
Beast Taming

DJROM · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


As the Little Fox had already instructed Giles previously, Giles had never thought of asking Hash about the problem with his left arm.

After finding out that the Little Fox could treat the injuries on his left arm, Giles' attention had been mainly focused on how to solve the problem of the Metal-feathered Eagle's incomplete evolution.

However, to his surprise, Hash noticed the injury on his left arm. Furthermore, her tone had become much gentler.

"I do have a method."

Hearing Giles' question, Hash snapped out of it and looked at Giles with interest.

"Giles, when you mentioned the 'Absorbing Vine' skill earlier, I could tell that you have a certain level of understanding towards the plant-attribute skills."

"I'll test you on a question now. If you can answer it, I guarantee that I can treat your left arm."

Hash's suggestion intrigued Giles. He didn't care whether Hash would help him treat the wound on his left arm.

The main reason was that Hash seemed to have a pretty good impression of him now. If he could build a good relationship with Hash, an Elite Beast Tamer, it would be convenient for him to look for her to ask her questions in the future.

At the thought of this, Giles' lips curled up slightly as he nodded at Hash.

"No problem, Your Excellency. Please ask."

Hash turned around and patted the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle that was resting on its back.

"What is the most famous proverb related to the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle?"

Upon hearing this question, Giles answered without any hesitation, "The entire body of the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle is filled with treasures."

After subconsciously uttering this answer that even children knew, Giles instantly understood what Hash meant.

"Your Excellency Haxi, is there any fruit or herb on your Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle that can treat my left arm?"

Other than growing some mushrooms and moss on its body, the turtle shell on its back could also grow some herbs. As for its tree-like tail, it could also bloom and bear fruits as the seasons passed.

Furthermore, be it mushrooms, moss, herbs, or fruits, they were all nurtured by the spiritual energy in the body of the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle. Therefore, they were very beneficial to the consumer's body.

This was also the reason why the saying "the entire body of the alligator snapping turtle is filled with treasures" had been around for a long time.


After hearing Giles' answer to her question, Hash smiled and snapped her fingers at Giles to congratulate him on getting it right.

With that said, Hash turned around and climbed onto the turtle shell of the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle. She pulled out a few herbs that were rather eye-catching.

Under the sunlight, the dark-blue herbs emitted wisps of mist, as if they had been roasted by the sun.

Hash skillfully tied the herbs into a bunch and threw them to Giles, who was standing below.

"Giles, this is your reward. Catch this bunch of Pulse Condensation Herb."

"Oh, okay."

Although Giles was surprised that Hash would give him the herb so directly, he still caught the Pulse Condensation Herb that Hash threw over. Then, he examined the Pulse Condensation Herb in his hand.

"This is the Pulse Condensation Herb?"

The Pulse Condensation Herb was dark blue in color, but its icicle-like roots were gradually turning a light blue. There were also several patterns that looked like spiritual energy had frozen on them.

Furthermore, under the scorching sun at noon, Giles could feel a chill coming from the stalk of Pulse Condensation Herb in his hand.

Although Giles could sense through the spiritual energy emitted by the Pulse Condensation Herb that the Pulse Condensation Herb was no ordinary herb, he did not have a deep understanding of the effects of the Pulse Condensation Herb as most of the herbs he usually came into contact with were Bronze and Silver-rank.

He only knew that the Pulse Condensation Herb was a Gold-rank herb and that the medicine made from it had the ability to stop bleeding.

Just as Giles had his head lowered while thinking about what other effects the Pulse Condensation Herb had, Hash, who was sitting on the back of the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle, swung his legs and told him the answer.

"Although the Pulse Condensation Herb looks hard, as long as you inject some spiritual energy into it, it will quickly soften."

"At that time, you can grind all these Pulse Condensation Herb into a paste and smear the paste on your wounds before you sleep every night."

"In this way, it can repair the damaged blood vessels on your left arm. Furthermore, the Pulse Condensation Herb can also guide the absorption of spiritual energy."

"Therefore, you don't have to worry about any accidents happening when you absorb the spiritual energy."

So it's like that…

After learning about the effects of the Pulse Condensation Herb, Giles understood why Hash had given him the Pulse Condensation Herb.

If he wanted to resolve the injuries on his left arm from the source, it would not be as simple as healing the wounds on his left arm. Instead, he would have to find a way to absorb all the spiritual energy in his left arm.

Otherwise, even if the wound had completely healed, it would have burst open again due to the sudden explosion of spiritual energy, resulting in a new wound.

Also, if the spiritual energy in his left arm was to explode again, not only would the wound on his left arm be torn open, his entire left arm might also explode and his internal organs might be injured.

Giles recalled the instructions the Little Fox had given him previously. In fact, it was the same as Hash's intentions.

The method they proposed was to allow the wound on Giles' left arm to heal as much as possible. Then, they would guide Giles to absorb the remaining spiritual energy in his left arm.

It was just that the Little Fox used the spiritual energy released by its healing skill as a guide, while Hash used the Pulse Condensation Herb as a carrier to guide the spiritual energy.

"Since the method that Hash proposed is similar to Little Fox's, I can ask Little Fox later if I can use both methods."

With this in mind, Giles placed the stalk of Pulse Condensation Herb in his hand into his spatial wristband before thanking Hash, who was sitting on the back of the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle.

"Thank you, Your Excellency. If you need any help in the future, you can come to Starlux Gym to look for me."

While thanking Hash, Giles also made a promise to him. After all, Hash had helped him several times today.

Firstly, when he was unaware of it in the morning, she had helped him deal with the dispute at the Beast Tamer Association branch.

After coming to Starlux Gym, she had also helped his Metal-feathered Eagle resolve the hidden dangers of the remnant beast cores in its body.

Now, she had been given a bunch of Pulse Condensation Herb that could treat his left arm.

Although it was true that Giles' abilities were limited now and he might not be able to help Hash much, the favor Hash had given him today was already etched in his heart.

"Giles, don't be so polite."

Regarding Giles' promise, Hash just continued to shake her leg, not taking it to heart at all.

However, she still reminded Giles to improve his strength as soon as possible, "But you have to increase your strength first. Don't wait until I really look to you for help. You haven't even reached the Gold rank yet."

Aside from work reasons, the reason Hash helped Giles today was mostly because she admired and respected Giles.

After all, no matter which era it was, there were very few Beast Tamers like Giles who dared to risk their lives for their spirit beasts.After Hash explained the effect of the Pulse Condensation Herb, she relaxed her entire body and fell back, lying comfortably on the lawn on the back of the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle.

The Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle could also sense that Hash was lying down. Its tree-like tail curled forward, blocking out the sun for Hash who was lying on its back.

"Mr Rex, I've already made a trip to the last gym in the base City today."

"I should be almost done with work. Can I take a nap?"

Although Rex addressed Hash respectfully in name, Hash's rank and status were not much higher than Rex's.

Furthermore, Rex was also an Epic-rank Beast Tamer, so Hash was very respectful to Rex, who was her elder.

Even the way she spoke to Rex was like how her granddaughter was whining to her grandfather. She did not have the air of an Elite Beast Tamer at all.

"No problem, Your Excellency. Let's go back to the Beast Tamer Association's Branch to have lunch now. You can sleep for a while on the way."

Seeing that Hash was very clear about differentiating business and personal matters, Rex wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

Previously, when Hash solemnly said that Starlux Gym was to be closed, he was extremely nervous.

Furthermore, when Giles stared at Hash and asked her why she was using the 'Absorption Vines', he grew even more afraid that Hash would flare up on the spot.

Fortunately, Giles, as a qualified Beast Tamer, won Hash's admiration. He did not bring Hash to Starlux Gym in vain today.

Not only did Hash help Giles' Metal-feathered Eagle resolve the problem of its incomplete evolution, but she also gave Giles a stalk of Pulse Condensation Herb that could treat the injury on his left arm.

However, Giles' identity as the 'Acting Gym Leader' had not been confirmed yet. Instead, it had caused Starlux Gym to close indefinitely, causing Rex to feel guilty towards Giles.

"Giles, you can go back to the gym first. In the next few days, we'll temporarily open the training area of the gym like Her Excellency Hash said."

Rex looked a little embarrassed when he said this to Giles and he sounded very apologetic.

Although this was decided by Hash, he was the one who had brought Hash to Starlux Gym.

Moreover, he hadn't expected so many accidents to have happened to Giles during this period.

Giles could tell that Rex felt apologetic towards him, and he also knew that Rex had done what he did today out of goodwill.

However, he actually didn't care about the identity of the 'Acting Gym Leader'. He was more concerned about other problems.

"Your Excellency, before you leave, I would like to ask, why didn't Starlux Gym receive the notice that it would be closed in advance?"

"Since the other gym leaders rushed to the Beast Tamer Association's district branches this morning, it means that Starlux Gym was the only exception."

"Logically speaking, when the staff of the Beast Tamer Association gave the notice in advance, they definitely wouldn't make such a low-level mistake."

"After thinking about it, I can only think of one reason. That is, the Beast Tamer Association doesn't want me to know why they closed the gym."

Giles chose this moment to raise the question that had been buried in his heart for a long time because he realized that Hash seemed to have a pretty good impression of him.

Although Giles had already made a rough guess about the reason why the Beast Tamer Association had all the Beast-taming Gyms close one by one, he still needed Hash to give him a general direction.

This was because in Giles' opinion, the Beast Tamer Association's sudden announcement that all Beast-taming Gyms would be closed one after another was most likely related to the future development of the Beast-taming Gyms. He could not let Starlux Gym fall behind other Beast-taming Gyms in this regard.

