
Because We Are 2gether - by JittiRain

A student named Tine Teepakorn wants to get rid of a gay admirer. His friends recommend getting a pretend boyfriend, Sarawat Guntithanon, who plays hard to get until he finally agrees. The two become close and intense emotions soon erupted.

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26 Chs

Chapter 10 : Come Featuring Together

I moved myself with difficulty while moaning under my breath. This kind of weather makes people not want to wake up, including me. So I pulled a pillow over my face to escape the morning sunlight.

Last night, I had a very beautiful dream. I dreamed of listening to a Scrubb's song and then talking about something with Sarawat. I don't even know when and how I fell asleep. Then suddenly...

"Uhhh, um..." Someone's moan reached my eardrum, but I did not care where that came from. The only thing I want to do right now is sleep. So I buried my head in the pillow and continued to sleep as if my life depends on it.

" Ummm..."

"Fong, stop moaning. It's annoying." I said without moving my body. "It hurts."


"Move, Troublemaker."

I paused for a moment. The word 'Troublemaker' kept ringing in my head. The only person who used that word is... Sarawat! As soon as I thought of that popular man, I immediately opened my eyes.

"Troublemaker." The low voice made me rise from my pillow. But right this time, I realized that it's not a pillow... It is Sarawat's crotch...


This is the most terrible morning ever! I am shivering and I felt like I am in a gay s.εメ movie scene on google. I swiftly moved myself to the corner of the room, sweating like a pig. This is so damn scary!

Sarawat is just staring at me. One of his hands has his guard up, protecting his dick like he just lost his virginity. Damn it! Aren't I who is supposed to do that?

"How did you sleep here?" I asked in a confused voice. But before accepting an answer, my eyes saw three idiots standing in front of the bed. Fong, Puek, and Ohm, crossing their arms while looking at me.

"Good morning, baby." The bright voices of my friends said greetings that made me retreat to the wall even though I could not move any further.

"Good morning, my darling. Did you sleep well last night?"


"Why not, baby?"

"Because you disturb me all night!"

"Oh, I'm sorry." The mocking voices of the fake couple, Peuk and Ohm, sounded. They are acting like a couple in front of me and Sarawat.

"Do you think that's funny?" I shouted at them. They froze and then turned to look straight.

"Just kidding! Don't take it seriously."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I saw you sleeping peacefully. Besides, you looked so happy curling up on Sarawat's body. Am I right?"

"Stop making fun of me!"

"Who is making fun of you?"

"Bastards! And you... what are you doing? Say something!" I hope Sarawat will say something to save our dignity. Even if these three people are my best friends, I don't want them to remember this bullshit moment. Imagine, sleeping on someone else's crotch?

"It hurts." He responded with a weak voice. His hand is still covering his willy.

"I'll take a shower. I can't stand your face."

I finally decided to put aside my shame by hiding in the bathroom. Less than five minutes later, I heard the sound of my friends leaving. Hey! Why are you guys leaving me? Why didn't you appreciate my kindness? Don't you know how hard it was to carry you back from the bar?

In the bathroom, I took the opportunity to read the Buddhist scriptures. I prayed that Sarawat left with my friends. But apparently, he did not. He is still here and looking at me with his eyes full of lust after I stepped out of the bathroom. "What's wrong?" I immediately crossed my arms to cover my chest to avoid his gaze.

"So damn white."

"Why are you so annoying?" After saying that, I rushed to the closet. Honestly, I'm a little afraid of him. Mom!

"I want to touch your boobs."

"You jerk!" Swearing at him is not enough so I threw my shirt to him with anger. What a damn morning! I felt shy and annoyed. If I'd known it would end up like this, I wouldn't have gone to the bar!

"I just want to."

"..." I don't know what to say. I have no words.

"You even allowed me to touch it last night."

"Huh? When?"

"When you are sleeping. I asked you but you did not reply. So I just touched it." I don't know where he got the guts to say something as ugly as this.

"I hate you."

"..." He did not reply except showing me his usual deadpan face.

"What time is it? I have a class."

"It's ten."

"Okay. I'll skip morning class then. I'm lazy."

"We are indeed one in heart."

"Don't use those words, bastard. You're just lazy to say lazy. Anyway, how did I enter the room last night?" I remembered being on the balcony, listening to music.

"I brought you back."

"I fell asleep?"


"So... what did we talk about last night? I'm sorry. I can't remember." We are like a cat and dog. But at this time, I really can't remember.



"I said I don't like beautiful girls, but you do." Hmmm... You said we talked about nothing?!


"I don't like pretty or smart girls. You do."

