
BanG Dream: The Unexpected Part-Timer

A male part-timer suddenly appeared in a girl's band studio!? Meet Nakasone Kyo, a part-timer of CirCLE Studio. A high school student devotes his life to music. (I do not own any of the characters here. All rights go to Bushiroad & CraftEgg) Art: BanG Dream 2nd Season (I'll find a better cover book soon)

Yamiru · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs

Little Puppy that Bites

It was exactly 12:00 PM, and after indulging in Hagumi's croquettes, I felt pleasantly full. I stepped out of the cottage, wrapped in a cozy sweater. Kokoro and Hagumi had plans to explore the woods in the mountains later in the afternoon.

Why the sudden interest?

I pondered this as I noticed Misaki descending with a slightly sullen expression.

"What's wrong, Okusawa-san?"

"Ahh... Nakasone-san... I'm sorry."

"Eh?! Why are you apologizing as if you've done something wrong?!"

"Ahh... Actually, I was just watching a camping video on YuuTube when Kokoro sneaked up behind me and noticed what I was watching. And then... she wanted to go camping with everyone."

Ah... I found the source. Why are you even watching a camping video...?

"Everyone! Are we ready?" Kokoro emerged fully equipped, sporting a backpack as she strolled out of the cottage, followed by Hagumi, Kaoru, and Matsubara.

"Ohh!" Hagumi and Matsubara chimed.

"Ara~ It's the little puppy~ Good afternoon." Kaoru greeted me with a wink and a playful smile.

Urgk... That's cringe... Is she seriously calling me 'little puppy'? 

As I cringed internally, Kaoru's tomboyish charm took center stage. She slapped me on the back with a grin. "Come on, Gotta toughen up!"

"Yes, yes, I'm on it."

And so, the five of us headed up the mountain, searching for a suitable spot to set up camp. The air was crisp, and the surroundings were serene, until unexpectedly, a blizzard swept in.

"Great... It's winter after all..."

The snow began to fall in thick flakes, obscuring our vision and muffling the sounds of our footsteps. Kokoro, ever the optimist, grinned and exclaimed, "Wow! Snow! This is gonna be an unforgettable camping experience, guys!"

Wow... Just wow...

Hagumi, with her usual enthusiasm, added, "I've never camped in the snow before! It's like an adventure!"

Misaki managed a small smile... probably a forced one. "Well, I guess we're in for a unique camping trip."

Kaoru, rolled her eyes as she had roses in her mouth. "Come on, it's just a little snow. Adds to the thrill, doesn't it?"


Matsubara, ever calm and collected, suggested, "Maybe we should find some shelter. It's getting pretty intense out here."

As we navigated through the snow-covered terrain, laughter and banter echoed against the backdrop of the blizzard. 

"This is a bad idea after all!"

"What are you talking about, Kyo-kun! As long as we put our smiles into it, there's no problem!" Kokoro beamed at me, her positivity undeterred by the swirling snow.

I didn't want to die smiling, though!? That's gonna be messed up!

As we trudged forward, I noticed a small forest in the south direction, still surprised by my own vision that could see through the thick snow.

"Over there!"

"Ohh!~ Good find, Kyo-kun!" Kokoro exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious. The others quickly followed suit as we made our way towards the shelter of the forest.

The snow intensified, swirling around us like a whimsical dance. Misaki glanced at me, her expression a mix of concern and determination. "Alright, let's get to that forest. We need cover."

Kaoru, ever the adventurer, chimed in, "Good call, Kyo-kun! Lead the way!"

We pressed on through the snow, each step feeling heavier as the blizzard intensified. 

 "This is fun isn't it Kyo-kun! A great adventure through thick snow!"

"Yeah, an adventure I didn't sign up for," I muttered under my breath.

As we reached the edge of the forest, a sense of relief washed over us. The trees provided some shelter from the biting wind, and we huddled together for warmth. Kokoro looked at me with gratitude in her eyes. "Thanks, Kyo-kun. You really saved the day!"

I shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Just following my instincts, I guess."

"So? How do we start a fire?" I asked the four as they remained silent.

"Hmm~ I wonder if we have tools for starting a fire~" Kokoro mused, opening her bag and pulling out a microphone.

"Eh? Seriously?!"

I turned to the others, who had just opened their bags, only to realize they also had instruments.