For Giles, Starlux Gym was a home he had grown up in. Now that Gym Leader Alice was not in Starlux Gym, even if Giles was not the "Acting Gym Leader", he had to be responsible for the future of Starlux Gym.

Rex was standing beside Giles, ready to head back to the Beast Tamer Association's Branch with Hash.

After hearing Giles' question, he stopped in his tracks and frowned.

Although he was also very curious as to why the Beast Tamer Association had made all the Beast-taming Gyms close their doors, he was, after all, a Commander of the City Guards who belonged to the Beast Tamer Alliance. He did not have the right to ask about any arrangements made by the Beast Tamer Association.

"Ahem. Your Excellency, I'll head over to the Beast Tamer Association's Branch first and get them to prepare lunch in advance."

As Giles' question concerned the internal arrangements of the Beast Tamer Association, Rex also realized that it was not suitable for him to stay here.

He coughed and raised his head to look at Hash who had just sat up on the back of the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle. He proposed for him to head back to the Beast Tamer Association's District Branch first.

"Mr Rex, it's alright. You don't have to leave in a hurry."

Giles' heart sank when he heard Hash stop Rex, who was about to avoid the topic.

He had chosen this moment to raise the question because Rex was the Commander of the City Guards of the Beast Tamer Alliance.

Whether Hash let Rex avoid the question after hearing it was the standard for Giles to gauge if he could hear the answer from Hash.

If Hash allowed Rex to leave first, it would mean that she planned to tell him the insider information of the Beast Tamer Association, but if it was the current situation…

With this in mind, Giles looked up at Hash, who was shaking her legs on the back of the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle.

After Hash stopped Rex, who was about to leave, she turned around and began to blame Giles.

"Giles, can't you let me have a good nap?" Hash said while scratching her head resignedly.

"Giles, seriously, you surprised me a lot today."

"However, regarding the reason as to why the Beast Tamer Association is closing all the Beast-taming Gyms one by one, the information I have is actually only slightly more than yours."

"For example, I know why the Beast Tamer Association didn't inform your Starlux Gym."

Even an Elite Beast Tamer doesn't know much about this matter?

Giles couldn't help but frown at Hash's answer.

From the tone of Hash's reply, Hash didn't seem to be lying to him.

Giles then continued the topic that Hash threw out.

"I just checked the official account of our Starlux Gym, and indeed, I didn't receive any notice about the gym closure. Why is that?"

"The reason is very simple…" Hash yawned as she spoke.

"That is, when the Beast Tamer Association notified the Beast-taming Gyms in advance, they did not send it to the official account of the Beast-taming Gyms, but to the personal account of the Gym Leaders of the Beast-taming Gyms."

"Therefore, just like you said earlier, the Beast Tamer Association indeed doesn't want you to know the reason for closing the gym."

"And it's not just you. Other than the Gym Leaders, no one knows why the other Beast-taming Gyms are temporarily closed."

"As for the specific reason, everyone will only know when the other Beast-taming Gyms are opened."

"Your Excellency Hash, thank you for explaining it to me."

Hearing Hash's explanation, Giles nodded slightly.

The situation was similar to what he had imagined. The reason as to why the Beast Tamer Association had the Beast-taming Gyms close one after another, was probably highly confidential.

The reason why Starlux Gym did not receive the Beast Tamer Association's gym closure notice in advance was because the notice had been sent directly to Alice, the Gym Leader of Starlux Gym.

At that moment, Gym Leader Alice was not in Starlux Gym. Even if she had received the notice, she could not have rushed to the Beast Tamer Association to maintain order during the dispute.

However, what confused Giles was that Gym Leader Alice hadn't contacted him recently.

Now that she was faced with such a huge matter of Starlux Gym closing, she actually did not tell him after receiving the notice.

Did something happen to Gym Leader Alice?

When this thought appeared in his mind, Giles decided to find a time to contact Alice later.

"Giles, I told you not to be so polite. Don't call me Your Excellency Hash."

After her impression of Giles changed, Hash felt a little strange when she heard Giles address her as 'Your Excellency'.

"Alice and I were born in the same year. I should be only two or three years older than you. You can just call me Sister Hash."

Giles was thinking of ways to contact Gym Leader Alice later. When he heard Hash mention Gym Leader Alice's age, Giles suddenly picked up a clue.

He tried to remember some of the things that Hash had said previously, until he remembered the first sentence that Hash said when she arrived at Starlux Gym, "Is this Alice's Starlux Gym?"

Realization dawned on Giles as he recalled where he had heard the name 'Hash' before.

If he remembered correctly, Hash should be a university classmate of Alice's from the Beast Tamer University in the nearby Flange City.

The two of them were friends who had lived in the same dorm for four years and were also competitors in various projects in university.

Therefore, every time Alice came back from college on a long vacation, she would talk to Giles about some of her and Hash's exploits.

It was said that the two of them had made a bet that they would see whose achievements were greater three years after graduation.

Giles had no idea what they had bet on.

However, Alice chose to return to Starlux Gym after graduating from university and became the Gym Leader of Starlux Gym in less than three years.

Hash, on the other hand, seemed to be a local from Flange City. Therefore, after Alice graduated and left Flange City, the two of them temporarily stopped all contact because of that bet.

However, what Giles did not expect was that Hash, whom Gym Leader Alice would always mention to him when she was reminiscing about her university life, had now become the youngest Elite Beast Tamer and had even come to their base city to take office.

After realising who Hash was, Giles looked up at Hash, who was shaking her legs on the back of the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle, and asked tentatively, "Sister Hash, were you Alice's university classmate back in Flange City?"

"Huh? Alice actually mentioned me to you?"

When Hash heard Giles call her by a new nickname and was even asking if she was Alice's university classmate, she immediately became excited.

She turned her head and waved at Rex, gesturing for him to head back to the Beast Tamer Association first to prepare lunch.

"Mr Rex, I'll have to trouble you to head back to the Beast Tamer Association's Branch first. By the way, just prepare a vegetable salad for me for lunch."

Although Rex was surprised that Hash and Alice were classmates in college, he knew that the next topic would probably be about Hash's personal matters.

Furthermore, since Hash had taken the initiative to ask him to go back first, it was not convenient for him to stay here.

Rex sighed in his heart after saying goodbye to Hash and Giles.

As expected of the top Beast Tamer University in Florida.

They actually nurtured Alice, the Gym Leader of Starlux Gym, and the youngest Elite Beast Tamer, Hash.

"Sister Hash, when Gym Leader Alice was in university, every time she returned to the gym during the holidays, she would mention the competition and exploits between the two of you."

Seeing that Rex had left after saying goodbye, Giles reassuredly recounted Alice and Hash's experiences, "I heard from Gym Leader Alice that she and Sister Hash competed almost a thousand times in the four years you were in university, but the results were pretty much a 50-50 split."

When it came to winning or losing, Giles had especially kept it to himself that Gym Leader Alice would always say that hers and Hash's wins and losses were a 60-40 split, with her win rate reaching up to sixty percent.

When Hash heard Giles mention the numbers of wins and losses in her matches with Alice, she also smiled.

"Don't lie to me, Giles. I know as much about Alice as you do."

"Based on her personality, even if our wins and losses are not much different, as long as she wins a few more matches than me, she will say it's a 60-40 split rather than a 50-50 split."

Seeing that Hash had exposed him the moment she opened his mouth, Giles scratched his head awkwardly.

Hash smiled as she sat on the back of the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle and swung her long legs.

She felt that Giles, who had looked serious and stern previously, was a little cute when he looked embarrassed.

"Giles, you've already called me Sister Hash, so don't add a 'Gym Leader' to the name when you call Alice."

"Speaking of which, isn't she your elder sister who grew up with you?"

"Oh, this…"

Upon hearing Hash mention this problem, Giles frankly revealed his relationship with Alice.

"Actually, I was adopted by the previous Gym Leader. I should be considered Alice's family."

When Giles mentioned his "family," he also stopped joking.

Recalling that he hadn't contacted Alice in a long time, he felt a little worried.

Even if Alice had the strength of an Epic-rank Beast Tamer, she was investigating a Mythic-rank spirit beast after all.

He wondered what was going on with Alice now.

At the thought of this, Giles probed, "Sister Hash, when Alice left Starlux Gym previously, she told me that she was going to investigate the traces of Mythic-rank spirit beasts."

"Many days have passed now. I listened to her arrangements previously and didn't contact her."

"However, this time, we encountered such a huge matter of the gym being closed temporarily. Even though she received the news from the Beast Tamer Association in advance, she didn't contact me to make any preparations."

"Sister Hash, when you return to the Beast Tamer Association's branch, can you help me contact Alice?""Giles, you really don't have to worry about Alice at all."

Seeing that Giles was worried about Alice's safety, Hash's tone became much more serious.

"Our Beast Tamer Association can ensure that Alice had received the notice of the gym closure in advance, but it's indeed not convenient for her to contact us now."

"I was also entrusted by the Beast Tamer Association to rush to the Beast Tamer Association's branch this morning to help the City Guards maintain order on behalf of Alice, who couldn't make it."

"As for the investigation team that Alice is in, ever since they fought with the Beast Blood Sect, which is also investigating Mythic-rank spirit beasts, the investigation team has changed."

"I don't know the exact number of people, but all the Gold-rank Beast Tamers in the team have been withdrawn. The team is filled with at least Epic-rank Beast Tamers. It's said that there are a few Legend-rank Beast Tamers leading the team."

When he heard from Hash that there were several Legend-rank Beast Tamers in the investigation team, Giles heaved a sigh of relief.

