
Bashing MyHead At my Table As I Was Writing This

A not so serious story about a man who died bashing his head at my table in front of me as I stare at his corpse blankly. . . . . . . . . . . LOL Disclaimer: Read this work if you want, don't give it some 1 star reviews for shit and giggles. Also, I don't own some characters or elements in the story. The cover is not mine. The synopsis above was a dud. Just read the story.

Silent_John_23 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 10 Å|₽H@

"Alice, he probably didn't mean to say that. Let him go this time."

I released him from my gravity magic and just stared at him. My brother stood up slowly and saw me staring at him with an emotionless gaze which gave him an uncomfortable feeling.

"Stop staring at me. I'm just saying the tru–"

He immediately stopped what he was going to say as he saw me narrow my eyes ever so slightly it's near unnoticeable. Knowing that I'll make him grovel at the ground again if he say anything about that, he immediately changed the topic.

"I'm just joking, Sis! You're so cool to be using our bloodline magic so early! You even made a cool and beautiful avatar! You're the best!"

"Alright, stop flattering your sister, Jay. Alice, can you tell me now how did you do that?"

"I used gravity magic to increase–"

"Not that one, I need to know how you sped up the process."

"Oh... I gave my avatar a passive ability to enhance my soul strength so when it got integrated, it shortened the time needed for the remaining ones."

My mom's eyes widened and had a look of realization. She stared at me in surprise and said,

"Why didn't I thought about that?! It's that easy, you just need the ability to not explode into meat paste! I'm so stupid, we're all stupid!"

"I thought it's normal."

"It's not normal! The Tristitia Family had the tradition of crowning the one who can have more avatars ad the chief and ordinary clansmen back in the day normally only have one avatar."

"It's rare even in the chief's family to have even just two avatars, at that time they'll be considered a genius that can be the chief. I only have two avatars and I'm already a rare case in a decade or two. No one ever had three or more avatars like the ancestor."

We continued to talk until noon. Mom talked about our bloodline magic, the demon world history (simplified), and anything else a demon needed to know. Like torture weapons, demon king history, magic, etc.

I am now in my room wearing my usual everyday clothes. I already changed back to my original appearance after entering my room. When I changed back, I even saw myself grinning from ear to ear from my reflection from my phone... but I am still pretty cute.

Now I am planning to make my second avatar. I'll use this avatar the most along with [ Uriel ] as it have such an important role. Hehehe~ Another OP female lead material coming right up!

~~TIMESKIP~~ 3hours

[ || Alpha || (BioMechanical Android) --> An avatar with the appearance of a tall mature woman in her 20s. She has snow white hair and crimson red eyes akin to the blood moon. Her beauty can only be described as a beauty that can topple cities. She is a playful and mischievous person that likes to play pranks on a person.

She is called the perfect android due to her potential to continuously grow, making her the crystallization of technological advancement. Her skills as a hacker, programmer, mechanical engineer, and computer scientist are all unparalleled. But her only way of combat is using technologically advanced weaponry and her superior double dagger skills.

She has the ability to enter the internet (cyberspace) without obstruction by converting herself into data. She also has the ability to mimic the appearance of anyone by ingesting a DNA sample of the subject due to her being a BioMechanical Android.

Due to her personality, her hobby of creating different kinds of games like puzzle games, adventure games, horror games, etc. became her passion. She will send an Alpha Virtual Reality (AVR) Headset, capable of simulating all human senses and is infinitely close to reality, randomly around the world for them to play her game. If you win a total of 1,000 games then you will have a chance to meet her and grant him/her a prize. ]

Hahaha! Now I am the god of machines! As long as they're using any type of energy source to power their tools and equipment, they will all be at my mercy! Hehehe~!

With this avatar of mine, I will be able to move through the internet with no obstruction whatsoever. I can collect information about this world more comprehensively. Even the top secret stuff can't be hidden from me.

I am super bored now that I assimilated with [ Uriel ]. Even that triangular bastard can't harm me in anyway as I can just use space manipulation to literally delete him. So I decided to have fun with this avatar in the cyberspace. I'll do anything as long as it's within the cyber world. Of course as long as it's within my bottomline.

"I won't make anymore OP avatars for a long time after this. I need to first be proficient in them first and there's also the templates. Even though Mei is overshadowed by [ Uriel ], I can still use Touka. I'll just merge my Mei Template with [ Uriel ] later after I finish my second avatar's integration."

I still don't know how the bloodline magic works but I'll accept the reason 'because it's magic' for now. Will I need a longer time or shorter? I don't know, but I'll find out after I wake up later. Starting the process, I felt sleepy...


A/N: Our loli female lead really is cute! Curse Jay's blasphemous mouth and–

*Knock! *Knock! * Knock!*

"FBI! Open up!"


A/N: "What did I do?!"

"Don't make excuses! You're coming with us!"

A/N: "Noooooo!"