembered the inventory system is similar to Doraemon's Pouch!"


After entering all mora into the system inventory. Ren could see in detail how much mora he got from selling the manga.

This money he got from Amber who had helped sell his manga in the city of Monstadt.


"Ren! It's me Amber!" Amber said as she knocked on his shop door.

"Amber! Please come in!" Ren opened the door for her.

"Thank you!"

Amber comes in carrying a big sack on her back.

After entering the shop. Ren asked her. "So how?"

"Your manga is selling a lot! And this is the mora of selling manga!" Amber smiled brightly while pointing at the big sack she had dropped on the floor.

"Wow looks like it sold a lot!" Ren said as his gaze fell on the large sack containing mora.

"Yeah I managed to sell a lot of manga to people in the city of Monstadt! I can't wait to see their reaction after reading your manga!"

Ren's eyes lit up when he heard her words. He found it more and more fun hanging out with Amber.

Ren smirks. "Hehehe they will definitely be touched by Taki and Mitsuha's love story."

Amber also smirked and said. "Un! They will surely understand how beautiful the manga is!"

Ren and Amber looked at each other while grinning like bad people. They both seem to have found a new hobby, that hobby is to make people who have not read manga, become addicted to reading manga. And the best part is seeing the emotional reactions of people reading the manga!

"By the way, this is your reward for helping me sell manga."

Ren gives a manga with a different cover from the manga "Your Name". But the cover is no less beautiful than the cover of "Your Name".

"Th-This! W-Is this... a sequel to Your Name?" Amber said nervously while taking the manga from his hand. She stared at the cover of the manga with sparkling eyes as if she saw a treasure.

Ren nodded while smiling broadly. "Yes! You are the first to read it! The name of this manga is Weathering with you."

"Weathering with you?! What a beautiful name... W-Are there Taki and Mitsuha in it?" Amber asked.

"Yes, they are there. Even though the story doesn't focus on them, you will know what happened to them in this manga."

Amber took a deep breath. She looked at the manga in her hands seriously, then hugged the manga to her chest.

"Thanks Ren! Then I will go now. I want to read this manga at home soon!"

"Yes, be careful on the road~!"

*End of flashback*

"Well, everything went smoothly. It was only a matter of time before news of my manga spread by word of mouth." Ren said while looking at the beautiful moon from his bedroom window.

[DING! Barbara Pegg has a deep impression on your manga! You get 200exp!]

[DING! Lisa Minci has a deep impression on your manga! You get 200exp!]

[DING! Kaeya Alberich has a deep impression on your manga! You get 200exp!]

[DING! Charles has a deep impression on your manga! You get 200exp!]

[DING! Flora has a deep impression on your manga! You get 200exp!]




Staring at his system notification screen that kept beeping, Ren couldn't help but laugh.



"Ah! The world is so beautiful! I'm getting more and more excited to spread the manga all over Teyvat!"

Ren said with a big smile. He decided not to sleep tonight, because he still had to prepare another manga for him to sell tomorrow.


(Author's Note)

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