
Beauty Awake

After being expelled from the elite Marine Corps for a serious mistake, he returns to urban life in a state of decadence, where fate continues to mock him. A series of misunderstandings make him a regular at the police station, where he is regarded as an extremely dangerous individual. When various urban beauties appear before him in different ways, he unwittingly finds himself in conflict and misunderstanding with them. What stories will unfold between him and these women? Starlets, wealthy heiresses, beautiful policewomen, high-level executives, flight attendants - these outstanding beauties, the dream of every man, will grace the pages of this book, inviting you to explore each one.

jojokria · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

008 Alas, back to the police station.

"Haha, Zhang Ziwen, Ziwen." Tang Shu smiled and said, "Brother Wen, your name sounds so refined."

"Yeah, Brother Wen is so good at fighting, but your name doesn't seem like it." Chen Ya also chimed in, studying Zhang Ziwen's name.

With these two girls calling him Brother Wen from left and right, Zhang Ziwen felt his bones slightly melting. The two youthful and beautiful smiles kept swaying in front of Zhang Ziwen. Their chattering didn't stop, not to mention the soft and full touches from time to time. They had just met for a few minutes, but why did it feel like they were old friends already? Did I really have that much affinity? Zhang Ziwen was a bit puzzled for a moment.

At this moment, a chaotic sound of footsteps came from behind. Zhang Ziwen felt something was wrong, turned his head, and saw a large group of people rushing over from the club. There were probably more than twenty of them, some carrying baseball bats, some dragging iron crowbars and chains, making ear-piercing metallic noises as they dragged them on the ground.

Zhang Ziwen cursed inwardly, "Damn, that kid went to get reinforcements."

Just a moment ago, the two girls were laughing and chatting like warblers in the spring, but seeing so many thugs coming, their faces turned pale with fear. Zhang Ziwen shielded them behind him, retreated to the corner of the wall, so that if they were surrounded, the two girls would not be harmed. Moving to the corner of the wall made it impossible for them to be surrounded.

Passersby who saw this group of people with a fierce momentum and carrying weapons all kept their distance, fearing trouble. The timid ones hurriedly ran away, afraid of getting into trouble. The bolder ones chose a good position to stand far away and watch the excitement. Damn, didn't see anyone taking out their phones to call the police? Zhang Ziwen sighed at the coldness of society.

As Zhang Ziwen and the others retreated to the corner of the wall, the group of thugs had already approached. These thugs had obviously seen the plight of their comrades in the club and stopped a few meters away from Zhang Ziwen and the others, gesturing with their weapons, hesitant to attack recklessly.

Zhang Ziwen felt the two girls behind him grabbing his clothes trembling with fear. He couldn't help but feel sorry for them. The two girls were frightened one after another.

Zhang Ziwen turned his head and smiled at them, indicating that they could rest assured, he had everything under control.

Seeing Zhang Ziwen so calm even in such a dangerous situation, the two girls gradually stopped trembling. They believed in Zhang Ziwen's solid back, which had become their safest barrier.

Half of the surrounding thugs seemed a bit impatient. Three relatively strong-looking thugs rushed out without a word, swinging their baseball bats from three different angles with a howling wind. These three were old hands in fights, their attack angles were good, all aiming at Zhang Ziwen's vital spots.

Zhang Ziwen took half a step forward, met the thug who rushed forward first, seized his wrist with lightning speed, blocked his baseball bat with one hand, dodged the third thug's attack aimed at his head, and twisted his wrist, kicked out, snatched the bat. In two-thirds of a second, he had already knocked down two thugs. Within one-third of a second, the bat had already struck the thug who tried to attack his head.

In just three seconds, Zhang Ziwen had already knocked down three people in front of him. This lightning-fast moment all happened within one meter in front of Zhang Ziwen. Although there were many people on the other side, Zhang Ziwen didn't hold back. His efficiency was extremely high.

If it weren't for the two girls behind him, Zhang Ziwen would have charged into the group of thugs and made a big scene. He was confident that he could deal with all these thugs in three minutes.

Seeing Zhang Ziwen so powerful, the thugs were momentarily stunned. One of them, probably the leader, shouted, "Brothers, this kid is skilled. Get him together!"

More thugs rushed out, wielding steel crowbars, baseball bats, and iron chains. Zhang Ziwen cursed inwardly, "Good, bring it on!" He picked up the baseball bat and greeted them. His body pressed against one thug, swinging the bat, and a series of "clang, clang, clang" sounds of hard objects colliding with the baseball bat rang out. Accompanied by the sound of bones breaking, screams, and the thug who had his bone broken by Zhang Ziwen's bat rolling on the ground in pain, the screams were particularly piercing in this thick night.

The remaining thugs were stunned by this scene and dared not to approach anymore. They had finally witnessed Zhang Ziwen's ruthless methods with their own eyes.

Seeing their terrified expressions, Zhang Ziwen inwardly sneered, "Damn cowards, if I really use my full strength, they would wet their pants."