A Legend-rank Beast Tamer had the ability to protect a city under the impact of a beast tide on their own.

With several Legend-rank Beast Tamers as the leaders of the investigation team, even if they were no match for Mythic-rank spirit beasts, they could ensure that all the investigators could escape unscathed.

"Hah, since there's Legend-rank Beast Tamers leading the team, I can rest assured."

"In that case, Mr Giles, can I go back to the Beast Tamer Association's branch to eat my vegetable salad?"

Hash suddenly switched to the tone of a subordinate asking her superior, leaving Giles at a loss.


Giles then snapped out of it. He had troubled Hash a lot today.

"Sister Hash, it's been hard on you today. Take care."

"Alright, alright. Don't be so polite. Close the door of the gym first. I'll tell you if there's any news from Alice."

Hash raised her hand and broke a leaf from the tree tail that the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle had used to shield her from the sun.

He watched as she lay on the lawn on the back of the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle and used the leaf as a fan and began to fan herself.

"Let's head back, Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle."

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

As the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle began to move, another slight vibration came from under Giles' feet.

Giles watched as the Tree-tailed Alligator Snapping Turtle gradually disappeared into the distance. He couldn't help but feel curious.

Why is Hash's style so different from what Alice described previously?

In Alice's description, Giles had always thought that Hash was a hardworking genius.

Hence, when he first saw the sleepy Hash today, he did not recognize her.

Did something happen to Hash in the three years after they graduated from university that made her become so lazy and nonchalant?

"Hah, so many things have happened today…"

Giles closed the door of Starlux Gym and returned to his little wooden hut in the spirit-beast section.

"Fortunately, most of it is more or less resolved."

Giles took out pen and paper and began drafting his training plan.

Next up, the most important thing is to train the Metal-feathered Eagle and improve my strength.

Meanwhile, after seeing Giles return to the gym and close the door behind him, Hash, who was looking relaxed and content, fanned herself with the leaf and lamented subconsciously, "Alice, oh Alice, your younger brother has given me a huge surprise."

Even if Rex did not take the initiative to bring her to Starlux Gym today, she would have asked Rex to lead the way because she still had the mission from the Beast Tamer Association.

Initially, Hash was very excited when she received the notification from the Beast Tamer Association that she was going to Starlux Gym.

This was because she knew that her competitor, Alice, was the Gym Leader of Starlux Gym. Now that there was less than half a year left until the end of their three-year bet, she, who was already an Elite Beast Tamer, wanted to announce her victory to Alice in advance.

However, she did not expect that the reason the Beast Tamer Association wanted her to go to Starlux Gym was because the investigation team that Alice, the Gym Leader of Starlux Gym, was in, had suddenly lost contact with them when they were investigating the traces of Mythic-rank spirit beasts in the Hengduan Mountain Range.

Although the Beast Tamer Association had already contacted the local Beast Tamer Alliance to send out Legend-rank Beast Tamers to investigate, it was impossible for Starlux Gym to not have a Gym Leader for such a long time.

Therefore, after the Beast Tamer Association learned that the Elite Beast Tamer, Haxi, who had just gone to Yin City, was Gym Leader Alice's university classmate, they asked her to evaluate whether Giles, who was the dark horse representing Starlux Gym, had the ability to become the Gym Leader of Starlux Gym.

However, a few days ago, when she first arrived at this base city, Hash had met with the other Gym Leaders.

Among all the Gym Leaders, only Giles, the so-called "Acting Gym Leader," was not at Starlux Gym.

As a result, she had no choice but to come to Starlux Gym to specially meet Giles to complete the mission from the Beast Tamer Association.

After Hash broke through to the Epic rank, the power she came into contact with was the Dreamland Power of Nature.

In order to enter the Legend rank as soon as possible, she needed to spend more than half of her time sleeping every day.

Her trip to Starlux Gym had actually taken up quite a bit of her time, so her initial impression of Giles was actually quite bad.

The dark horse that won the championship in the Beast-taming Gym Tournament? A 23-year-old Epic-rank Beast Tamer? That sounds impressive.

However, in Hash's view, Giles, as the 'Acting Gym Leader', had not been at Starlux Gym for so many days. Just this point was enough to make Hash disqualify Giles from being the Gym Leader.

But what Hash did not expect was that although Giles was not even a Gold-rank Beast Tamer now, whether it was his character or his attitude towards spirit beasts, he was already a qualified Beast Tamer. He was completely in line with the requirements of being the Gym Leader.

"Sigh, when we get back to the Beast Tamer Association's branch, I still have to watch the recording of Giles participating in the Beast-taming Gym Tournament to determine his ability to command spirit beasts."

"If his commanding ability also passes, then next, I just have to think of a way to increase Giles' strength to the Gold rank and help him train his spirit beasts. Then, I can directly let him become the Gym Leader of Starlux Gym."

Hash, who was talking to herself about arranging her own work, suddenly smiled.

Although the Beast Tamer Association couldn't get in touch with Alice's investigation team, Hash, who regarded Alice as a competitor, was not worried about Alice.

For Alice to be able to quickly advance to the Epic rank and become the Gym Leader of Starlux Gym in less than three years, she must have come across some fortuitous encounter like her.

"Alice, I wonder what your expression will be when you return to Starlux Gym and see that Giles is already the Gym Leader."The sun rose in the east and the sky turned white.

The first ray of morning sunlight penetrated through the dome of the greenhouse in the spirit-beast section and illuminated the small wooden hut in the forest.

Feeling the sunlight coming through the crack in the window, Giles' closed eyes lifted slightly.

Giles, who was gradually waking up, slowly raised his left hand to block out the sunlight.

Then, he opened his eyes slightly and propped himself up with his right arm before sitting up on the bed.

Just as Giles was about to get up and wash up, he suddenly realized that his legs were numb.

Rubbing his eyes gently with his hand, Giles found the Little Fox sleeping on his blanket with its head on his leg.


Looking at the sleeping Little Fox, Giles sighed softly.

He had actually been wanting to make a nest for Little Fox all this while.

However, for some reason, the Little Fox stuck to him when it slept.

Therefore, every day when Giles woke up, he could see the scene of the Little Fox sleeping on his leg.

However, even though he was sighing, Giles was already familiar with the current situation.

He slowly reached his hands under the blanket and gently lifted the Little Fox up. Then, he quietly moved his legs away from the Little Fox's body.

After moving his legs completely away from the Little Fox, Giles placed the Little Fox on the bed again and slowly pulled out his hands.

Seeing that the Little Fox didn't show any signs of waking up, Giles, who was holding his breath, slowly heaved a sigh of relief.

He knew very well that this little princess' temper was much bigger than her body.

However, looking at the cute Little Fox who was sleeping soundly, Giles, who wanted to take a tinge of "revenge", couldn't help but touch her.

As for the Little Fox, it merely wagged its tail nonchalantly at Giles' caress before curling up and falling asleep in a different posture.

When his numb legs gradually regained consciousness, Giles got up and washed up.

After Giles washed up, he had just put down his cup and toothbrush when he heard a gentle knock on the wooden door.

Giles' first reaction when he heard the knock on the door was to turn around and look at the clock on the table.

[Morning, 5:26]

"Alright, two minutes earlier today than the day before."

After silently making this evaluation, Giles tiptoed to the door and opened it.

Looking at the heaving chest of the Metal-feathered Eagle standing outside the door, Giles reached out his right hand and stroked its head approvingly.

"You did well, Metal-feathered Eagle. You were two minutes earlier than yesterday."

"Right now, the timing you take to fly ten rounds around the entire Starlux Gym has more or less stabilised to less than thirty minutes."

The Metal-feathered Eagle comfortably enjoyed the Giles' caress. Then, it proposed the next training program to Giles.

"Giles, let's go and run now!"

"No problem, but I have to stretch my entire body first to prevent any leg cramps during the run," Giles said as he walked out of the wooden hut and began to stretch himself at the door.

Seeing this, the Metal-feathered Eagle mimicked Giles' actions and stretched its four claws.

"Metal-feathered Eagle, did you lose your balance during your recent flights?"

While he was still stretching, Giles asked about the Metal-feathered Eagle's recent flight status.

On the same afternoon that Rex brought Hash to Starlux Gym, Giles came up with a training plan based on the Metal-feathered Eagle's body.

From the next day on, Giles, with his left arm that had yet to recover, had been supervising the training of the Metal-feathered Eagle from five o'clock in the morning.

As for why he woke up so early to train, it was also because Starlux Gym was in the same situation as the other Beast-taming Gyms.

Although the gym was temporarily closed under the Beast Tamer Association's notice, the training area of the gym was still opened to other Beast Tamers for their spirit beasts' training as usual.

Therefore, from 7a.m. to 7p.m. every day, Giles' main focus was still on managing the training ground for Starlux Gym.

Although he could also find time to use the training ground to train the Metal-feathered Eagle during this period, the effect of this training was actually not as good as him waking up early in the morning and focusing on training the Metal-feathered Eagle.

Furthermore, the Metal-feathered Eagle was also concerned about Giles, who was still injured. The next day, it had wobbled as it mastered the technique of controlling its body's balance while flying.

Thus, from the third day onwards, the Metal-feathered Eagle said that it could steady itself and maintain its flight. It wanted Giles to sleep a little longer, but Giles, who worried about the Metal-feathered Eagle, insisted on getting up early.

It was not until two days later, when the Metal-feathered Eagle could finally flap its wings and agilely perform various movements in the air, that Giles proposed to the Metal-feathered Eagle the next training program for flying. In other words, he would train the Metal-feathered Eagle's endurance by having it fly ten rounds around the entire Starlux Gym.

