
Battle of the Third Reich

Synopsis: A Chinese student died in Europe due to a strange flying accident, and because of that accident, he took up a strange task. Resurrecting back in time, he became involved in the smoke of World War II. This describes his journey as he survives in this world of chaos while maintaining his ideals. **************************************************************** This novel is translated non-professionally, using the free version of Grammarly and the DeepL translator, and edited to the best of my abilities, so the quality is dubious. If any typos, grammar mistakes, and other bullshit pops up, tell me where so I can fix it. V1CH1-V4CH14 can be found here: https://deltatranslations.wordpress.com/battle-of-the-third-reich/ I will be translating the rest as I have not seen anyone else do it. Updates are erratic, so don't expect daily or even weekly uploads. Disclaimer: MC is a part of the Nazi party but does not agree with its practices, saying that, I do not support the ideologies portrayed in this novel, so don't call me a Nazi. As you can expect from a Chinese novel, the MC hates the Japanese. Both the novel's cover and synopsis have been ripped from the novel's novelupdates page word for word. ****************************************************************

Karminica · Guerra
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

V4CH23: The Attack

The main building of the SS General Command in Warsaw was now under the highest level of protection.

  Hundreds of Stormtroopers surrounded the headquarters in secret, and all the soldiers were heavily armed, hiding in the bushes and vigilantly observing the movements around. The task given to them is any unidentified person who wants to approach the building, the commandos will immediately shoot them on the spot.

  The soldiers held their weapons in their hands, staring at the direction they were guarding, believing that now those bushes from the slightest movement they will not hesitate to shoot, the orders from above did not tell them to leave anyone alive.

  Junge and Hagens were placed on the inner line of defense closest to the building, the two corporals crouched in a hidden machine gun bunker on the side of the building manning a MG34 machine gun, and now the two men were staring murderously dead at the lawn in front of them. If any enemy broke through that outer line of defense, it would most certainly be hostile militants, and as soon as they appeared in this open area, the two corporals swore they would make those guys a memory to last a lifetime, if those guys survived their shooting.

  "Junge. What time is it." Hagens, who was holding the machine gun, asked his partner in a soft voice.

  "Five minutes shy of three o'clock." Junge raised his hand and looked at his watch.

  "Why hasn't it moved yet?" Hagens felt a little tired, he had been in this position since noon until now.

  "Do you want me to switch shifts with you." Junge asked softly.

  "That's fine, I'm trying to get a drink of water and rest. Do you think they will come?"

  "I don't know, I think so, according to the orders issued by the marshal, we have very precise information, I heard that there are two more assault teams are ambushing over the back door."

  "Well then, come over here and hold the gun, I'll go to your side." Hagens and Junge changed positions, and he picked up the canteen pinned to his waist and took a big gulp of water.

  "Four cases of ammunition should be enough. I don't believe anyone can escape from our guns." Hagans smiled and said.

  "It seems to be enough, but we only have two spare barrels, so we shouldn't be able to shoot all these bullets yet." Junge said as he checked the gauge.

  "I can't believe this is happening, Polish partisans would come and attack our command? Are they crazy or stupid, isn't this a death wish?" Hagens screwed on the lid of his canteen and pulled a section of Polish kielbasa and two slices of white bread from his pocket and nibbled on them.

  "Hey, why are you eating on a mission?"

  "I was hungry a long time ago, and I didn't have time to eat anything at noon, so this is what I brought from the mess table. It tastes really good." Hagans chewed his mouth full of food and replied vaguely.

  "What, how come I didn't see any of this. Save some for me, don't eat it all by yourself."

  "Here, give you half. Eat quickly so the officers don't see." Hagens generously handed out half of the food to Junge.

  But just when Ronger took the food from his hand, something happened that they never expected.

  Less than five meters behind them was the first floor conference room of the command. Just as the two soldiers were about to share the delicious food, a violent explosion with a huge ball of fire came out of the conference room behind them. In an instant the shattered wooden window frames and broken glass with all sorts of miscellaneous items in the conference room were like a storm that came towards the two soldiers.