Oh god... I feel like I'm gonna get sick again.

"Guess we're starting a musical campfire, huh?" Kokoro grinned, holding the microphone like a torch.

Kaoru, still up the act of being tomboyish, shot me a look. "Why not? Beats freezing in the snow."

Hagumi, with her usual optimism, suggested, "Maybe the instruments will attract friendly woodland creatures to help us."

How is that gonna work!?

Matsubara chuckled awkwardly. "Well, it's not the campfire we expected, but it might work."

Kokoro, ever lively, grinned at me. "Kyo-kun, what song should we start with? Something to warm us up!"

Please... I want to finish this day and go back to the cottage.

I sighed, realizing the absurdity of our situation. "Just pick something, I guess." I glanced around at the trees, noticing some twigs. "I'll go pick some twigs. You four, please create a small shelter at least."

"Roger!" The five of them chimed in unison.

These five are going to end my life, I swear... but... their brightness is contagious, even in this ridiculous situation.

As I gathered twigs, the soft crunch of snow approached from behind. Turning around, I saw Kaoru.


"Seta-san... What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was just going to help you pick up some twigs. I don't mind being with you here," she said in a gentle tone.

A slight blush painted my cheeks as I shook my head.

Shit, that was close... I almost fell for that! I won't fall back! I will counter-attack it!

For some reason... My mind started conjuring weird teases and flirts.

"Are you sure? I don't want your soft hand to get dirty. At least let me do the work, Kao-chan."

Just then, Kaoru immediately straightened up, revealing her true manners, embarrassment coloring her flushed face. "Y-You! H-how did you know that!"

"I wonder~" I smirked.

"W-Was it Chisato!? It's Chisato, isn't it!?"

"Woah~ You knew?"

"Yeah! We're childhood friends, a-and she's the only one who calls me that, but it's embarrassing!"

Oh crap, I'm enjoying Seta's embarrassed side...

"I see, Kao-chan..."

"S-Stop calling me that!!"

"Don't worry, I have permission from Chisato-chan."


"Yeah!~ When I was working with Pastel*Palletes, Chisato told me a lot of facts about you, Kao-chan~"

"Aaaaaahhhhh!! Please stop!"

Oh, shit... I'm actually a sadist?!

By the way, Kao-chan~ I heard that you're bad with mornings and tend to have trouble waking up. Should I wake you up next time?"

She stayed silent, her face turning a deep shade of red.

"Eh?! Seta-san!? What happened!"

Without a word, she flopped down onto the snow, unconscious.

"Oh crap... Did I overdo it too much?" I muttered, kneeling beside her. "Kao-chan, wake up!"

Her eyes fluttered open, and she shot up, looking disoriented. "Wh-What happened?"

"You fainted. Did I tease you too much?" I asked with genuine concern in my tone.

Her face reddened even more. "I... I guess I'm not used to that kind of banter."

"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to push it too far." I offered her a hand, helping her up from the snowy ground.

She took it, still slightly flustered. "Thanks, Nakasone-kun. Just... maybe go a little easier on the teasing next time."

I grinned, deciding to tone it down a notch. "Sure thing, Kao-chan. Let's get back to the others."

"You're still calling me that!?"

As we walked back to the group, I couldn't help but think of Kaoru's easily flustered girl. Maybe she is indeed a girl.

Just then, as we walked toward the camp, I found my mind wandering into strange territory. I started imagining Kaoru wearing a maid outfit, an idol outfit, a teacher outfit, a nurse outfit...


I immediately dropped the twigs and rushed to the nearest tree, smashing my head against it repeatedly.

"Eh?! Nakasone-kun!? What are you doing!?"

Stop imagining things, you idiot!!!

I slowly turned to Kaoru, trying to play it off. "Ahh, don't worry, just cleansing my mind in a hard way."

"Eh?! But your blood is dripping from your head!?"

I winced, realizing my attempt to distract her had failed miserably. "It's... uh, nothing. Just got a bit carried away."

She raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Carried away smashing your head into a tree? Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just a little... self-discipline," I mumbled, wiping the blood off my forehead.

Kaoru shook her head, a mix of concern and amusement in her eyes. "You're a strange one, Nakasone-kun. Come on, let's get back to the others."

As we rejoined the group, I made a mental note to keep my imagination in check, especially when it came to Kaoru and various outfits.