
Bastard Hero

An accursed existence, a being that only brings disaster—such is the world that can describe that man. Trevor Herscher, a slave trader from the 18th century, looks down on anyone he deems a heretic. For him, torturing is an act of enjoyment, and the scream of terror is the most beautiful music God has given him. But, alas, karma caught him one day. Filled with rage, he seeks to carry out one man's crusade in another world by striking a deal with an unknown being. Armed with the unknown [chaos magic] in the strange world filled with monsters, artifacts, and dungeons, he abandoned his beliefs on Earth. "Only a heretic can kill another heretic effectively", and with such conviction, he is ready to commit any kind of abominable act as the bastard hero. Story update every weekday There will be chapter known as lore weekend every Saturday

Jester_Zains · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 11: Start of Rebellion

Buggane was a bit different from humans; they are bigger and stronger, but they are still primates, and so I'm sure they would still have the same weak point as humans. The unsuspecting Bjorj was looking around at other fighters with ease when my opportunity presented itself. I kicked the back of his ankle, tumbling him. Before he could turn his head, my cutlass was already thrusting into his head. A pity. If only I had both of my hands, I would use hostage strategy instead of this rash action. I thank you, Bjorj, for the brief time we have met; your death would for sure bring an unexpected change to this Colosseum.

I wiped the blood from my sword and sliced at Bjorj's corpse again, this time completely severing his head. I held his head up, eyes facing forward, and his exposed bottom was dripping blood. I'd held a severed head before from those tribes that like to shrink corpse heads as souvenirs, but a healthy, fresh severed head had a lot more weight to it.

As I previously stated, Bjorj was inspecting the conditions of other fighters, so many of those fighters witnessed this heinous assassination. If they want to, all of them could gang up on me and took me down quickly; heck, Bjorj was a good person, so I'm sure one or two fighters here would like to exact revenge, yet they just stand there frozen in disbelief.

In just a few moments, many blades and blunt were pointing at me from all directions. I raised my hand to demonstrate my non-aggression. "There is no need to scream or panic everyone. I assure you there was no malicious intent behind what I did."

"Y-you just killed Bjorj!" Do you know what you've done? Bjorj is.... He is the only one in this Colosseum who cares about me, even with my defect." A young fairy with a disfigured face was bawling his eyes out; he screamed with his raspy voice.

"Calm yourself, Theluz; even if you cry until you are blind, the dead will never be back." Behind Theluz was another fairy, but he seemed more mature, and even though he was not crying, just like Theluz, his sharp eyes were signaling aggression toward me.

"Theluz I know you hate me with every fiber of your being and while I do regret killing Bjorj, there is a good reason for that." Theluz's eyes were filled with bloodlust; he was ready to kill me, and he would do it had the mature fairy behind him did not tried to stop Theluz. "Well Trevor I know you humans are a jealous bunch of creatures; if I knew things would be like this, we should never have helped your race back then. You'd better give us a good reason, because I'm not fond of anyone who makes my brother cry!". "Big brother Yvir..." Theluz looked up at Yvir with admiration.

A brotherly bond. Oh, how precious. protecting someone and helping someone without any form of payment except a family tie. That Bjorj, who was apparently important to Theluz .I killed him because it was part of my plan, but why him in particular? Because he was the nearest target when I want to enacted my plan. Honesty is a virtue, but any virtue won't save me from the fighter's wrath if I answer the question honestly. I need more time to formulate the perfect answer; until then, I will buy time.

"First of all, my condolences for your loss; if I knew how precious he was to you, I would have told you beforehand. After all, I'm sure Bjorj has a soft spot for you, perhaps even more than your own brother."After hearing it, Theluz remained silent; if he didn't want to interrupt, I suppose I could speak as I please. I looked around, and all the fighters had the same idea: I'm the villain, the public enemy, and they could kill me anytime, so let's just give this villain a chance to monologue before his end.