"Because you are stupid."

"So, I said, I like something weird."

"Yeah. It suits you. I mean, look at me. I always look cool and cute."

"What kind of cute?"


"Like me?"

"Damn it! If it's like you, then it is not cute. It is scary! Go take a shower now." I cut to the chase then looked at Sarawat. He slowly got up from the bed and walked excitedly. He then snatched the towel wrapped around my waist.

Oh, my God! "Borrow."

"Bastard!" I then moved my naked body to the corner of the room and rushed to open my closet.

Is that what you call cute? That is Satan himself! Damn! My heart...

Because we both skipped our morning class, Sarawat and I sat to eat in front of the dormitory. We maintained calmness for an hour. Who would have thought that? A verbal war is definitely gonna happen soon.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked me.

"You choose. Order something delicious." I gave him the responsibility because I am too lazy to choose.

"How will I know which one is delicious?"

"Then I'll eat salad."

"Foot salad?"

"Real salad, bastard!"

"Which meal is good for many people?"

"Don't order too much. There are just two of us here." He then called the restaurant staff passing through our table.

"Give me two bottles of water, please?" Thank you. You helped me so much. I then saw the waiter bring food to the next table and it looked so delicious.

"I want to eat Tonkatsu."


"But I want it."

"Okay. Whatever." I told you, don't argue with cool people because you will never win. Remember that.

"Just order what you want."

"I want to eat your food."

"Are you a dog? Like to eat other people's food, huh?"

He did not answer but merely shrugged his shoulder. Anyway, we have the Tonkatsu now. We talked and ate and talked over and over.

"So, what else do you like to eat except Tonkatsu?" Sarawat asked while I'm eating.


"I just want to know."

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because I'm flirting with you. I must know everything about you."

"You don't have to know. Besides, you can't even get rid of Green for me."

"I am trying. You just need to cooperate."


"You were the one who asked me to be your fake boyfriend. When I agreed, you didn't care or think about me. You are using me to get rid of others. Then how about me? What will I get from this? Nothing."

This is the longest sentence I've ever heard from Sarawat. At first, I wanted to ignore him. But this time, I had to raise my head to look him into his eyes.

"So what do you want?"

"Come and cheer for me when I play football."

"That's it? Then I'll go when I finish the cheerleading rehearsals."

"Cheer for me in every match."

"Is it necessary to go that far?"

"I need your encouragement."

"You already have a lot of fans. For sure, they will all cheer for you."

"I only want it from you."


"This Friday, we will compete against the Faculty of Law." Damn! He is against my faculty. I also need to be a cheerleader for my faculty. Alright then...

"Can I just cheer you in my heart? I need to stand on the Law side. I can't go to your side."

"It's fine. The important thing is that I know you are standing there."

"Standing on the sideline?"

"No. Standing In my heart." STOP!!

I continued to eat my breakfast. Both of us are not saying anything. It's like a cold war and it is driving me crazy. After we finished eating, we returned to our respective dormitories. We have to meet again at the music room later because we have to record our video and hand it to P'Dim on the next day. If we will be late, there is no chance anymore. Therefore, we will be given a punishment.

Fong skipped all classes today. Ohm said that he was trying to clear things up with his ex because he really doesn't want her to come back. If you have been hurt by a person, once is more than enough.I couldn't agree more with this idea. After class, I have no time to hang out with my gang. I went straight to the music room to wait for Sarawat.

"Let's practice." I spoke after arguing with him for about thirty minutes on which song to play. We have different opinions so the best way to solve the problem is... Rock Paper Scissors.

Very clever.

"Why do we need to practice?"

"So it will run smoothly when we record it. No mistakes."


"Hello. I'm Tine the Chic, and this is... "

"Tine's husband."

"I'll slap you. Please be serious."

"I'm serious."

"Okay. One more time."

"Hello. I'm Tine the Chic, the person next to me is.... "

"Tine's wife."

"..." He is giving me a headache...

"No more practicing, Troublemaker. Let's do it."

I started recording the video so Sarawat can't say shit anymore.

Now, we are filming the video. The cool person like me is the moderator because a buffalo person like him doesn't know anything.

"Hello guys. I'm Tine the chic! And next to me is a popular man that everyone recognizes. This is.... "

"Sarawat." Damn! His face doesn't look friendly at all. I sighed a little to gain my patience. Can you please be more energetic and enthusiastic?

"What will we do today, Sarawat ?" I said, then nudged him.


"Yes, that's right! We will sing today. And what else?" I hope he will say good things so we don't have to retake the video. After finishing the sentence, the popular man answered.

"Play the guitar."

