

Go on." We went back to our class and sat down. I found the class pretty boring today because I already knew the stuff.

"Natalie, any reason for not paying attention?" Mrs. Smith asked.

"I know this stuff already."

"Okay then. What's a r-strategist?"

"A small animal who produces thousands of young and doesn't stick around very long."

"Example please."

Mosquitos, most fish."

"And a k-strategist?"

"A large animal who produces a small number of offspring and takes care of the offspring until they are old enough to take care of themselves. A few examples are humans, lions, elephants, girraffes, pandas, domestic dogs and cats."

Good job." The bell rang and we went to english. Then to gym, followed by lunch.

"At least he's leaving you alone." Damien said.

"Yeah." I muttered. He took my hand under the lunch table and I sighed.

"I'll be right back. Okay?"


"Stay with Ben." He got in the line and came back with his food. I took his milk. "Ugg."

"Mine." I hugged it.

"My girlfriend at my other school did that every day, you know that?" I felt jealous all of a sudden and moved closer to him. "But I don't think she could be cuter than you. Or as beautiful as you. Too much makeup." I smiled. I noticed movement behind me. Someone grabbed me. "Brandon, put her down!" There was cold steel at my neck. I lifted my head away from the knife.

Never. If I can't have her, neither can you."

"What do you want from me? I'm not even popular." I said carefully, not wanting to touch the knife with my neck. Sandlin and Mr. Todd were right there.

"Brandon, put Natalie down. You don't wanna hurt her."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't." I whispered. "You want me all to yourself."

"Exactly darling." I didn't say anything, in fear he would kill me.

"Damien, back off." Sandlin said. Damien had a deadly fire burning in his eyes.


"Damien-" Mr. Todd started.

"No!" He yelled. "I'll kill him if it's the last thing I do."

"No Damien." I said.

"I broke a promise."

"You broke a promise you couldn't keep." He glanced at the floor. "Brandon, lower the knife and maybe we can talk about this." He lowered it. "Brandon, I get you want me, but you can't always have what you want." His grip tightened on the knife. "You know how forgiving I am. Maybe we can start all over, and we'll see how it goes. Okay?" He hesitated. "Only way you'll have a chance at even being my friend."


"Now let me down." He put me down slowly. "Give me the knife." He looked at me. "Give. Me. The. Knife." He put it in my palm. I folded the swiss army knife up and handed it to Mr. Todd. "We'll start over tomorrow Brandon." He nodded and sat down with his friends. I sighed and Damien ran"I love you so much. I broke a promise, and I'm so sorry."

"You couldn't guarantee he wouldn't try to touch me."

"You're the first girl I've ever cared for this much. And the first girl I've ever broke a promise to. I can't stand that."

"Dang. I wish I could have him." A girl muttered about Damien.

"Well you're a little late." Damien said. "I'm hers, and hers only." I blushed beet red. He pecked my cheek lightly and hugged me a little more. "Sexy little woman." I blushed more. The rest of the day went by faster than usual, and we started on our way to my house. "I noticed you blush when I called you that at lunch."

"Y-yes." I was blushing again.

"Awww, now look who's stuttering." I slapped his arm. "Ow." He said, with a bitch please look on his face. I rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around my waist. "Love you."

"Takes a second to say I love you, and a lifetime to prove it."

over. He hugged me tightly.

I'm up for that." He kissed my forehead. "I'm so up for that." I smiled.

"Natalie, what are you doing with that goth again?" My dad yelled.

That's emo." I spat back at him. He tried to inturupt me but I continued. "And what am I doing with him? Walking home, and doing whatever the damn well I please." I kissed Damien who returned it instantly.

Natalie!" Dad yelled. I tuned him out as I pulled away from the kiss.

"Bye. Love you." I whispered. He smiled.

"Love you too. Here." He gave me my bag and I walked towards the house.

"Hold it." I turned to my father with a hand on my hip. "Both of you front and center. Now, I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter, and for you to stay away from him."

"You did. We have minds of our own, and we are entitled to our own feelings." Damien said. "Just. Like. You. Now I understand that you don't trust me, but I'm not a bad guy. I might look it, but in truth I'm a really nice guy. Now-"

"Damien! I can't belive it's you! Up for skateboarding this weekend?" A guy ran over.

"Nah. Probably have homework." They hugged.

"On the first weekend of a new school year?"

"Yeah. Sorry."

"Alright man. Who's the chick?" His fists clenched.

"My girlfriend." He said. "Back off."

Okay, okay. I know how protective you can be. Nevermind."

"I'm Natalie." I said. Damiens friend? Okay. "And you are?"


Natalie!" Dad yelled. I tuned him out as I pulled away from the kiss.

"Bye. Love you." I whispered. He smiled.

"Love you too. Here." He gave me my bag and I walked towards the house.

"Hold it." I turned to my father with a hand on my hip. "Both of you front and center. Now, I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter, and for you to stay away from him."

"You did. We have minds of our own, and we are entitled to our own feelings." Damien said. "Just. Like. You. Now I understand that you don't trust me, but I'm not a bad guy. I might look it, but in truth I'm a really nice guy. Now-"

"Damien! I can't belive it's you! Up for skateboarding this weekend?" A guy ran over.

"Nah. Probably have homework." They hugged.

"On the first weekend of a new school year?"

"Yeah. Sorry."

"Alright man. Who's the chick?" His fists clenched.

"My girlfriend." He said. "Back off."

Okay, okay. I know how protective you can be. Nevermind."

"I'm Natalie." I said. Damiens friend? Okay. "And you are?"
