
Beauty Awake

After being expelled from the elite Marine Corps for a serious mistake, he returns to urban life in a state of decadence, where fate continues to mock him. A series of misunderstandings make him a regular at the police station, where he is regarded as an extremely dangerous individual. When various urban beauties appear before him in different ways, he unwittingly finds himself in conflict and misunderstanding with them. What stories will unfold between him and these women? Starlets, wealthy heiresses, beautiful policewomen, high-level executives, flight attendants - these outstanding beauties, the dream of every man, will grace the pages of this book, inviting you to explore each one.

jojokria · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

019 First interview

Perhaps due to Zhang Ziwen's striking appearance, the office clerk Xu Ying glanced at his application form and showed a trace of surprise in her clear eyes when she saw he was applying for an internal staff position. She looked at him again, noting that his attire and demeanor seemed more suited for a managerial role.

Zhang Ziwen smiled and asked, "Is there something wrong with my form?"

"No, nothing's wrong." Xu Ying blushed. "I was just looking. Please wait here, and I will notify you when it's your turn for the interview." She hurried away, her face still flushed, to collect other applicants' forms.

Watching her retreating figure, Zhang Ziwen noticed her elegant walk and slender figure in her professional attire. Employees at large companies indeed carried themselves differently. He also realized he was the only one she had spoken to at length, which suggested she might personally inform him about the interview, unlike the others.

With many applicants waiting, Zhang Ziwen guessed it would take a while. Craving a cigarette, he headed to the stairwell, lit one, and used the time to organize his thoughts for the interview.

After finishing his cigarette, Zhang Ziwen returned to find Xu Ying looking for him. "Where did you go? It's your turn for the interview. I thought you had left," she said, her tone a mix of concern and reprimand.

"Is it my turn already?" Zhang Ziwen was surprised. "I thought it would take longer, so I went to the restroom."

"Come on, I'll take you there. I put your résumé on top. If you were missing, you'd lose your chance." Xu Ying urged him, appearing more anxious than he was.

Just as they reached the door, a voice inside called for Zhang Ziwen to enter. Xu Ying gestured for him to go in, giving an encouraging smile and an okay sign. Zhang Ziwen smiled back, grateful.

Inside, Zhang Ziwen faced a middle-aged woman in professional attire, about forty years old, with thin-framed glasses. She looked up from her desk and said, "Please, have a seat," indicating the chair opposite her.

As he sat, the woman glanced at a form and read aloud, "Zhang Ziwen, age 24." She looked up and asked, "Are you Zhang Ziwen?"

"Yes, that's me," he confirmed.

The woman examined the position field and remarked, "Oh, you're applying for an internal staff position?" Her expression turned skeptical.

"Yes, I'm applying for the internal staff position." Zhang Ziwen wondered why both she and Xu Ying found this surprising.

The woman scrutinized him and asked, "Do you believe this position suits you?"

Zhang Ziwen nodded. "I reviewed your company's job listings in the newspaper. This is the only position I meet the requirements for and feel suited to."

The woman glanced at his résumé again. "You have a high school diploma. Are you sure you want to apply for this position?"

"Yes, I hope to secure this position," Zhang Ziwen replied, feeling the interview resembled a police interrogation, with its direct questions and answers.

The woman gave him a thoughtful look. "This role is often best suited for detail-oriented women due to its complexity. As a man, you're the first to apply today. Do you really think you can handle this job?"

Zhang Ziwen blushed with embarrassment, realizing his mistake. "Is this position gender-specific? I'm sorry, I didn't see any such restriction in the advertisement."

The woman scrutinized him further and said, "There's no gender restriction. It's just that internal staff roles are usually filled by women, and it's rare for men to apply. You don't need to apologize." Seeing his discomfort, she added with a hint of amusement, "I was merely curious. Perhaps a man could indeed excel in this role."

Zhang Ziwen nodded silently, contemplating her words.

The woman smiled and asked, "If we decide to hire you, are you sure you want to take on this position?"

Zhang Ziwen pondered for a moment and then said, "If the company gives me this opportunity, I am confident that I can perform as well as any female."

"Very well," the middle-aged woman said with a smile, standing up. "Please wait for the company's notification. We will get back to you within three working days."

Zhang Ziwen also stood up, replying, "I will await your notification. Thank you for your time today." He then shook hands with the woman courteously.

As he left, he looked around the hallway for Xu Ying but didn't see her. He had wanted to bid her farewell, but had to forgo the idea.

As soon as he exited the elevator, he noticed a familiar young woman entering the opposite elevator. He tried to take a closer look, but the elevator doors closed too quickly.

Puzzled, Zhang Ziwen wondered, "Do I know anyone here? Why did that silhouette look so familiar?"

His musings were interrupted by his phone ringing. Seeing Tang Shu's name on the caller ID, he answered, "Hello?"

"Brother Wen, where are you?" Tang Shu's sweet voice came through.

"I'm in the Haidong District. Do you need something?"

"Oh, you're not at home? I'm near your place and thought I'd check if you're around," Tang Shu's voice sounded a bit downcast.

"I just finished up here and was planning to head home. By the way, are you waiting for your friend near my place again?" Zhang Ziwen remembered Tang Shu mentioning a friend who lived nearby.

"Yes, but we just parted ways. My friend went home," Tang Shu replied, then asked, "Brother Wen, will you be back soon?"

"It'll take about forty minutes," he estimated.

"Great! I'll wait around here. Let's have dinner together tonight, okay?"

"Well," Zhang Ziwen hesitated, remembering his plans with Pang Dahai. "I did have plans to drink with a friend tonight."

"If it's inconvenient, I'll just go home," Tang Shu sounded disappointed.

"It's not a big deal. Just a drinking session with a buddy," Zhang Ziwen decided. "If you can wait, I'll head back now, and we can have dinner together."

Tang Shu's understanding tone made it hard for Zhang Ziwen to refuse her.

"Really?" Tang Shu's voice was filled with joy. "I'll wait for you at the street corner near your place. Don't be late."

"Alright, see you soon," Zhang Ziwen replied, feeling warmth in his heart from her happiness.

To avoid making Tang Shu wait too long, Zhang Ziwen hailed a cab, which was much faster than the bus. In about twenty minutes, he arrived at Xiangheli. From a distance, he saw Tang Shu looking out for him. As soon as she spotted him, she came towards him with a radiant smile.

This girl, he thought with a touch of emotion. Instead of finding a place to sit, she had waited for him. If he had taken the bus, she would have stood there for over forty minutes. He felt a surge of warmth. Tang Shu, a beautiful young woman, was wearing a light green strap dress today, which made her look even more charming and vibrant.