"That is right! We're gonna cover a song for you guys. We will sing the song. "

"Chords are missing."

"Yes! The song is entitled 'Chords are Missing'. Hahaha!" What the fuck are you saying!!!


"Sorry! That is a joke from Sarawat. Hahaha!" I only said that but deep inside, I want to give him a big round of scolding. We just printed it a moment ago, where the fuck is it? I must help him look for the musical chords and finally, we discover that he was sitting on it. Motherfucker!.

"Okay! Let's sing together." I counted the beat to myself then the man beside me started to play the guitar.

"Try before it would be too late, if this is the right one."

"Wait wait. This part is still an intro."

"Ahh. Not yet?"


Stupid! So we must retake the video! Damn!

We started to record again, saying the same thing until the singing part. I can say that we are now in total disarray.

"Try it before it would be too late, if this is the right one. (*1*)

Don't keep it in your mind alone.

If you won't say it, no one will know.

Someone you're searching for so long, they might be gone.

Or you are the right one that I'm waiting for, but you disappeared."

I glanced at Sarawat for a moment, just a quick glimpse. His prominent nose and his extraordinary face was so focused on playing the guitar. At this time, I knew how good-looking this guy is. That is why all the girls in the university adore him. I then send my most attractive smile to the camera, hoping the audience to be happy.

"Maybe this person will come

And fill up my days from today onwards. Maybe this person... is you..."

But then suddenly, this tall man beside me stopped playing the guitar. I quickly turned to him, knitting my eyebrows. You're going to ruin everything!!

Before I could open my mouth to curse him, he immediately continued singing while staring at me.

"My world that was once empty is no longer the same. If you want to know."

The song ended, leaving me stunned for a few seconds because I'm still trying to decipher the last line of the song. He stole my thunder at the last minute.

"Er... Guys! How was it? I hope you guys will like it. We both tried our best, right Sarawat?"

"..." He did not answer. He is just staring at me with his irritating eyes. "We practiced for a long time, right?"

"This was the first time. We haven't practiced anything." I'm dead. Hey, it's okay to lie once in a while.

"He was joking. We practiced for a long time."

"It is a lie."

"Oh, Sarawat is joking again!"

"Don't believe him."

"If we did anything wrong, please forgive us. And don't forget Tine and Sarawat in your hearts! That's all for today. Bye!"

I waved at the camera with a smiling face. Then I turned to look at Sarawat... Damn it!

He is picking his nose.

This is really a memorable moment. It will now depend on him whether this video is a success or a failure. At this point, I can say that it is a mess. But I must admit that he is really cute and adorable... but still, there's no denying that I want to kick him out now.

I guess as soon as P'Dim opens this video clip, he will throw his phone or laptop away. I don't want to think of the moment when they will post this on Instagram... It will be very embarrassing.

This is probably the weirdest video recording in the world.

And now, the moment of truth...

I sat while surfing the Instagram page of the music club. There were a lot of 15- second videos posted, including ours. And as expected, it received 4,000 likes in just a few minutes. It went extremely popular.

Do you know why? Because of Sarawat's wives.

However, someone cut short our daydreaming. No more dreams, no more hope, everything seems dark when I look at the long message below the video.

It is from the commentator 'Disathat', the demon in our club.


'This Person': Scrubb cover by @Tine_chic and @Sarawatlism

(Want to watch more? Go to the page 'Association of Popular Music')

The introduction is good and the chords are correct. But going to the middle part, it is getting a bit weird. I don't know if it's because Sarawat is sucky or because the one next to him was so disturbing. You got 8/10 for playing the guitar..

And Tine, you just sang and didn't play the guitar. The first part is okay, but you changed your tone in the last part. I really wanted to cry when I heard it. Also, the introduction part is so long. I give 0% in unity and 9/100 for this video.

I want to type back 'asshole' but I can just reply...


I'll work on this.

I am crying.

Fortunately, there are people encouraging us. They are my fans and Sarawat's wives.


Sarawat and Tine, you did your best! Keep up the good work!


Ahh! My husband! My heart is melting. #TeamSarawatWives


I want them to come to my room and play guitar for me.


Can I invite Tine to sing in my room? I promise I will not touch you anywhere without your consent.

I really want to kick Green going to Pluto. He is everywhere and is getting weirder everyday. But fate wouldn't let me plan to murder him.

Then a new comment pops up. This is from the national husband of Thailand.


Thunk you

Thunk? What's Thunk? What the hell!

What a pity! His fans are replying to him like 'cute' or 'wanna teach him to type'. But I think cutting his large fingers seems easier, damn! I stopped paying attention to this bullshit and went for my cheerleading rehearsal so there'll be something to do in my life, not just being with Saraleo.