  Fortunately, if the two soldiers were not in a semi-buried bunker.

If these two guys were not crouching at the bottom of the pit in front of the sneaky pass food, they might have been sieved by the debris on the spot. And now the pile of shrapnel like a horrible miscellaneous fragments wrapped in the explosion sent a violent shock wave grazed their heads and flew past, the broken glass hit their steel helmets tinkling, and the heavy machine gun was also the violent shock wave lifted out of the shelter tumbled down on the grass.

  The two soldiers had been completely stunned at that moment, they were not prepared for this kind of situation. But also, who would have expected an explosion inside the heavily fortified headquarters just behind them. Junge and Hagens have been completely blown away, the two poor guys are now crouched in their bunker ashes, not moving, ears are ringing, eyes in addition to the opposite of the partner is shaking violently in addition to the rolling smoke, they both see a deep fear in each other's eyes.

  With that explosion, the whole building is shrouded in rolling smoke, the alarm sounded loudly. The Stormtroopers on the outer defensive line did not know what was happening all looked up from their respective hideaways toward the command, and then they saw the smoke and fire.

  "All gather, go put out the fire!" With the sound of the officer leading the group's exasperated command and the sharp assembly whistle, those commandos flew out of their respective hiding places and then ran desperately toward the main building of the command under the leadership of the officer.

  "Quickly, organize rescue quickly, there are still many people inside, quick, go." Dorgan stood on the steps of the command headquarters with his face covered in blood and ragged clothes and shouted to the commandos.

  "The conference room has been bombed, and the commander and all the officers are in the map room next door to the conference room. Send someone to rescue them quickly." After saying this, Dorgen fell headlong into the arms of a commando and passed out.

  Looking at the bloodied Colonel Dorgan, coupled with his previous words, scared the commando commander out of his wits. If something happened to the Vice Führer during this attack, the consequences would be unthinkable.

  The commander immediately led his commandos into the building quickly, now all of them had only one thought in mind, even if they risked their lives to rescue the deputy head of state and the officers, they all prayed in their hearts that those people could escape this disaster.

  When they rushed into the building, the scene in front of them made everyone's heart half cold, the corridor is now a mess, the conference room against the corridor side of the wall was blown down half, all kinds of debris scattered throughout the corridor, rolling smoke is still pouring out of the conference room, the air is still filled with a pungent smell of nitrous smoke.

  "The first and second squad quickly go to find fire extinguishing tools to put out the fire here. Third squad follow me." The commando commander's voice changed as he issued the order, and he led a squad of commandos to rush like crazy against the choking smoke toward the other end of the corridor.

  Colonel Dorgan said that the Vice Führer and the officers were in the map room next door to the conference room at the time of the explosion, and seeing the situation in the conference room, the damage there must be no less, the commander was so anxious that he was crying.

  The map room was at the other end of the corridor, next to the conference room where the explosion had occurred, a distance of just ten meters that in the commander's mind was more than a light year away. The captain swore afterwards that he felt his heart stop beating as he ran that distance, only to regain it when the tall figure emerged from his field of vision.

  "General Mueller!" The captain recognized a tall figure rushing out of the smoke, and he could not help but exclaim, his heart rekindling with hope.

  "Wait a minute! Stop!"

  Mueller pointed his pistol at the commando who was running towards him with one hand and shouted with the other hand covering the wound on his forehead which was still bleeding.

  "It's us, the 30th Stormtroopers. I am Captain Dessen." The captain hastily stopped in place and stood at attention to Mueller and reported loudly to.

  Mueller was obviously relieved to hear Dessen's words, he lowered the muzzle of his pistol, and his tall body seemed to shake as if he could not support it.

  Dessen rushed over to hold Mueller, he asked anxiously: "General, how are you?"

  "Don't mind me, go to the map room, everyone is injured. The Vice Führer is also wounded, the situation is very serious. Go quickly and help me get them out." Mueller pushed Dessen away and shouted to the commandos.