Now, it had been two weeks since Giles returned to Starlux Gym, and the time it took for the Metal-feathered Eagle to fly ten rounds around Starlux Gym had gradually reduced from the initial forty to fifty minutes to less than half an hour.

"I didn't. Right now, flying ten rounds around Starlux Gym is just a warm-up for me."

As the Metal-feathered Eagle had already flown ten rounds, it took much less time than Giles to stretch its body in its warmed-up state.

As if to prove its flying ability, the Metal-feathered Eagle flapped its wings and flew into the air.

It began to display all kinds of flying skills in front of Giles – spinning, rising, turning sideways, and coming to an abrupt stop.

Looking at the various flying techniques displayed by the Metal-feathered Eagle, Giles felt very pleased.

In the two weeks that he had been training the Metal-feathered Eagle, not only had its various abilities improved, but he had also gradually regained his pride as a Beast Tamer.

Presently, he was no longer the silly kid that had relied on telling stories to forcefully increase the strength of his spirit beasts.

Even if his current strength had yet to reach the Gold rank that Hash mentioned, he was still a genuine Silver-rank Beast Tamer.

He was not the lucky one who had obtained an Epic-rank Beast Tamer badge by relying on a few powerful spirit beasts.

"Okay, I can tell that you're in a warmed-up state."

Seeing the Metal-feathered Eagle steadily stop in front of him and lower its head to ask for a pet, Giles, who had just finished his warm-up exercises, habitually stroked its head.

"By the way, about the remaining beast cores in your body, do you still feel any discomfort when you absorb them through the vine belt?"

When it heard Giles ask about the remaining beast-core energy in its body, the Metal-feathered Eagle suddenly became excited.

"Giles, after flying around the entire Starlux Gym ten times today, the remaining beast core spiritual energy in my body was finally fully absorbed by the vine belt!"

"Oh? Is that so? Let me see!"

Giles was also happy for the Metal-feathered Eagle when he heard the news.

He quickly squatted down and checked the Metal-feathered Eagle's vine belt.

During the past two weeks, every time the Metal-feathered Eagle absorbed spiritual energy, he would stand aside cautiously in a nervous mood, ready to deal with the situation of its spiritual energy losing control.

Now that the Metal-feathered Eagle had told him that all its spiritual energy had been absorbed by the vine belt, he could finally relax.

Giles realized that the vine belt was in a fully-charged state as usual and there was nothing unusual about it, so he reminded the Metal-feathered Eagle, "Metal-feathered Eagle, as long as you slowly absorb the spiritual energy in the vine belt, you can try to break through to the Gold rank."

"Therefore, you must not be anxious now. Let's continue training steadily. You will definitely break through in the next few days!"

The Metal-feathered Eagle nodded. Ever since the last accident, it would not act rashly on its own.

"Okay! Giles, I'll listen to you!"

Giles slowly stood up and pointed towards the exit of the spirit-beast section.

"In that case, let's begin the next training program. We'll run three laps around Starlux Gym!"At the core of the series of training plans that Giles had come up with, the most important thing was to use these training sessions to help the Metal-feathered Eagle overcome the problems it faced due to its incomplete evolution.

For example, having the Metal-feathered Eagle fly around Starlux Gym ten times a day was to train its balance and endurance.

He had taught it flying skills to train its reaction speed and control.

As for Giles, he was running with the Metal-feathered Eagle now because he realized that after the Metal-feathered Eagle grew its two arms, its body shape had already met the requirements of a "human-shaped spirit beast".

"Human-shaped spirit beasts" were as their name suggested, no matter how large they were, their bodies were similar to that of humans.

Therefore, 'human-shaped spirit beasts' could more or less learn the combat skills invented by humans during the initial period of the spiritual energy resurgence to fight against the ferocious beasts.

After Giles asked the Metal-feathered Eagle about its opinion, he realized how determined it was to become as strong as the Garuda in the story.

Thus, while Giles was drafting a training plan for the Metal-feathered Eagle, he had already begun to lay the foundation for the Metal-feathered Eagle's future learning of combat skills.

Due to its incomplete evolution, the Metal-feathered Eagle's claws on its chest not only affected its flying balance, but also its running balance.

Therefore, Giles' first step in laying the foundation for the Metal-feathered Eagle was to train it to run on its hind legs.

This was the same reason why the Metal-feathered Eagle flew around the Starlux Gym. It was to train its balance and endurance.

"Metal-feathered Eagle, it's been two weeks since we started waking up in the morning to run."

Giles and the Metal-feathered Eagle ran around Starlux Gym three times before returning to the spirit-beast section. On the way to the wooden hut in the forest, Giles couldn't help but praise the Metal-feathered Eagle, "Your improvements have been evident over the past two weeks. You can almost catch up with me now."

Although the Metal-feathered Eagle had absorbed most of the remaining beast core energy in its body over the past two weeks, its body did not change much.

It was a little taller, but it was still only about a meter tall. It just about reached Giles' waist.

Therefore, when it ran with Giles, it had to take two or three steps for every step that Giles took.

Otherwise, even if Giles had been jogging, it would not have been able to keep up with Giles' pace.

The reason Giles praised the Metal-feathered Eagle for its obvious improvement was not just because its speed had increased.

"Yeah, Giles. Two weeks ago, I could barely walk, let alone run."

After hearing Giles' praise, the Metal-feathered Eagle's eyes narrowed into slits.

Hearing that the Metal-feathered Eagle mentioned two weeks ago, Giles recalled his first run with the Metal-feathered Eagle.

The running plan that he had designed for the Metal-feathered Eagle was divided into several stages. Now, "Running three laps around Starlux Gym" was the second stage of "endurance training," while the first stage was "Balance Training".

When Giles first brought the Metal-feathered Eagle to do a hundred-meter sprint, he had looked back when he reached the finishing point. The Metal-feathered Eagle, which was wobbling on its feet, could not run at all.

As long as it took a larger step, it would lose its balance and fall over.

Thus, Giles patiently began by teaching the Metal-feathered Eagle how to walk.

It was only then that he realized the main problem with the Metal-feathered Eagle's inability to control its balance while walking.

That was, it still couldn't control the way its arms moved as it walked.

As a result, whether it was walking or running, it would lose its balance and fall to the side because its hands and feet on the same side of the body move at the same time as it walked.

Therefore, in order to solve the Metal-feathered Eagle balancing problem, Giles spent two to three days correcting its walking posture.

Until last week, the Metal-feathered Eagle could finally maintain its balance when it walked and ran.

Although it wasn't running very quickly at that time and Giles had to wait for it at the finishing point for three to four seconds after their hundred-meter sprint,

Giles would always stand at the finishing point and smile at the comical sight of the clumsy Metal-feathered Eagle trying to run.

However, it was not a mocking smile, but a smile that encouraged the Metal-feathered Eagle.

Just like that, after two weeks of hard work by Giles and the Metal Feather Eagle, the Metal Feather Eagle gradually went from being unable to walk steadily to gradually catching up to Giles with its running speed.

Furthermore, after it could control its body's balance, it successfully entered the second stage of Giles' running plan, which was "Running three laps around Starlux Gym".

As a training ground mainly for Beast Tamers and spirit beasts, Starlux Gym was similar to other Beast-taming Gyms and was divided into several areas.

Therefore, be it Starlux Gym or other Beast-taming Gyms, the area they occupied was not small. It could basically be considered a large park with all kinds of equipment.

In fact, a Beast-taming Gym that was completely developed and in operation, could be considered a theme park with a different style.

It could also be a unique sight-seeing spot in the base city and had a certain value in touring it.

After running three rounds around Starlux Gym, Giles' clothes were already drenched in sweat.

The chest of the Metal-feathered Eagle, which was following behind him, rose and fell incessantly as it breathed in the fresh air in the spirit-beast section.

Seeing that Giles' bandaged left hand was dripping with sweat, the Metal-feathered Eagle went over to Giles and asked worriedly, "Giles, how are the injuries on your left arm?"

"This? Didn't I mention this once last week? The wound on my left arm has pretty much healed."

Giles raised his left arm and waved it at the Metal-feathered Eagle twice.

"But because I have to absorb spiritual energy through applying the Pulse Condensation Grass every day, I have to constantly replace it with new gauze."

"Ah! We're here!"

As they chatted along the way, Giles and the Metal-feathered Eagle returned to the door of the wooden hut.

"Shh! Let's be softer. It's still early. Little Fox might not be awake yet."

Giles gestured at the Metal-feathered Eagle to communicate telepathically if it had anything to say.

Then, Giles reached out his right hand and patted the Metal-feathered Eagle on the head.

"I'll go in and wipe off my sweat first. Wait for me at the door."

"When I come out, we'll go to the evaluation area to continue the remaining training segments."

Seeing the Metal-feathered Eagle nod obediently, Giles turned around, opened the door, and walked into the wooden hut.

Just as he took off his clothes and was about to wipe his body with a towel, the Little Fox's voice rang out from the bed behind him.

"So do you still want to continue with the rehabilitation training for your left arm today?""That's right. It has already gone on for a week. We can't give up halfway, right?"

Giles wasn't surprised to hear Little Fox's voice coming from behind him. Instead, he continued to wipe his body with a towel.

From the first day he started raining the Metal-feathered Eagle, the Little Fox would pretty much be awake by the time he ran back to the wooden hut in the morning.

The reason why the Little Fox woke up so early with Giles and the others was also to help Giles treat the injuries on his left arm.

