
Consecutive LOGO shows, 5 three-point shows in a single quarter!

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Lakers offense. Odom dribbles past half court.

Zeng Zhen started to start running on the inside this time.

With the help of Bynum running with the body of his opponent David Lee.

Zeng Zhen quickly pushed for a three-point play after receiving a handoff pass from Odom. Odom's frame helped Zeng Zhen block the last pursuer.

Zeng Zhen struck with a drift this time, which was very difficult. But the rhythm was found right.

"Swish!" An arrow through the center. 78-78. Knicks offense.

Crawford dribbled across half-court, and Crawford still took a three-point shot this turn against Vujacic after consecutive wobbles. The shot came out noticeably hard.

"Frame!" Finally nothing.

The rebound went to Bynum.

Bynum quickly gives the ball to Zeng Zhen. Zeng Zhen dribbles upcourt.

Odom and Bynum came to cover Zeng Zhen at the same time. Mabry was directly pinned down.

Zeng Zhen broke in on the right side, Bynum went down the middle, and Odom went to pull back. Between the lines, the Knicks' defensive attention was attracted by Zeng Zhen.

David Lee and Eddie Curry both came to press in Zeng Zhen's direction.

Zeng Zhen went around Eddie Curry's waist and gave the ball to Bynum, who followed up behind him. Bynum's rhythm was great, he received the ball and took off into the air, and Eddy Curry could not react. Bynum finished the smash through Eddy Curry.

"Box!!!" 80-78.

"Nice pass." Bynum high-fived Zeng Zhen in celebration. Zeng Zhen gasped and nodded.

It's a good thing the Lakers' interior is slightly more dependable than a shot like that.

Crawford's touch dipped slightly the next time around as well, and the Knicks were causing more kills and scoring from the free throw line.

On the Lakers' side, the offense has stabilized a little bit, and Zeng Zhen didn't continue to shoot threes, but has been creating opportunities for his teammates. Zeng Zhen is still very big for the defense's hold, which allows the other players of the Lakers to have some opportunities, his individual performance is not much. The third quarter ended quickly with the score set at 86-84, with the Lakers barely maintaining the lead.

"Crap, Zeng Zhen got busted again today."

"Can't say it's been blown out, can only say that Crawford is too sick, whoever defends." "This section of the Lakers played too pull crotch, who would not have thought so vegetable."

"The Knicks players are still capable, just inconsistent."

"The Lakers lacked a second stable scoring point, and when Zeng Zhen got into trouble, the others were limited in their ability to initiate their own offense. "Zeng Zhen was pinned down, if only Kobe was there."

"Zeng Zhen is enjoying the treatment of Kobe before." Fans were talking about it on the posting board.

CCTV studio.

Xu Jicheng asked, "Director Zhang, how do you think the Lakers are going to play next will be relatively better?"

Zhang Weiping said, "or the same as the original, continued to create offensive opportunities for Zeng Zhen, so that Zeng Zhen to dominate the team's offense, the other people To always stay focused, to be able to end the offense, Bynum in the third quarter on the good, he is also one of the Lakers rare bright spot."

Zeng Zhen was off the field for four minutes in the fourth quarter.

The Knicks also took advantage of this time to complete the comeback on the scoreboard.

Odom was in such a slump today, he looked slow on the court and couldn't keep up on defense, he got hit a lot by David Lee and Eddy Curry at this point.

The score came to 91-94 when Zeng Zhen took the court, and the Knicks played tough at home.

After Zeng Zhen stepped onto the court, the Knicks remained resolute in their pinning strategy against him, forcing Zeng Zhen to play the ball. Zeng Zhen gave the ball to Walton.

Wharton strides forward to impact the inside.

Encountering David Lee's assisted defense, he quickly gave the ball to Zeng Zhen who ran to the right side of the three-point line. Zeng Zhen started to dribble with a low hand against the defense of Marbury.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Ariza on the other side wanted to come in for a pinch, but Zeng Zhen found a rhythm, combined the ball and stepped back to the other side for a quick three-point shot. The ball was very difficult.

It's out of motion.

The basketball made a wonderful arc. "Swish!"

94 to 94.

Zeng Zhen continued to tie the game quickly with a three-pointer. Knicks offense.

Marbury dribbles to the frontcourt.

Mabry greets a block.

David Lee lifted up, and Zeng Zhen went around David Lee and continued to chase Marbury. Marbury has the space to start now, he combines the ball and wants to stride to the basket. Just Zeng Zhen did not give up on the defense of Marbury.

The moment he closed the ball, Zeng Zhen went down to cut the ball. "Pah!"

Successfully cut to.