  "General, we will go immediately, but you also seem to be in urgent need of aid now, so you should leave here first and leave the rest to us."

  When Dessen heard that the Vice Führer had only been wounded and not killed, a big stone fell from his heart, although he did not know how the Vice Führer was wounded, it was better than being blown up on the spot. He shouted to the two commandos, "You two quickly help the general out for treatment, there are many injured people inside, transfer more people over."

  The two commandos immediately agreed and without saying a word, they picked up Mueller, who seemed to be trying to rush back to the map room, and rushed towards the safe area at the other end of the corridor.

 At this point, a steady stream of commandos arrived to join the rescue operation, and the fire in the conference room was extinguished in a few moments, and the people in the map room were rescued by them one by one, hand by hand. Everyone was shouting and running around, and the whole command was in a kind of frantic chaos.

  Half an hour later, a dozen red-painted APCs, with sirens blaring, rushed out of the headquarters gates, hissing and speeding toward the German hospital in Warsaw.

  By this time the streets in front of the garrison hospital had been tightly cordoned off by the Waffen SS, who had received orders, and even the buildings opposite the hospital were controlled by the commandos. The entire neighborhood was shrouded in an atmosphere of depressing danger as machine gun teams and snipers were set up at various high points around the area, vigilantly watching the situation around them, and they would not hesitate to shoot at any abnormality.

  The dozen or so armored personnel carriers raced to the hospital entrance, and the ear-splitting emergency sirens sounded throughout the neighborhood. When the cars stopped, a large group of doctors and nurses who had been waiting at the entrance rushed up and carried the important wounded onboard into the hospital quickly. At the same time, a group of Waffen SS started to build temporary battlements in front of the hospital.

  They set up machine guns and barbed wire. Two 20mm rapid-fire machine guns were placed in the middle of the street, they guarded both ends of the street, while a Panzer II was parked firmly in the middle of them. These weapons gave the impression that no one would be able to break through this layer of defense without the support of a tank, while the cold, fierce look in the eyes of those commandos gave the impression that even a tank would not necessarily be of any use. The whole arrangement makes people feel a kind of terror deep in their marrow.

  Night slowly fell into the city, the streets lights began to emit dim light, and everything has returned to calm. No one would have thought that at this time in the hospital in the huge special intensive care unit a punishment is slowly unfolding.

  "Randolph! You idiot, I'm going to kill you!" Dorgan yelled angrily at his deputy with bandages wrapped around his head.

  "You bastard, you almost got us all killed! I will never forgive you, suffer death!" Mueller leaned over to Randolph with a folding chair in his hand and a sardonic grin.

  "Hmph, you bastard, I don't know how you graduated from military school, leaving this matter to you was the first mistake I made, and now I'm going to make up for my mistake." Hans picked up a hanging IV bottle of an iron frame with a fierce look towards Randolph.

  And this time Randolph was bandaged like a dumpling firmly tied to a hospital bed, even the mouth was thick bandages to seal, now his eyes tearful with a pleading gaze to the side of Xu Jun.

  Xu Jun skimmed him and said in a compassionate tone: "You can go in peace, my Major Randolph, God will forgive you for your sins. Remember to brush up on your arithmetic when you get up there. Don't miscalculate the number of explosives again."

  Randolph listened to Xu Jun's words and couldn't help but stare at him with wide eyes, his mouth "mmmph, mmmmmph!" He wanted to argue something. But as the three fierce officers in front of him got closer and closer, the poor Randolph finally fainted with both eyes rolled over.

  "How pathetic, a disgrace to the SS."

  "Haha, see the look in his eyes? I wish I could do it again."

  "But it's really time to punish him severely, this guy would have miscalculated the amount of explosives, if not for the marshal for the sake of insurance to let us find some cover, then it will really make people dead, now the thought of that big hole being blown in the wall makes my scalp numb." Looking at the poor victim Hans they finally felt a sigh of relief.

  "Marshal, what should we do next," Hans asked Xu Jun.