Every night before going to sleep, Giles would smear the paste of the Pulse Condensation Herb on the wound on his left arm, as Hash had instructed.

When the paste completely solidified on the wound, the medicine would take effect.

Therefore, the next morning was the best opportunity for the Little Fox and Giles to heal his left arm and guide his spiritual energy.

Under the Little Fox's treatment and guidance, Giles' body had also improved greatly after two weeks of continuous exercise.

The most obvious manifestation was that his originally thin and weak body had become muscular and powerful. Furthermore, the wounds on his left arm had almost healed.

Hence, starting from last week, Giles had begun training his left arm.

After wiping off all the sweat on his body, Giles began to skillfully remove the gauze on his left arm.

As strips of gauze with dark blue paste fell to the ground, Giles' injured left arm gradually revealed itself.

The scars that had just healed looked especially ferocious and terrifying against the dark blue paste.

However, Giles pointed to the scar on his left arm and smiled at the Little Fox as he said, "Besides, your treatment and the effect of your rehabilitation training is not bad."


The sleepy Little Fox rubbed its eyes with its two paws and yawned.

"Isn't it because the effect of the paste of the Pulse Condensation Grass that your Sister Hash gave you, is good?"

"My treatment is only based on the foundation of the Pulse Condensation Grass to help you absorb spiritual energy faster."

"You can't say that…"

When he heard that the Little Fox had given all the credit for healing his left arm to Hash, Giles emphasized the importance of the Little Fox's treatment to him, "If you hadn't given my left arm an emergency protective treatment when I was unconscious and helped me guide the spiritual energy in my body after I woke up, I might not have been able to live to see Sister Hash, let alone obtain the Pulse Condensation Grass to treat my left arm."

"I… I only helped to heal you because we're contracted!"

When the Little Fox, who was lying on the bed, heard Giles' words, it suddenly sat up and mentioned her contract with Giles.

Seeming to have realized that its actions were a little too dramatic, the Little Fox paused for a second before calmly analyzing the relationship between Beast Tamers and spirit beasts to Giles, "If your body is destroyed by that violent spiritual energy, I will also be severely injured because of the contract."

However, judging from the way she kept wagging her furry little tail, she was not as calm as she looked.

Moreover, when she was saying these words, she had turned her head to the side and looked out the window, not daring to meet Giles' eyes at all.

When Giles, who was standing at the side, saw the Little Fox behaving like this, he suppressed his smile and washed the towel in his hand before hanging it up.

Seeing that Giles suddenly stopped talking, the Little Fox tried to turn its head and glanced in Giles' direction.

Looking at Giles who was hanging up the towel, the Little Fox couldn't help but feel embarrassed and angry when she realized that her thoughts had been seen through.

"Alright! Since you still insist on continuing with the rehabilitation exercises for your left arm, I won't advise you against it anymore."

"Come here quickly and finish the treatment for guiding the spiritual energy on your left arm. I still need to sleep!"

When he heard the Little Fox starting to change the topic, Giles decided not to expose her.

He walked to the bed and went along with the Little Fox's topic.

"Oh? Aren't you coming to supervise our training today?"

When Giles mentioned the rehabilitation of his left arm to the Little Fox last week, the Little Fox was completely against it.

However, at that time, Giles had also insisted that rehabilitation training could help him to absorb the spiritual energy in his left arm.

Seeing that Giles was so determined, the Little Fox had no choice but to agree.

However, every morning, after she finished the treatment to guide the spiritual energy in Giles' left arm, she would follow Giles to the evaluation section of Starlux Gym.

While Giles did his rehabilitation exercises for his left arm, she, who was standing at the side, was also prepared to deal with him losing control of his spiritual energy at any time.

"I'm not going!"

Although the Little Fox said that she wouldn't supervise Giles in his rehabilitation training, when she saw Giles reaching out his left arm to her, she still slowly opened her narrowed eyes as usual.

As the peach blossom in the Little Fox's eyes glowed faintly, a ball of pale pink spiritual energy enveloped Giles' left arm.

Giles could feel that under the guidance of the Little Fox's spiritual energy, he could use the paste from the Pulse Condensation Herb as a carrier and begin to steadily absorb the spiritual energy in his left arm.

A few seconds later, the pale pink spiritual energy gradually fused into Giles' left arm, which also meant that the treatment to guide the spiritual energy was over.

However, the Little Fox suddenly began to blame Giles, "I've been doing rehabilitation training for your left arm for a week. In the past week, I've been supervising your training every day, but when has the spiritual energy in your left arm ever gone out of control?"

"In any case, I don't care. Even if you tell me to go today, I won't go. I want to make up for my past week's sleep!"

As if to prove its determination to go back to sleep, the Little Fox even stretched out its little paws and wrapped Giles' blanket around itself, leaving only its furry little tail wagging outside the blanket.

The Little Fox's suggestion reminded Giles of a similar situation.

In order to prevent a fire at home, someone had specially bought a fire extinguisher and placed it at home.

In the end, that person realized that even after all the fire extinguishers he had bought had expired, there was still no fire at his house.

"Oh? You're really not going today?"

Looking at the furry little tail swaying in front of his eyes, Giles subconsciously grabbed it and pinched it when he asked the Little Fox.


Accompanied by a cry of surprise, the Little Fox abruptly hid its little tail under the blanket.


Looking at the blanket that kept flapping around on his bed, Giles was momentarily at a loss.

"I'm not going! I'm not going no matter what!"

After the blanket flapped for a few seconds, the Little Fox popped its head out from under the blanket and shook its head vigorously.

"Alright then, hope you have a good sleep."

Seeing the Little Fox's reaction, Giles knew that he couldn't touch her tail anymore.

He waved at the Little Fox and hurriedly walked out of the door.

Before closing the door, Giles, who was standing at the door, even turned around to bid farewell to the little fox, "Goodnight… Oh, that's not right, good morning."


As the door of the wooden hut closed, the entire wooden hut fell into a short silence.

Until the Little Fox pulled the blanket away.

She rubbed her face in frustration.

"Ahhh! Why am I still worried about that guy?!"

"Giles, did you disturb the Little Fox's sleep again?"

On the way from the wooden hut in the spirit-beast section to the Starlux Gym's evaluation section, the Metal-feathered Eagle beside Giles asked this question curiously.

It had been standing outside the wooden hut the entire time, so it wasn't sure what had happened between Giles and the Little Fox.

However, from the Little Fox's sudden exclamation and Giles' embarrassed expression when he came out, Giles had clearly angered the Little Fox.

"Little Fox is your doctor after all. We better not disturb her rest."

"Metal-feathered Eagle, why did you say that I woke her up "again"?"

Hearing the Metal-feathered Eagle suddenly start persuading him earnestly like an adult, Giles also felt that it was a little cute for being so pure.

Over the past two weeks, Giles discovered that the Metal-feathered Eagle and the Little Fox's spirituality were much higher than those of the spirit beast cubs.

If those spirit beast cubs were comparable to human children who were a few years old, then the Metal-feathered Eagle was almost at the level of secondary school students.

As for the Little Fox, Giles felt that she was very mature and calm at times, but at other times, she was like a child who liked to whine and throw tantrums.

"Because this situation has already happened twice this week!"

As the Metal-feathered Eagle spoke, it turned its head to look at Giles and extended two fingers towards Giles with its hand.

"Oh, that's not right. Including today, it should be three times."

After realizing its mistake, the Metal-feathered Eagle quickly corrected itself and extended another finger.


Looking at the Metal-feathered Eagle reminding him that today was already the third time, Giles scratched his head awkwardly.

Then, as if he had discovered something, Giles looked at the three fingers of the Metal-feathered Eagle in surprise.

"Hey! Metal-feathered Eagle, your fingers are already very agile!"

"It's all thanks to you, Giles, that I slowly learned how to control these hands."

The Metal-feathered Eagle clearly didn't realize that Giles' feigned surprise was to change the subject.

As soon as it heard Giles begin to praise its fingers for being more agile than before, it was so happy that it stretched out both hands to Giles and nimbly did the finger exercises Giles had taught it.

Furthermore, the fingers of the Metal-feathered Eagle looked much more dangerous than those of humans.

The reason for that was that the claws on its fingers, which were equivalent to the nails of a human, were as sharp as blades.

Therefore, when it comes to finger exercises, the slightest carelessness could result in an injury.

However, when Giles was teaching the Metal-feathered Eagle how to use its fingers, he realized that the Metal Feather Eagle's sharp claws could actually shrink back like a cat's claws by controlling the muscles in its hands.

After discovering this, the Metal-feathered Eagle would first retract its claw into its finger to prevent it from cutting itself.

Now, the Metal-feathered Eagle could nimbly shrink and release its sharp claws while doing finger exercises.

Under the Metal-feathered Eagle' skillful control of its finger muscles, the danger of it performing finger exercises was no less than playing with several butterfly knives at the same time.

Its shaking fingers and its constantly shrinking claws that were as sharp as blades were like a few fluttering butterflies under the weak sunlight of the morning.

"Okay, based on the current situation, after you break through to the Gold rank, I should be able to try teaching you combat skills."

Giles nodded in appreciation when he saw that the Metal-feathered Eagle could already play tricks with the finger exercises he had taught it.

As combat skills had certain requirements for human-shaped spirit beasts, Giles had been laying the foundation for the Metal-feathered Eagle for the past two weeks.

For example, the long-distance run to train its balance and endurance, as well as the Metal-feathered Eagle's finger exercises, were all for the sake of laying the foundation.

The most important reason was actually the Metal-feathered Eagle's hands.

