
Second Chance

After passing out, Killian never expected to see a daylight again, but it seems fate has other plans on him.

He suddenly woke up in rather awfully familiar room. Colored in orange, room was pretty large. On the left was a pretty big library with many different and very diverse books, starting from Goethe's "Faust" and ending with classic child book like "Pinnocio".

Next to this big section of books was a computer, which was turned off and rather well taken care of. The room itself was big, but by no means empty. There was a big mirror next to the door, right under the mini hoop and many decorative details, which filled the room with familiarity and warmth.

Killian woke up scared and lost. He recognized the room but refused to believe his very own eyes. Our main character thought that maybe his life is flashing before his eyes while facing death, but this moment is lasting too long to be called a 'flash'.

This room was the room in the same house, that he with his parents lived right before tragic incident involving Killian's mother happened .

Kill stood up from bed and went to mirror he used for as long as he remembers himself. Killian looked at the reflection and was left speechless.

His face was practically the same he had when he was around 10, but what surprised him even more was one thing : his nose was normal and not overgrown.

You see, one of the effects of the cursed disease - Acromegaly, is overgrown parts of the body. It can be hands, feet, brows and even jaw. In Kill's case, it was nose that took gigantified form and was strongly reducing Killian's charm amd even self-love points. But now, Killian had a 'normal looking' face, which can even be considered very handsome by most. Well, as handsome as 10 y/o can be.

'Alright,what the actual hell is going on? Why am I suddenly looking like pre-puberty me and why is my nose normal?'

He then started to connect the dots and deduced that he somehow and someway went back in time. And then it hit him...

'Wait,does that mean...'

Kill hurriedly opened the door and jolted out of the room as fast as he could. He sprinted his way down to the living room in hopes of meeting them. He was getting closer and closer to his destination,his heart was beating as loud as ever and after finally arriving, he saw them.

Tall, middle-aged man was sitting on the opposite side of the table, drinking coffee and enjoying very delicious looking pancakes. Man had dark brown hair and beard,very bright green eyes and quite a muscular build. Tall, but not quite as tall as man, woman sitting right next to him with her dark black hair,blue eyes and never-fading positive smile across her face.

They were Anna and Jordan Wolfhards, parents of our main character. They suddenly stopped whatever they were talking about and looked worried at their painting son, who looked like he ran a marathon.

"What happened dear?" asked worried Anna when she noticed tearing eyes of her beloved son.

Killian found it hard to process everything that was happening. He saw his parents, healthy and happy, other things didn't matter anymore. He ran right to his mother, crying and hugged her like his life depended on it.

'They are here, they really are here...'

Anna and Jordan didn't understand what was happening , but decided to hug him back just as tight to comfort him.

"Oh Kill, was it a bad nightmare?" asked Jordan with his very deep, but still very caring voice.

"Yeah, one very long,*sob* painful *sob* and lonely nightmare"

'I was given a second chance, new hope. I swear, I will fix everything. No matter the cost, I will do everything right this time'

The flame of determination sparkled up in Kill's eyes, while still bear-hugging his parents.

"Alright,I'm gonna go change into something more fit. Thank you both for everything. I love you both very much" said Killian going back to his room, still in tears.

Anna and Jordan were a little surprised to hear such honest words from their rather tsundere son, but still smiled as warm and wide as they could.

"Your parents love you very much too, baby" said Anna with her angelic voice and wide, radiating smile.

Kill started walking up the stairs, sweaty from the range of emotions he felt, with a sad smile filled with regret.

Killian went up to his room, when suddenly white screen popped up in his view

[Installing "Be Legendary" system: 99%]


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