
Everyday weird scene

From a normal look, one could tell which one is the boss and which one is the secretary. However, the workers knew that the lady with the charisma and beauty is the secretary while the woman with a dull outfit, ponytail haired and the geeky look is the boss and also the CEO of the big company that excels in many areas such as food, toys and many more with a few branches that is expanding worldwide making it as one of the most wealthiest companies. The company was known as the company that was once on the verge of bankruptcy but now listed in one of the most successful companies. It was very unbelievable for the workers to believe that the dull looking woman is the saviour of the company and also the one who manages to bring the company to one of the top.

As both of them entered the office, all of the workers continued their work. The ponytail woman hand over her coat to the charismatic woman and taking off her ponytail to release the beautiful long wavy hair that is now decorating the dull outfit into a seducing outfit. The charismatic secretary was still mesmerised by this action even though she sees it everyday.

"How was the proposal for the new project meant for helping the orphan children?" Sarah asked her secretary calmly. "It's still processing since the higher ups are still feeling uncertain about the profits that will be made by this project but the majority have agreed." replied Natasha calmly to avoid any issues since the woman she's working with is sharp as an eagle. Sarah frowned, "What do you mean processing? This project will not be delayed any moment." Natasha was sweating and the charismatic image she hold just now vanished as she speaks to her. "I understand. Please excuse me."

As she left, Sarah continues her work as she receives an email about another project that their company will do and she's aware that they are going to need a spokesperson. She informed Natasha that she will be going out and she tied her hair into a ponytail capturing the beautiful wavy hair, wears an outdated coat covering her beautiful figure and put on the glasses hiding the both sexy and cute beautiful face.

I’m going to wrote a story I’ve been thinking for a long time. Do tell me if there’s any problem since I’m a beginner

yuurei_desucreators' thoughts
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