Due to the incomplete evolution, even if it could agilely perform finger exercises now, its hands were still far from strong enough to clench its fists, let alone fight with its fists.

"Giles, you previously said that after I absorb all the spiritual energy in the vine belt, I can break through to the Gold rank, right?"

Hearing that Giles was finally going to teach it combat skills, the Metal-feathered Eagle stopped its finger exercises and looked at Giles excitedly.

"That's right, so let's hurry up and train!"

As the evaluation section of Starlux Gym was near the spirit-beast section, while Giles and the Metal-feathered Eagle were chatting, they had already entered the evaluation section.

As Giles turned on the switch that supplied spiritual energy to the evaluation area, the equipment in the evaluation zone lit up one after another, waiting for someone to use them.

"Only through continuous training can we absorb spiritual energy steadily and quickly."

"Yup, it's good to wake up earlier than others. You don't even have to queue for your equipment."

The Metal-feathered Eagle looked at the equipment in the evaluation section and sighed.

Although it was Giles' spirit beast, even if Giles finally had the time during working hours to train it, they would still have to wait until there was a training ground available.

Therefore, the Metal-feathered Eagle was very enthusiastic about getting up early in the morning to train.

"Metal-feathered Eagle, don't worry about that."

After Giles turned on the main switch and came back, he stroked the Metal-feathered Eagle that was rooted to the spot.

"Only the training section of Starlux Gym is only open to other Beast Tamers. Other than us, no one else uses the equipment in the evaluation section, let alone queue up for them."

"Furthermore, like most Beast-taming Gyms, our Starlux Gym's evaluation section also has another name – The Gym Leader Area."

"This is because Gym Leader Alice usually uses this place as her main working space whether it is for the Beast Tamer's spirit beast evaluation test or for the Beast Tamer challenge."

"Most importantly, the venue that Gym Leader Alice used to accept the challenges from Beast Tamers is also the venue that she usually uses to train her spirit beasts."

"Therefore, this training ground is far more complete than those on loan to other Beast Tamers."

The Metal-feathered Eagle enjoyed Giles' caress from Giles as it listened to Giles' explanation.

"No wonder this training ground is so much larger than the other training grounds. It turns out that this training ground is exclusive to Gym Leader Alice."

"Yes, that's why we have a chance to use it for a while now that Gym Leader Alice is not in Starlux Gym."

At this point, Giles activated one of the evaluation equipment and called for the Metal-feathered Eagle, "Come on, Metal-feathered Eagle. Same as usual today. Let's start with the Strength Evaluation."Whoosh!



"Okay, 43.6kg, Metal-feathered Eagle. One more time."

After receiving the message from Giles through spiritual communication, the Metal-feathered Eagle, which was 50 meters away from the strength detector, flapped its wings and flung out a feather again.


A golden light flashed.


Then, a piece of golden feather entered the spiritual shield released by the strength detector.


A mechanical sound rang out from the strength detector, and the number displayed on it changed from 0 to 44.4.

"44.4kg, not bad! You improved a little compared to yesterday.

Looking at the numbers displayed on the machine, Giles nodded at the Metal-feathered Eagle which was not far from him. Then, he wrote the number '44.4' on the record board in his hand.

Apart from the 'Devour' skill that it had not used for the past two weeks, the Metal-feathered Eagle had also learned another innate skill from Garuda's story, 'Feather Arrows'.

The innate skill 'Feather Arrows' allowed the Metal-feathered Eagle to shoot out its feathers, which were as hard as steel and like arrows, by flapping its wings.

After Giles' evaluation over the past two weeks, the Metal-feathered Eagle could fire up to 52 feathers through 'Feather Arrows' in an hour.

If it exceeded this number, the Metal-feathered Eagle would clearly feel the burden on its spiritual energy when it generated feathers.

As for how many feathers the Metal-feathered Eagle could shoot with the 'Feather Arrows' skill in a day, Giles would stop the Metal-feathered Eagle that was trying to challenge the limits of its body, so as to ensure the Metal-feathered Eagle's safety.

However, Giles had evaluated that 'Feather Arrows' could only shoot four feathers at once.

Furthermore, the effective killing distance of the feathers was about 200 meters, and the optimal distance for maximum fatality was less than 100 meters.

"Metal-feathered Eagle, fly over with all your might! Next is pecking!"

As Giles waved at him from beside the strength detector, the Metal-feathered Eagle that had received the message flapped its wings and began to accelerate.


A few seconds later, a loud bang rang out in the evaluation section, and the Metal-feathered Eagle's beak pecked into the spiritual shield released by the strength detector.


The machine sounded again, and the number on it changed from 0 to 334.7.

"334.7kg, Metal-feathered Eagle. Show me the speedometer."

After the Metal-feathered Eagle pulled out its beak from the spiritual shield, Giles squatted down and looked at the speedometer around its neck.

"109.6 km/h, 20.1 m. Similar to the previous two days."

Giles even smoothed out the tufts of feathers on the Metal-feathered Eagle's head that had curled up slightly from the pecking.

"Don't be discouraged, Metal-feathered Eagle. Next time, adjust your breathing first. Don't rush forward."

"Let's see if we can break the record you left behind two days ago today."

Upon hearing this, the Metal-feathered Eagle looked up and exchanged a glance with Giles. Then, with a slight nod, it turned around and flew back to the starting point.

All the best, Metal-feathered Eagle!

After sensing the Metal-feathered Eagle fighting spirit and determination from its eyes, Giles subconsciously clenched the pen in his hand and began to cheer the Metal-feathered Eagle on in his heart.

After the Metal-feathered Eagle returned to its starting point, it did not charge straight at the strength detector like before. Instead, it closed its eyes and took a deep breath.

As its chest heaved, the Metal-feathered Eagle that was slowly exhaling suddenly opened its sharp eyes and flapped its wings as it charged forward.

Bang! Ding!

"336.1 kg! 110.2 km/h! 19.8 m! Metal-feathered Eagle, you succeeded!"

After hearing the numbers displayed on the detector and speedometer, the Metal-feathered Eagle jumped into Giles' arms excitedly. Giles also caught it with a smile on his face.

After this planet experienced the resurgence of spiritual energy, it became many times larger, so some rules of calculation had also undergone a huge change.

The Metal-feathered Eagle now had the strength to peck at 336.1 kg, with a speed of 110.2 kilometers per hour, and an explosive strength that could help it reach its speed limit within 20 meters from the starting point.

Although it had yet to break through to the Gold rank, this number meant that it had officially stepped into the threshold of a Gold-rank bird-type spirit beast.

"Metal-feathered Eagle, don't get excited yet. While you're in a heated state, let's test the remaining data first."

"Alright! There's also the charging and kicking with claws, right?"

"That's right."

Bang! Ding! Bang! Ding! Bang!

As the sound of impact and mechanical voice continued to ring out in the evaluation section, Giles' voice became more and more excited when he reported the data. Even his hand, which was recording the numbers, trembled slightly.

"324.2 kg! 323.9 kg! 95.7 kg! 96.2 kg!"

After evaluating the data of the Metal-feathered Eagle using its wings to ram and using its claws to kick, Giles, who had a happy expression on his face, took the initiative to hug the Metal-feathered Eagle.

"Metal-feathered Eagle, the data that I just measured for you has already indicated your strength as a Gold-rank bird-type spirit beast."

However, the Metal-feathered Eagle seemed to have recalled something and was not as happy as Giles.

"But Giles, my shortcomings are still very obvious!"

As the Metal-feathered Eagle spoke, it slowly stretched out its hands.

Compared to its muscular legs, its arms were still too weak.

In front of Giles, the Metal-feathered Eagle raised its hand and grabbed the spiritual shield of the strength detector.


As the machine's sound rang out, the number '8.1' popped out.

Then, the Metal-feathered Eagle flapped its wings and flew to the strength detector, using its claws to grab the spiritual shield.


As the machine's sound rang out, the number '79.5' popped up.

"Metal-feathered Eagle, you don't have to worry about this."

Looking at the numbers that were nearly ten times different from the previous numbers, Giles was not surprised.

After all, before those two claws grew out, the Metal-feathered Eagle had long been used to grabbing items with its feet.

This was like getting someone who was used to using his right hand learn to use his left hand. He would not be able to get used to it anytime soon.

Furthermore, there were still some problems with the Metal-feathered Eagle's hands.

"The reason why your hands have always been weak is because your evolution is incomplete."

"As long as you can break through to the Gold rank and complete your evolution, this problem will naturally be resolved."

During the past two weeks of training, the word "Gold-rank" had left a very deep impression on the Metal-feathered Eagle.

This was also the goal that the Metal-feathered Eagle had been working hard towards.

Giles' words also reminded the Metal-feathered Eagle that it was only one step away from the "Gold-rank" it dreamed of.

"Giles, I won't waste time on being depressed and dejected anymore!"

The Metal-feathered Eagle, who had regained its composure, looked determinedly at Giles.

"Since the evaluation is over, let's begin today's training!"Tap tap tap…. Buzz…

After Giles pressed a few buttons on a precision device, a spiritual shield, which was used whilst accepting challenges from Beast Tamers, appeared at the edge of the evaluation section.

Giles did not stop operating the equipment. While he kept pressing the buttons, the originally empty venue began to change.

Mist-like spiritual energy kept rising from the arena. After the spiritual energy completely enveloped the entire arena, it gradually began to condense from the misty state to a solid state.

Under Giles' operation and adjustments, targets that condensed from spiritual energy appeared in the arena and the training ground used by the Gym Leader had become a shooting range.