"First of all, it needs to be said that my benefactor is Don Westel, the current head of the Fellendules family." Currently no one except me and Bjorj knew about my relationship with the Fellendules family, so I will use this chance." "Now think about the time when I first came here. I was brash and foul-mouthed, even though, compared to all of you, I was really weak. Now I ask you all why would That Don Westel, the strong man who defends this city all by himself, send the weak me to this Colosseum? There is nothing but demerit for him; if he wants to gain money, he should just go to this Colosseum himself instead of sending me."

As if struck by lightning, the silent fighters were now whispering to each other. "That was really strange." "He is right; why would Don Westel send this weak man here?" "I don't know that man's story, but it sounds suspicious to me." " Let's just let him finish his story before jumping to conclusions." Perfect, I may not know anything about this world, but the inverse is also true, no one in this world knows anything about me. Without a complete truth, I could slip in some lies to corrupt the real truth.

"I was a miner who happened to have the ability to use magic. One day the Fellendules family saw me and said I had potential, so I was hired as their butler and house guardian. I was happy that a peasant like me could work for such a famous family until I heard some secrets. Don Westel wanted to kill Astarte, his sole heir, and he invited her to this Colosseum to watch the fight because he planned to make her death an accident: maybe a stray arrow or magic would hit her, maybe someone would position her among the crowd; I didn't know the details except that he planned to kill her."

"That still didn't explain anything about why you came to this Colosseum and why you killed Bjorj."

"Please be patient; I was just getting to that part. As I said before, I heard his plan by chance, and unfortunately, I was discovered. Not wanting to dirty his hand, he threw me into this Colosseum and ordered Bjorj to make me die a dog death in here."

"But that's impossible; Bjorj would never agree to doing that!"

"Of course, after all, a kind man like him will never do something like that. Don Westel gave me an ultimatum; he said I could either choose instant death or death at the hands of a Colosseum fighter. He insisted that I must always acted like a jerk, so one of you will give me a horrible death. To ensure that I always pick a fight with another fighter, he sent Bjorj as his observer. But Bjorj did not have the heart to carry out the order."

"Yesterday and even the day before, you all saw it, right? That Bjorj speak with me quite frequently, the truth is that he asked me to kill him."

"No, that's a lie! It can't be true! Bjorj told me to live strong even with my defect, so why would he choose death? No, I'm not going to accept it!!!" So Bjork said something like that to Theluz before; he really was a kind guy.

"Kids, you don't know anything. Bjorj said that because he couldn't carry Dom Westel in order to kill me or make another fighter kill me. But if he runs away, Don Westel, with his influence, will surely find him and sentence him to fate worse than death. He said to me that he would rather be killed by someone he knew personally than Don Westel's lackey."

"But why... wouldn't he tell me...?" Theluz shocked by my answer, he drop down. His leg had given up, his eyes was red, not being able to produce anymore tear.

"I'm sure your life has already been burdened with more burden than that of a normal person, and I'm sure Bjorj doesn't want to add to it by giving you the news of his death."

"WHOOOHAHAAH!" Theluz screamed at this revelation. I felt a little bad about killing someone important and pretending to be some kind of hero, but this was necessary.

"That's all I have to say. This twisted outcome was all caused by Don Westel; if I had a chance, I would like to seek revenge against him for the sake of Bjorj, but that's not possible, right Theluz? Not only Theluz, but if any of you here thought I did a great sin by killing Bjorj, then strike me here right now; I'm willing to die as long as someone kills Don Westel in my stead." I looked down at the ground, afraid of looking at the people around me. Even if I could convince them, this plan still hinges on an unstable thing like emotion, and there was no guarantee it will succeed.

"If you still have honor, then raise your head, Trevor." It was Theluz's brother, Yvir. He offered his arm to me. "You don't have to apologize to anyone. After some discussion, we decided to help you take revenge against Don Westel. While you are one of the guilty party, the one I will never forgive is that damn old man for making my brother cry! So stand Trevor! If we want to beat Don Westel then we will need your help." I took his arm with no hesitation. This moment would go down in history as the starting point of my reign.