  "The operation went well except for this little mistake, and this little mistake made our operation more realistic, no one would have thought we would dare to use such a big bomb to blow ourselves up." Mueller went on to say.

  Xu Jun looked up from the paper, nodded his head, and said: "Yes, the operation was basically a success. The only thing I regret is that many people were really wounded in this operation, but it was only a little skin or a little bump on our next operation that should not have any impact. Next, we'll wait for the preparations for the next plan to be ready, until then, we'll have to stay in this hospital."

  "Marshal, the way things are going, the next operation will be underway within forty-eight hours, and at least so far no part of it has gone wrong. Your plan is already half successful." Mueller smiled and said.

  "All the people in the hospital are under our close surveillance and there will be no problems. And those Stormtroopers are all our men, I'm sure not a fly will be able to get in." Hans then reported.

  "That's good, make sure to keep a tight lid on our real situation, so that Hitler's side can't get any news about our injuries. Then we will spread the news that we have prepared so that everyone will think that I have been seriously wounded in a despicable assassination, that you have all been wounded in this assassination, and that I am still all within the danger period, and it is not certain whether I am dead or alive.

  And now we have to speed up the execution of our plan, look at this latest document sent to us, our allies have started to pick up the pieces." Xu Jun handed the document in his hand to Hans.

  "What?" Hans exclaimed after taking a look at the document. "Italy has declared war on France!"

  "There is such a thing." Muller and Dorgan hurriedly came up together and looked at the document in Hans' hand.

  "It was to be expected. That Roman heir has also inherited the usual arrogance and stupidity of the ancient Roman emperors. This time he took those traits to a new level.

  He thought that after the defeat of Dunkirk France had been greatly wounded and the French troops were all attracted to our forces, he wanted to take this opportunity to muddle through and try to steal our victory from us." Xu Jun said coldly.

  "This shameless thing, how dare he do this. How dare he not give notice to us before attacking. What the hell was he thinking?" Dougan shouted angrily.

  "He didn't think anything, he just wanted to come and share the fruits of our victory blatantly, which is the usual style of Italy.

  Their behavior in the last war has shown us that they are an unreliable ally, and this time their insolent behavior has made me even more sure of that. And Hitler was too lenient with the Italians, compromising several times with that idiot who only boasts and bluffs, I really don't know what he appreciates about that fool.

  Now, when we are fighting on the front line and pushing giant France to the brink, this 'ally' comes out to take advantage. We did not see any support from this so-called ally during our hard fighting.

  I can't believe that such a shameless thing can happen, but I can be sure that this time his calculations seem to be completely wrong. As long as I am here, this shameless guy's premeditation will not succeed." Xu Jun said with a cold smile.

  In Xu Jun's heart, he has always been angry at Italy's performance in World War II, they simply can not even compare to those indigenous soldiers in the British colonies. They were the biggest laughing stock in the world's military history, and those battles had those military experts stumbling over their heads every time, either laughing or being pissed off by them alive. Now, this stupid Italian dictator has finally rushed into the chaotic battlefield of World War II in the footsteps of history. If he still let this idiot and those stupid generals under him drag his own feet again, then he should not mix in this world anymore. (TL: ???????)

  Xu Jun suddenly felt that this idiot's actions may have some helpful effects on his own plans. But how can this matter in their own plans to make good use of, Xu Jun can not help but fall into deep thought again. His men did not dare to disturb Xu Jun's thoughts, they all turned their attention to Randolph, who is still unconscious.

  "Hans, look how this guy still hasn't woken up, it can't be anything," Dougan said to Hans while stabbing Randolph on the bed with his finger.

  "Yeah? Let me take a look, oh? It looks like he's out of breath." Hans probed his hand in front of Randolph's nose.

  "Out of breath?" Puzzled, Mueller went to Randolph's heels and swung his fist at Randolph's stomach. Only to see the bed Randolph violently opened his eyes, mouth a long "MMMMMPH." sound scream, tears brushed out of his eye frame.

  "Play play dead for me. You're still slightly tender." Mueller blew a breath into his fist.