Watching the scene where the misty spiritual energy kept surging and condensing into a solid form, the Metal-feathered Eagle, which was flapping its wings in the air, could not help but exclaim, "I can't get sick of this scene no matter how many times I look at it!"

"That's right. After all, all the scene simulators used in the Beast-taming Gyms were created by the joint efforts of five Legend-rank Beast Tamers who had comprehended the powers of energy gathering and forming shapes."

After Giles stopped operating the equipment, he also heard the Metal-feathered Eagle's exclamation through their spiritual communication.

The device he had just operated was called the "Scene Simulator". It had the function of highly compressing invisible and intangible spiritual energy into a solid form.

The principle was similar to freezing the water in the air into ice and using ice sculptures to simulate the training scene.

However, the efficiency of spiritual energy condensation was higher, and the shape condensed from the spiritual energy could also be freely set by the operator.

As the controller of the simulator's setting, Giles excitedly began to introduce the origin of this device to the Metal-feathered Eagle.

"In order to develop this scene simulator, the five Legend-rank Beast Tamers who had comprehended the Power of the Universe spent three years worth of effort."

"In these three years, they failed thousands of times. Furthermore, every failure meant that they had to fight against Death."

"Because the moment they fail, the enormous amount of spiritual energy controlled by the equipment that maintains the stability of the spiritual energy will lose control and trigger a Legend-rank spiritual energy storm."

After learning about the story behind this magical equipment from Giles, the Metal-feathered Eagle could not help but feel deep veneration for the five Legend-rank Beast Tamers.

When it heard Giles say that they had experienced thousands of failures and thousands of spiritual storms during the research and development of the scene simulator, its heart also became nervous with Giles' slightly serious words.

The spiritual energy storm that nearly destroyed it and Giles' bodies was only at the Silver rank, but they had faced Legend-rank spiritual energy storms thousands of times!

However, Giles' last sentence finally made the nervous Metal-feathered Eagle heave a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, although they experienced thousands of failures and faced thousands of Legend-rank spiritual energy storms, with the protection of the five Legend-rank Beast Tamers, no major casualties occurred during the development of the scene simulator and it turned out successful."

After hearing this unexpected outcome, the Metal-feathered Eagle couldn't help but ask Giles curiously, "Giles, are Legend-rank Beast Tamers who have comprehended the Power of the Universe that powerful?"

"That's a Legend-rank spiritual energy storm! They actually managed to survive without any casualties."

"Metal-feathered Eagle, a Legend-rank spiritual energy storm is indeed terrifying. If there's no intervention, the subsequent destruction will be enough to affect an entire base city."

Giles first told the Metal-feathered Eagle about the destructive power and influence of the Legend-rank Spirit Storm. Then, he mentioned the important role the Power of the Universe played in this.

"However, as the creators of the scene simulator, the five Legend-rank Beast Tamers, who had comprehended the Power of the Universe, had a unique understanding of controlling spiritual energy."

"Every time the spiritual energy goes out of control and triggers a spiritual energy storm, they and their spirit beasts would immediately unleash spiritual energy that was no less than the spiritual energy storm, so as to fight against it."

"Then, in conjunction with the energy-gathering and shape-shifting powers that they had learned, they would limit the spiritual energy storm to a specific area and gradually disperse it and absorb the spiritual energy inside."

"To them, the Power of the Universe that they have comprehended was akin to having the ability to restrict a blazing fire to within an enclosed area and draw out the oxygen supply."

"In this way, no matter how intense the fire is, it will not be able to continue burning and will gradually extinguish because there is no oxygen supply."

After hearing Giles' explanation, the Metal-feathered Eagle realized how powerful the Power of the Universe, which was still out of its reach, was.

"I haven't broken through to the Gold rank yet. I don't know when I can reach the Legend rank where I can comprehend the Power of the Universe."

"Metal-feathered Eagle, you don't have to think too much about this. This is because when you reach the Epic rank, you should be able to feel a trace of the Power of the Universe."

If the Legend rank was the process of gradually understanding the Power of the Universe, then the Epic rank before that was a threshold that determined whether or not one could attain the Power of the Universe.

As for the highest Mythic rank, they were existences that could completely control the Power of the Universe.

The Metal-feathered Eagle's exclamation also reminded Giles.

Giles had already had a rough speculation about the Power of the Universe that the Metal-feathered Eagle might comprehend.

Under normal circumstances, the Power of the Universe that spirit beasts could comprehend was usually related to their innate skills.

The Metal-feathered Eagle was similar to other metal-type spirit beasts in the beginning. Its innate skill was' Metalize ', which increased its hardness.

If nothing unexpected happened, when the Metal-feathered Eagle reached the Legend rank, it would understand the Power of Controlling Metal.

However, after listening to Garuda's story, the Metal-feathered Eagle had learned its new innate skills, 'Devour' and 'Feather Arrows'.

Therefore, it was very likely that the Metal-feathered Eagle would comprehend other Power of the Universe because of these two innate skills.

After realizing this, Giles looked at the Metal-feathered Eagle in anticipation.

One had to know that in battles above the Epic rank, it was a competition of one's understanding and use of the Power of the Universe.

On the other hand, when spirit beasts that had comprehended two types of Power of the Universe used both powers in actual combat, they would usually be able to exert the effects of 'one plus one is greater than two'.

However, even for Legend-rank spirit beasts, there were very few who could comprehend two types of Power of the Universe.

The Metal-feathered Eagle had extraordinary potential. Perhaps it could grow to the Mythic rank in the future!

However, before that, it still had to train hard and let the Metal-feathered Eagle break through to the Gold rank first.

With this in mind, Giles retrieved a device that looked like a pair of goggles from the scene simulator and put it on his head. Then, he looked towards the Metal-feathered Eagle and pointed at the shooting range.

"Metal-feathered Eagle, the training ground has been simulated into a shooting range."

"Next, let's see whether your Feather Arrows can continue to break your previous record."n Gym Leader Alice's exclusive training ground, the targets condensed from spiritual energy floated in the air like balloons, moving irregularly one after another

With the settings that Giles had previously set up using the scene simulator, the moving targets went up and down, left and right, front and back.

Furthermore, the interval, speed, and length of each movement were also completely different.

There was only one way to stop these targets and that was…

"Metal-feathered Eagle, are you ready?"

While asking the Metal-feathered Eagle this question, Giles checked the goggles on his face again.

This goggles-like device could display the test data on the lens and also allow Giles to operate the scene simulator using his spiritual power.

"On your mark!"

After the Metal-feathered Eagle, which was flapping its wings in the air, nodded at Giles, its sharp eyes focused on the moving targets a hundred meters away.


As soon as Giles shouted this command, the Metal-feathered Eagle flapped its wings and began to shoot out arrows that glowed with a golden light.

Whoosh! Bang!

"Ding! Ninth ring!"

Whoosh! Bang!

"Ding! Eighth ring!"

Whoosh! Bang!

"Ding! Tenth ring!"

As the golden beams of light struck one after another, the floating targets stopped moving.

The goggles on Giles' head also began to beep as it recorded.

After the Metal-feathered Eagle's training began, Giles also began his own physical training.

The evaluation section of Starlux Gym was the Gym Leader Alice's exclusive training area. Other than the functional evaluation equipment, there were also various types of fitness equipment.

At that moment, Giles was looking at the data that had popped up on his goggles as he used his right arm to do his pull-ups.

As the injury on Giles' left arm had just healed, he would only use his right arm during physical training.

After doing his pull-ups, Giles, who was maintaining a constant breathing rate, began to look at the statistics on his goggles.

"Metal-feathered Eagle, congratulations on breaking the record! The average ring number that you strike on the moving targets has reached the ninth ring!"

Looking at the data displayed on his goggles, Giles smiled and stroked the Metal-feathered Eagle's head.

"Regulate your condition. The next targets are timed targets."

As Giles controlled the scene simulator using his goggles, the dissipated spiritual energy in the training ground condensed into new targets.

However, this batch of new targets was no longer moving as casually as before. Instead, there was a beam of light from the scene simulator flickering in the open space below the targets.

If the first target shooting was to train the Metal-feathered Eagle's eyes to capture moving targets, then there would also be the accuracy of the Feather Arrows when it shot moving targets.

In that case, the second round of target shooting was to train the reaction speed of the Metal-feathered Eagle and the accuracy of the Feather Arrows when shooting fixed targets.

When the light shone on the target condensed from spiritual energy, it meant that the countdown had begun.

Two seconds later, the target illuminated by the light would instantly dissipate, causing the feathers of the Metal-feathered Eagle to miss.

During this period, the Metal-feathered Eagle only had two seconds to throw out its arrow and shoot at the target.

"Giles, I'm ready."

After relaxing for a minute or so, the Metal-feathered Eagle, which had recovered, nodded at Giles in high spirits.

"Let's begin, then,"

Giles, who was supporting himself with his right hand, started doing one-handed push-ups after saying 'begin'.

Whoosh! Bang!

"Ding! 1.47 seconds!"

Whoosh! Bang!

"Ding! 1.52 seconds!"

Whoosh! Bang!

"Ding! 1.48 seconds!"

After being illuminated by the light for a second, the floating target would be hit by a dazzling golden light.

Giles, who was doing one-handed push-ups, kept hearing the beeping sound from his goggles.

As the second round of target shooting was mainly to train the Metal-feathered Eagle's reaction speed, the interval between each target illuminated by the light was very short.

The Metal-feathered Eagle finished shooting all the targets in less than a minute. Then, it stood quietly at the side and watched Giles do one-handed push-ups.

"Huff! Sorry for waiting."