Taking advantage of their momentary fear, Zhang Ziwen shouted loudly and swung the baseball bat in his hand menacingly. The thugs threw down their weapons and ran away, fast as lightning. Except for a few thugs lying on the ground groaning in pain, they all ran away cleanly.

Damn, they had no loyalty at all. Zhang Ziwen scorned them inwardly. Where's the camaraderie? If I really showed my full strength, they would be scared shitless.

At this moment, a seemingly passing van suddenly braked, emitting a sharp sound of tires rubbing against the ground. The van opened with a bang, and several strong men with crew cuts rushed down from it, moving quickly towards Zhang Ziwen. Seeing them encircling him, Zhang Ziwen felt they were a bit tricky.

Damn, here we go again. Zhang Ziwen's blood boiled. These guys just wouldn't give up. Zhang Ziwen decided to take the initiative and not wait for them to approach and surround him. He lunged towards the nearest crew-cut guy, swinging his baseball bat like lightning. The crew-cut guy was agile, dodging Zhang Ziwen's thunderous blow, but Zhang Ziwen had already anticipated his movement. He raised his leg and delivered a side kick. With a "crack," the crew-cut guy flew three meters away, with at least three ribs broken by Zhang Ziwen's kick.

Without pausing, Zhang Ziwen calculated the angle and swung his bat towards another man who was flanking him. The bat struck swiftly, hitting him square in the scapula. Another sound of bones breaking rang out, and the man groaned in pain, bending over.

Having knocked down two crew-cut guys, three more were already approaching Zhang Ziwen. They were quick in their movements, not intimidated by Zhang Ziwen's brutal methods. But when Zhang Ziwen raised his bat again, he suddenly froze. His posture was fixed in place, unable to swing his bat anymore. In front of Zhang Ziwen were three dark barrels of handguns.

Damn, when these guys rushed over earlier, these three were reaching behind their waists. Turns out they were holding guns. No matter how much I planned, I didn't account for these thugs having real weapons. The 97 model, still the latest version. Zhang Ziwen smiled bitterly and threw away his wooden bat, then glanced back at the two girls in the corner, making a helpless expression.

A handgun was pointed at Zhang Ziwen's forehead, while the other two crew-cut guys quickly twisted Zhang Ziwen's hands behind his back, using professional and efficient techniques. With a "click," Zhang Ziwen was handcuffed.

Damn, thugs with handcuffs? Zhang Ziwen felt that something was off.

His feeling was indeed correct. The crew-cut guy holding the gun against Zhang Ziwen's head took out an ID from his back pocket and waved it in front of Zhang Ziwen.

Police badge. They were cops. Damn, why didn't these cops announce themselves earlier? It was all a misunderstanding. It seemed that the two cops who were knocked down by Zhang Ziwen earlier were seriously injured.

No manners at all. Aren't the police supposed to identify themselves first? They probably thought they could take me down first and then explain. Damn, do they think I'm a pushover? Zhang Ziwen felt a bit guilty for hurting the two cops earlier, but now that he understood the situation, he cursed them silently.

"Officer, you've got the wrong person. Brother Wen is a good guy. He saved us," Tang Shu said, realizing that these were cops and stepped forward to plead for Zhang Ziwen.

"You've really got the wrong person. The bad guys are the ones lying on the ground over there," Chen Ya rushed to explain to the police.

The crew-cut guy with the police badge glared at them. "Talk at the police station. Whether we've got the wrong person or not isn't for you to decide." His harsh tone irritated the two girls.

He added, "And you two, don't think you can leave. You're coming with us to the police station to give statements."

Seeing that the two girls were a little scared, Zhang Ziwen smiled and comforted them, "It's okay, it's just a misunderstanding. Once we explain everything, it'll be fine."

Perhaps the two girls really trusted Zhang Ziwen, or maybe Zhang Ziwen's smile made them feel safe, the two girls calmed down, walking quietly to Zhang Ziwen's side and leaning on him. Their appearance, leaning on him like little birds, was endearing.

Meanwhile, the police here put Zhang Ziwen and the two girls into a van. Two other cops called for an ambulance and nearby patrol cars. Soon, more police cars and officers arrived, along with several ambulances to take the injured thugs and cops lying on the ground away.

The police cars sounded their sirens and cleared the way ahead, while the van carrying Zhang Ziwen and the two girls whizzed towards the police station.

The two girls didn't understand why Zhang Ziwen kept shaking his head and smiling bitterly in the van. They didn't know that Zhang Ziwen had just been released from detention earlier this evening, and it had only been a few hours since then.

Zhang Ziwen checked his watch. It was not yet midnight. Damn, my birthday isn't over yet and I'm already back in trouble. Today is just inexplicably unlucky.

Inside the city police station, Tang Shu and Chen Ya were taken to a room by a police officer to give their statements, while Zhang Ziwen was locked in another small room with iron bars on the windows and door. Clearly, they considered Zhang Ziwen an extremely dangerous criminal. His hands remained handcuffed, and he was strapped to a specially made chair. The room's decor was similar to the interrogation room in the detention center. Zhang Ziwen thought to himself that at least it was likely they would interrogate him immediately tonight, and he wouldn't have to spend the night like yesterday.