The bloody Friday came sooner than I expected. Today, Law students have to cheer for our first football match against the White Lions of the Political Science faculty. My 'Male Leads' are carrying snacks while heading to the grandstand. They are having fun scoping out girls from the other faculties.

As for me, I am the man who can't be moved... Because I need to raise my hands and hold them still. This is a cheerleading position they called 'Standing Zone'. We are doing this while waiting for the players to enter the field. The cheerleader's life is not as beautiful as you think. The very first time the seniors asked me to be a cheerleader, I did not refuse because I thought I would be hotter if I was a cheerleader. But now, I know how wrong my decision was.

I then turned to look at Sarawat. I realized, he isn't a cheerleader or anything and it is really hard to see him in daily life... but why is he being admired by everyone? Life is indeed unfair.


A lot of people came to watch the match today, filling both sides of the grandstand. The Law's side is not filled with just Law students, but also many students from other faculties. This is because the Political Science's side is mostly filled with Sarawat's wives, leaving no space for the real White Lions supporters.

I can't hear anything from the field, but I saw them listening carefully to their coaches. After that, they started warming up.

"Oh, my Sarawat!" The sophomore cheerleader said using her sweet voice.

I can't help but turn my attention to the owner's name. Sarawat is wearing a white football shirt, screened with 'Salawad' and number 12 on the back of it. All of his friends are in the Political Science team, ManOho, Boss, Big, Tee, and Theme.

The warm up ended followed by a whistle blow which indicates that the game is about to start.

"Sarawat! Keep fighting!" The sound of cheering is starting on both sides.

I began to wave and dance from the rhythm of the songs and cheers of the audience. We all know that I need to cheer until the Law team wins. But even so, my eyes were only directed at one person.

Sarawat is a striker. His feet quickly brought the ball to Law's goal. Now, the screams and cheers are so loud that it almost broke my eardrum. My heart stopped beating when I saw what he's about to do. Then...


He is rolling in the field. "Boo!"

The unpleasant yelling was from Political Science as soon as Sarawat was blocked by a senior from the Faculty of Law after he intended to hit the goal to score in the first five minutes of the game.

I should be happy right now because Law school has the ball. But... Sarawat's probably in pain now.

The match is getting exciting. Even the seniors and my co-cheerleaders stopped dancing just to watch the game. I am sweating nonstop. No one is singing and cheering anymore. Everyone is just waving their flags and banners with a message printed like 'It is okay to lose to Sarawat'.


The sound of the whistle signifies that the first half has ended. The players returned to their respective areas to rest and drink water. The second half will be more exciting because the score so far is 1-1.

"Sarawaaaaat!" The whole grandstand cheered for the ball guards. As I expected, he is blocked and resisted again, and is rolling on the ground. That bastard... he is not cool anymore!

"Law! Law! Law!" My gang is really going for it, cheering our faculty. People began to cheer with them eventually.

Of course, Political Science won't be left behind. "White Lions! White Lions! White Lions!"

Now, the grandstand is really getting really aggressive!

The game ended with the score of 3-1. We are defeated by the White Lions, as expected. They will advance to the next round, so it means that I need to cheer for Sarawat for his next match. Damn!

After the players shook hands with the members of the other team, they headed back to their own side, except...

Hey, hey! Sarawat. You are walking to the wrong side.

There! Your faculty's side is over there! I just thought of it to myself. But the man with a cold face is still walking towards the cheerleaders of the Faculty of Law in a nonchalant manner.

The girls and the gay seniors are screaming, thinking that he will come here to service them. But this bastard went straight in front of my sweaty body.

"I'm thirsty." He said to me while I'm still stunned.

Are you crazy? Your wives are waiting for you on the other side! Go back!

"Can someone please bring water for Nong Sarawat?" A senior quickly asked for water, accompanied with cold towels for him. He picked it and thanked them before turning and walking back to their area. Not to mention, he is pulling my wrist, dragging me with him.

"Who did your makeup?" He said in a monotonous voice but his breathing showed that he was tired.

"If you think I'm handsome, just say so."

"Your face looks like you are going to play in a Chinese opera."

"You're hurting my self-esteem. The seniors said cheerleaders need to have make up."


"Then go ahead and tell them."

"Lazy. It's too how right now."

"So what?"

"Take this." After saying that, he handed me the bottle of water. He then played a big game by taking off his football shirt to reveal his tan skin, which made the people in the area scream like crazy out of lust.

Even if you curl up here, everyone in here can see you!