Zeng Zhen didn't have control of the ball the moment he cut it, and it stumbled a bit towards the field. Zeng Zhen didn't give up on the ball either, but darted in to save it.

Zeng Zhen saved the ball and gave it back to Walton. "Good shot."

Zen Master, who was on the sidelines, also slapped Zeng Zhen's butt. Zeng Zhen quickly got up and quickly returned to the field.

Walton saw the running Zeng Zhen on the dribble and sent the ball straight through. The Knicks' loose defense came out again.

They were not paying attention to Zeng Zhen who was just in the backfield. Gave Zeng Zhen an opening.

Zeng Zhen received the ball in a position one meter away from the three-point line at the top of the arc, and without hesitation, he directly pushed the shot. It was another super long three points.

The basketball drilled into the basket as precisely as if it had its own scope. "Swish!"

An arrow through the heart! 97-94.

Zeng Zhen helped his team complete an instant comeback with two consecutive three-pointers. Archery celebration pose up again.

Despite his overall bad hand in the third quarter, Zeng Zhen kept his confidence in his shots. As long as there was an opening, within his range, then he would just shoot.

Said Barkley: "It's going to be tough for the Knicks if they let Tseng get the tempo going, let's see if they can keep the firepower up in the third quarter Said Miller: "If they had kept the firepower up in the third quarter, would the Knicks' record be down to this?"

Kerr said, "Whether a team can win or not has a lot to do with their consistency." On the court, the Knicks' offense.

Crawford's block with David Lee.

After the block, Crawford kills the ball into the interior with the ball, and Odom quickly goes to fill the defense. Crawford gave the ball to David Lee who followed in the middle.

David Lee lifts the ball up and raises the fire trying to finish the finish with a quick direct dunk.

But Bynum jumped out from under him and made a hard slap shot right to Zeng Zhen.

Zeng Zhen's reaction was quick, the ball wasn't originally coming at him, it was passing by him, but he was quick to stop it.

As soon as Zeng Zhen took the ball, Mabry tried to steal it and ended up slapping it into Zeng Zhen's hands.


The referee decisively blew for a foul and re-served the ball. Zeng Zhen regained the ball and went to the frontcourt to organize the offense. Bynum raises up to cover.

Zeng Zhen moves across after using the cover and continues to be pinned.

Zeng Zhen knocked the ball down to Bynum before the clinch was complete. Bynum caught the ball against David Lee under the basket for a layup.

It didn't work, but Walton on the other side of the court drove to the basket for a layup. 99-94.

The Lakers quickly took control of the situation.

Under Zeng Zhen's conduction, the Lakers' offense's rhythm looked very much in sync. There was little forced offense, and almost all of it was reasonable ball.


Nichols again called a halt to the game.

Zeng Zhen walked to the bench to celebrate with his teammates by high-fiving and chest bumping.

At one point, the Knicks brought the score back, and the Lakers dominated again. "Zeng, great three-point shooting." Zen Master gave Zeng Zhen praise.

Zeng Zhen nodded.

At this time, the big screen of Madison Garden Arena also kept playing Zeng Zhen's game highlights. Accurate shooting, soft touch under the basket all showed the uniqueness of Zeng Zhen.

"Hey, how come the Knicks don't have a rookie like that."

"This rookie's three is so accurate, it's kind of unbelievable." "Yeah, too accurate."

"No wonder he dared to say that he surpassed Jordan, this guy still has some ability." CCTV studio.

Zhang Weiping laughed: "Zeng Zhen finally found his three-point touch in the fourth quarter as well, and his long-distance shooting kept putting pressure on the Knicks, causing the Knicks' defensive formation to change."

Seo said, "Let's see if Crawford, who was on fire in the third quarter next, can respond to that kind of offense." The timeout came back quickly.

Marbury dribbled across the half court, he gave the ball to Crawford and then went on a run himself. Zeng Zhen thought at first that Marbury wanted to do it himself, but it turned out to be a pass.

Zeng Zhen didn't relax his defense though, but kept pestering Marbury.

Marbury couldn't catch the ball trying to run backwards, and Crawford opted for his own block with Eddy Curry. After the block, Crawford broke in.

Crawford came to the basket and challenged Bynum's defense.

This time Bynum didn't block it, and Crawford had nimble feet and dribbled past him. Crawford dove under the basket and put the ball in the air.

99 to 96.

Crawford is still one of the Knicks' best form today, on the contrary, Marbury is invisible. Zeng Zhen couldn't help but spray with Marbury next to him, "Are you really the boss of this team?"

Today's Marbury really doesn't seem to have much presence in Zeng Zhen's opinion, and the score should still be in single digits. Marbury also ignored Zeng Zhen.

He does seem to be slipping a bit fast this season. Lakers offense.