Giles, who had one hand on the ground, slowly stood up and began to check the data on his goggles.

"Okay, you hit all the targets. Metal-feathered Eagle, your fastest reaction speed is 0.01 seconds faster than yesterday."

"Based on the improvements in the data over the past two weeks, you've reached a bottleneck."

"Before you break through to the Gold rank, 1.47 seconds should be your limit."

After hearing Giles' evaluation, the Metal-feathered Eagle nodded slightly.

When it first used its Feather Arrows to shoot at the target two weeks ago, its accuracy of striking the moving targets did not exceed 50%, let alone strike the rings.

It had also failed three or four times in a row because of panic.

Therefore, it was actually quite satisfied with the current numbers.

"The training program related to 'Feather Arrows' has ended, but it will take a few minutes to change the shooting range to another training ground."

After Giles took off his goggles, he walked over to the scene simulator and reminded the metal-feathered eagle as he operated the device, "Metal-feathered Eagle, you can take a break during this period. Next up is a training program related to flying."

After hearing Giles' reminder, the Metal-feathered Eagle did not push itself.

It sat down beside Giles and closed its eyes to adjust its breathing.

After two weeks of training, it knew very well how difficult the next training program was.

If it did not regulate its condition quickly, it might suffer some preventable injuries during training.

Out of the corner of his eye, Giles saw that after the Metal-feathered Eagle closed its eyes and began to adjust its condition. Giles, who was operating the equipment, nodded with a smile of approval.

Be it during the Gym Challenges or the tournaments, spirit beasts would be given some time to adjust their condition and prepare for the next battle.

Therefore, "How to quickly adjust your condition" was also an essential training program.

Although Giles hadn't told the Metal-feathered Eagle about this training program during the past two weeks, he still deliberately reminded the Metal-feathered Eagle. In this regard, the Metal-feathered Eagle did not disappoint him.

In the past two weeks of training, it had never forced its unwell body to face the next training program.

While the Metal-feathered Eagle was resting, Giles' kept fiddling with the equipment and the original shooting range instantly dissipated into mist-like spiritual energy.

As the mist-like spiritual energy condensed into a solid form again, a new training ground appeared.

On both sides of the training ground, there was an object about the size of a table.

Furthermore, there were many fist-sized spherical objects in the 'table'.

If Rex were here, he would definitely be shocked as the leader of the City Guards.

This was because apart from being a little small in size, the two 'tables' were almost identical to the City Guard's ballistae which were used to withstand the beast tid"As expected of a masterpiece created by five Legend-rank Beast Tamers!"

Giles, who was wearing his goggles again, looked at the two small ballistae condensed from the spiritual energy in the training ground. His respect for the five Legend-rank Beast Tamers couldn't help but deepen.

Although the two small ballistae made of spiritual energy looked ordinary, the principles involved were extremely precise and complicated.

Today, Giles could actually rely on the scene simulator to condense spiritual energy into two small ballistae after pressing a few buttons. This was all thanks to the efforts of the five Legend-rank Beast Tamers who had developed the scene simulator.

However, although the two small ballistae simulated in the training ground looked similar to the City Guard's ballistae, the power of the cannonballs was actually far from the actual ballistae.

The reason was that they were completely condensed from spiritual energy and did not contain any metal or wood.

The cannonballs that were to be launched from the ballistae as well as the springs and bow strings that were used for the launch, were all condensed from spiritual energy.

When the scene simulator simulated the two small ballistae, it could be said that it vividly displayed the unique plasticity of spiritual energy.

Furthermore, the simulator's control over spiritual energy was not as simple as transforming the shape of spiritual energy.

Just like its name, "Scene Simulator", in order to completely simulate various scenes, this device could even change the attributes of spiritual energy.

"Metal-feathered Eagle, the new training ground has been set up. How are you feeling?"

After setting the attribute of the spiritual-energy cannonball to 'Rock', Giles, who was looking down at the Metal-feathered Eagle, wiped the sweat off his goggles.

The Metal-feathered Eagle, which had its eyes closed to compose itself, heaved a sigh of relief when it heard Giles' question. Then, it looked up and met Giles' gaze.

"I'm in a good state now. I don't have any issues. I can start training anytime."

As Giles looked at the Metal-feathered Eagle in the eye, he could tell that it was in a heated state.

After confirming that the Metal-feathered Eagle was fine, Giles pointed at the center of the training ground.

"In that case, fly into the training ground first. When I start shouting, the ballistae will begin to fire cannonballs at you."

"What you have to do is to avoid the ballistae's cannonballs as much as possible while flying."

"If you can't dodge in time, you can also use your Wings Shield to defend yourself."

"As long as the cannonball doesn't hit any part other than your wings, it will be considered a success."

"Once the cannonball hits a spot other than your wings, this training will end."

In the next training program, Giles not only had to train the Metal-feathered Eagle to dodge attacks when it flew, but he also had to train the Metal-feathered Eagle to use the skill 'Wings Shield' to react quickly.

"Wings Shield" was a common skill that all bird-type spirit beasts could learn. This defensive skill could allow bird-type spirit beasts to use their wings as shields to ward off attacks.

Furthermore, the Metal-feathered Eagle had an advantage that other bird-type spirit beasts did not have. That was, as a metal-type spirit beast, it also had the innate skill 'Metalize' that increased its hardness.

After the innate skill 'Metalize' increased the hardness of its wings, the Metal-feathered Eagle's defense would be enhanced when it used 'Wings Shield'.

It was because of this that Giles had specially set the attribute of the spiritual-energy cannonball to be 'Rock' when he set up the spiritual-energy cannonball. This was also to increase the power of the spiritual-energy cannonball.

Otherwise, even if the spiritual-energy cannonball hit the Metal-feathered Eagle, it might not even notice the cannonball since it used 'Metalize' to increase its hardness.

Seeing the Metal-feathered Eagle flap its wings and fly into the training ground, Giles stretched out his left hand and picked up a dumbbell from a pile of gym equipment.

"Let the training begin!"

As Giles shouted for the training to begin, the two small ballistae on both sides of the training ground began to fire their spiritual-energy cannonball at the flying Metal-feathered Eagle.

Facing the pincer attack of the spiritual-energy cannonballs flying towards it from both sides, the Metal-feathered Eagle in the training ground did not panic at all.

It flapped its wings abruptly and rose up, cleanly dodging the first round of attacks from the small ballistae.

As the Metal-feathered Eagle flew around the training ground, it began to skillfully use various flying techniques such as turning sideways and charging to a stop, nimbly dodging the incoming spiritual-energy cannonballs.

Giles, who was wearing the goggles, was observing the trajectory of the Metal-feathered Eagle in the air as he used the dumbbell to move his left arm for rehabilitation.

"There is no abnormal reaction at the wrist joint, no abnormal reaction at the elbow joint, no abnormal reaction at the shoulder joint, and no abnormal reaction at the wound."

After finishing the rehabilitation exercises for his left arm, Giles confirmed that there were no abnormal reactions from the spiritual energy in his left arm as a result of his activities. He then continued the remaining physical training exercises in peace.

As the Metal-feathered Eagle's current training program required a long time, Giles also carried out training programs such as squats, frog jumps, and sit-ups while observing the statistics through his goggles.

As time passed, the sweat on Giles' forehead began to gather and drip, but he did not feel exhausted.

Giles could clearly sense that under the guidance of the Little Fox's spiritual energy, his body was using the paste made from the Pulse Condensation Grass as a medium to absorb the spiritual energy in his left arm.

This was also a pattern that Giles had discovered during the past two weeks of training.

Whenever he was about to reach his limit, his body would absorb a wisp of spiritual energy from his left arm.

After the wisp of spiritual energy spread throughout his body, the aching and swelling pain in his entire body would gradually disappear.

After doing his research online, he also verified that the situation occurring in his body was consistent with the characteristics of Beast Tamers who enhanced their physique by absorbing spiritual energy.

In other words, through these two weeks of training, Giles' strength as a Beast Tamer was also increasing incessantly.

However, as he had to manage Starlux Gym every day, Giles had yet to go to the Beast Tamer Association to evaluate which rank he had reached.


"Beep! The spiritual-energy cannonball's first hit is at 10 minutes and 25 seconds!"

After hearing the recording sound from the goggles, Giles, who was still doing his squats, began to focus his attention on the Metal-feathered Eagle.

This was because the recording sound meant that the Metal-feathered Eagle could not dodge in time and could only use its 'Wings Shield' skill to defend.

The frequency at which it used "Shield Wings" to defend would also increase because its physical fitness was no longer enough for it to continue using its flying skills to dodge the attacks of the small ballistae.

The actual situation in the training ground was as Giles had imagined.

After the Metal-feathered Eagle used its 'Wings Shield' to defend once, the frequency that it used its flying skill to dodge the spiritual-energy cannonballs decreased. The interval between the usage of its defense skill 'Wings Shield' also became shorter and shorter.

Bang! Bang! Bang…!

"Beep! The spiritual-energy cannonball tenth hit is at 12 minutes and 48 seconds! This training is over!"

As this recording sound rang out from the goggles on Giles' face, the two small ballistae stopped attacking the Metal-feathered Eagle.

Seeing that the training was over, the Metal-feathered Eagle flapped its wings and flew towards Giles from the training ground.


After doing the last squat, Giles heaved a sigh of relief and slowly held the scene simulator and stood up.

Seeing the Metal-feathered Eagle fly in front of him, Giles, who was holding onto the scene simulator, bent down slightly and reached out his right hand to stroke its head.

"Metal-feathered Eagle, congratulations on breaking all your previous records!"