His thick hands gave me his football shirt, then bent down to take a shirt out from his bag and wore it. After that, he walked away without leaving a word.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

"Back to my room."

"What? How about your shirt?" "Wash it."

"..." He is then gone with the wind. He left me here alone, standing and confused. I looked at the sweaty shirt in my hand...

Am I his servant again?

I am a person who often stayed up late. If it's not midnight, I won't feel sleepy. This night is no different because there is always a mysterious call from someone you know. He always calls me before I go to sleep and I am kinda used to it.

We talked about nothing. Some nights we just listened to music together, some nights we talked about food, and some nights, I heard nothing but snores. I don't know but hearing his voice, just even for a single word, will make me sleep well. And I just know that there is this kind of friend. I talked to him on the phone more than I do with girls.


See? Just thinking about him and then he immediately called as though I have telepathy. But as soon as I picked up the phone, the sound I heard made me knit my eyebrows.

"Where are you? Why is it so noisy?" I immediately asked him after hearing the banging background noise. The noise I heard is like music in a bar. Let me guess, he is with the White Lion celebrating their football win.

[Bar] See?! I should win the lottery!

"Then why are you calling me? Get drunk and then die, bastard!"

[I want to.]

"Why did you call? What do you want?"


"Nothing? You call for nothing? Then I'll hang up."

[I just want to hear your voice.]

"You heard it now."

[Umm. I am now satisfied.]


[Good night.]


[I'm not talking to you. It's for my friend. He is now leaving.]


[Good night.]

"Why do you keep repeating that sentence if your friend is still there?"

[No. It's for you.]

He then hung up and left me...

Thinking about what was going on. His last sentence made me unable to sleep well. Shit!

One way to treat insomnia is to pick up your phone and use social media. But since I had nothing to do at this time, I replied to all the messages on Facebook, and retweeted all tweets. I then opened my beloved application, Instagram, to look for some pretty girls.

Prae hasn't contacted me lately. She said that she was busy with her activities so I think it's hard to go on with our relationship.

I spent almost an hour looking at pictures on my feed. After that, something amusing happened. I noticed that there are posts on the feed from someone... Sarawat ...

The recent post is a 7-second video, but illustrated the person's appearance without a doubt. Sarawat is sitting on a chair while his friends are crazily dancing. Then, Man appeared on the screen, sending a kiss to the camera, with the caption from this video...


is not drunk, not drunkasdfghjkl;'

What the hell is not drunk?!

Three minutes later, something popped up on my screen again. It is a photo of me... a photo I've posted on my Instagram before!


Revenge time! I'll post every photo on this phone!

I guess he is extremely drunk now so he didn't know that his friends were teasing him by stealing his phone. But you guys know nothing... That single post can bring a big disaster to me!

#TeamSarawatWives are commenting on the post, nonstop! Wait! Wait! Wait! Not just one picture!


magic hour.

God damn it! That is my picture again! A picture of me playing the guitar while waiting for my friends on the front bench of our classroom! At that time, I am waiting for my friends to bring me bingsu. But... I've never posted that picture on Instagram and I've never asked anyone to take that photo...

But why does Sarawat have it in his gallery? Three minutes later...


Sarawat, you are so lame.

This caption is below the photo taken at the Alter Ma Jeeb Music Festival. Sarawat is smiling, and I am sitting beside him with a silly, shocked look on my face. I then remembered the girl who took that photo and he said he will ask her for it.

But I thought he was just joking that time.

After ten minutes, I was surprised once again when I looked at Sarawat's instagram. My initial thought is that he is now dead and his friends are posting photos from his phone. But the thing is...

There are more than ten photos of me on his page! God, help me...

My direct messages are also popping up nonstop. Now, I want to sleep so I have to sit and clear up this mess.


Damn! It's not over yet. They're still posting.


Sarawat typed this. I am helping my friend now.


Tag him! Help! Help!


I'm helping Sarawat. I want to fulfill his hope.

And the majority of the comments are from Sarawat's Wives.


Say it. Don't say you are afraid of @Tine_chic

I was so confused when I was mentioned in that post because I don't know what that means. I thought the White Lions were just drunk so they did post something confusing. For me, the photo they posted has no meaning at all.




Tine command+spacebar quickly!

Sarawat's friends posted these comments. And then I realized, if we press command and spacebar together on Macbook, it changes the language. So I quickly opened my laptop and tried to decode his post.

A strange feeling rose up in my heart after I read it.

I don't know how to say this. But the decoded message is...


Damn! Stupid buffalo! What the fuck?

1 - คนนี้ Khon Nee (This Person) - Scrubb