Odom dribbles to the frontcourt.

Zeng Zhen's frontcourt continues to run wild.

Zeng Zhen received the ball from the right bottom corner, coming out around the wall to the three-point line. As soon as Zeng Zhen caught the ball, Mabry, who was following the defense, came up quickly.

Zeng Zhen still has no intention of going one on one, but continues to ask for cover.

Bynum lifted up and gave Zeng Zhen another block, and Zeng Zhen dribbled low combined with a change of direction. "Bang!"


Zeng Zhen's dribbling rhythm changes very much, the change of defense Eddie Curry can not keep up with Zeng Zhen's rhythm. Zeng Zhen chose to stomp the ground back, directly with Eddie Curry's space.

Zeng Zhen's rhythm and pace of this ball are very smooth, like flowing water. Eddie Curry's entire body was almost shaken down by Zeng Zhen.

Zeng Zhen pushed for a three-point shot after a slight adjustment from the three-point line. "Swish!"

The basketball was dried into the basket. 102-96.

Zeng Zhen's shooting continued to create kills for the Knicks, playing very consistently. "Clip him, don't give him a chance."

"Don't let him pitch like that."

Larry Brown roared down the field.

Zeng Zhen's 3-point shot is so scary, it's a series of them when it goes in. Zeng Zhen gesticulated and shot celebratory hand signals backing up his defense.

Eddie Curry was also breathing heavily as he watched Zeng Zhen. He really couldn't keep up with this rookie.

Knicks fans are speechless.

Every time he looked like he could catch up again, Zeng Zhen came out to repel the Knicks' offense. "This rookie pisses people off."

"Fark, just throws and throws and throws, it's annoying." "How does he manage to be so accurate."

"To keep such a good touch after consecutive adjustments." The fans were as helpless as they could be in their rage.

Zeng Zhen was enjoying the feeling of making threes like this, and he knew that many Knicks fans hated him. But couldn't do anything about him.

Barkley said, "Tseng's one-on-one play on the mismatch is enough, he can easily face the big man to shake out the space and finish the shot.

Smith said, "Now it's up to the Knicks to respond." On the court.

Knicks offense.

Mabry blocks with Eddy Curry.

After the block, Mabry breaks in smoothly.

Zeng Zhen continued to chase Marbury, who paused to try and draw a foul. But Zeng Zhen reacted quickly, he sidestepped and dodged.

Marbury is looking for someone in the air and he gives the ball to Crawford on the other side. Crawford breaks out and splits the ball to Ariza on the other side.

Ariza is in the middle of the open space. Three point shot. "Swish!" 102-99.

"Trevor Ariza!" The DJ shouted.

The fans at Madison Square Garden Arena cheered, they loved to see it, the team hadn't given up and was still going strong. Just as quickly, that vocalization came to an abrupt end.

Zeng Zhen quickly dribbled across half court and saw the clinch coming.

Zeng Zhen doesn't care about the LOGO and shoots a long three. This ball Zeng Zhen shot very determined.

The fans on the field gasped in horror.

The Zen master couldn't help but stare.

If Zeng Zhen hadn't been so reliable with his threes, he would have cursed immediately. The basketball drew a super long arc.

"Swish!" An arrow through the heart! 105-99. "Crazy, crazy pitch."

"It's all there!"

"It's horrible, who can cover a three-pointer like that." "Just get out of the open spot."

"It's attack range past halfway across the field." "Too much range is too much."

"The ability to shoot against the grain."

The fans at home have gone wild. Wasn't it a clinch?

Then I'll throw it after half-court.

Zeng Jin gestured towards the floor this time.

signaling that the Knicks' two defenders are too short.

Players up and down the Knicks' roster are feeling a lot of pressure.

Every time they feel like they've tried hard to play defense, that effort seems overwhelming against this level of shooting. Knicks offense.

Crawford was on the outside facing Vujacic's frantic wobbling, coming up with a super high wobble over God to shake Vujacic out of the way, and then he stomped backward to the three-point line.

Crawford was in the middle of the open space, and he made a very decisive three-point attempt to rebound. Only this time, he did not hit.


The basketball hit the front rim hard.

Odom got the rebound and gave the ball directly to Zeng Zhen.

Zeng Zhen pushed forward at high speed, and the Knicks' clamping circle was still waiting for Zeng Zhen. Just crossed the half-court and watched the clinch about to encircle.

Zeng Zhen pushes out another shot.

The basketball was like cutting through the air. "Swish!"

Dry hits. 108 to 99.

Swinging LOGO three-point double-double, the fifth triple of the quarter!

I hope you will support my other contracted work [Traveling to a parallel world and becoming a full-attribute goalkeeper], your support is my motivation!

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