
chapter 1: Prologue

The hell hounds circled the two figures that stood on the scorching sand. Their white eyes upon them. Black mist forming the bodies of the creatures: Najja Kneeled. The goddess draped in black and gold stood before him: Her hand wrapping around his neck as her claws dug into his dark, Tan, skin. Najja could not turn away from her Curved figure. Her long white hair flowing with the winds of the desert. A gold usekh wrapped around her neck. Shimmering arm bands that glimmered in the burning sun. And more so, He deep red eyes staring down at him.


Not at Najja, she seemed to stare past the husk of a human: deep inside of him.

"I have found you, return now!"

Najja Couldn't speak: All he could do was sputter his own blood as it drained from his mouth.

"Answer me!" The goddess demanded. He face with a blank expression: her voice monotoned.

Lifting her free hand a swarm of mist formed in her palm.

A girl lay on the ground a few feet away. Lifting her head slowly she shouted out.

"Najja! Get away!!" She desperately cried out. She couldn't move. As if from the neck down she was paralyzed.

"N...ne....fri..." Najja choked out.

"If you will not return then I shall use unnecessary force". The goddess took the ball of energy and shoved it against Najja's chest: towards his heart.

Painful shrieks fell from his mouth. It was getting harder to focus. His body dangled as she gripped his neck harder: Lifting him up. His toes hovering off the ground.

His eyes began to roll in the back of his skull.

He had become deaf. No longer could he hear his friends screams for mercy: no longer could he hear the demands of the goddess that was ending his life.

The energy orb slipped its way through his skin.

Najja's thoughts began to slip away.

The last image that passed through was that of the Pharaoh: Sitting in his Khufu: Pointing his finger at Najja.

"You're not meant to die." A small voice whispered.

Najja's eyes were closed. he couldn't focuse.

"Take my hand. Take it and fight".

In his mind Najja saw a small hand extend towards him. he couldn't see the person's face. He reached his own arm out and grasped the hand.

The goddess that drove the orb into Najja pulled her hand back almost immediately.

His eyes still closed: Najja grabbed her by the wrist and twisted. He hand letting go of his neck.

"No.." She glared.

Najja's body was engulfed in a white light. His hair grew long and turned white; flowing past his waist. Golden jewels wrapped around his biceps and ankles. His eyes turning from green to A crimson red. His physic grew larger, more muscular: In his right hand he held a golden scepter with a blue jewel wrapped around the head of a beast.

Slowly opening his eyes, a grin formed on his face.

He gazed upon the goddess that stood before him.

"Anubis, My sister, it's been a long time".

Anubis's eyes widened.


Usekh: A type of necklace that was worn by royalty and gods in the ancient egyptian period.

khufu: a royal boat that the pharaohs rode in.

KazKarcreators' thoughts