
BanG Dream: The Unexpected Part-Timer

A male part-timer suddenly appeared in a girl's band studio!? Meet Nakasone Kyo, a part-timer of CirCLE Studio. A high school student devotes his life to music. (I do not own any of the characters here. All rights go to Bushiroad & CraftEgg) Art: BanG Dream 2nd Season (I'll find a better cover book soon)

Yamiru · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs

Bright Smile (Hello, Happy World)

The sun was beginning to set as I continued handing out flyers for Morfonica's performance later that night. 

Despite the exhausting heat earlier in the day, the cool breeze of the evening brought relief. My stack of flyers had significantly dwindled, but I knew I had to keep going until they were all gone.

"Phew, That's done... Time to get back." 

I returned to CiRCLE Livehouse, relieved to have finished distributing all the flyers. As I entered, I noticed that the atmosphere had changed.

As I approached the reception desk, Marina was busy organizing tickets behind the counter. She glanced over at me with a smile.

"Welcome back, Nakasone-kun. Good job with the flyers."

I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment at her words. "Thank you, Marina-san. It was quite a task, but I managed to hand them all out."

"That's great to hear," Marina replied. "Now, I hope you're ready for the performance. It's going to be a fantastic night."

I nodded in agreement, the anticipation building. The live ouse was beginning to fill up with excited fans, and I couldn't wait to see Morfonica perform.

As I looked around, something caught my eye.


A massive pink teddy bear stood nearby, its presence impossible to ignore.

I slowly approached the pink teddy bear and stared at it, baffled by its presence. It was an odd sight for a live house like CiRCLE.

"U-Uhm?" a voice emanated from inside the bear.

Oh, it speaks... Yeah, it speaks because someone's inside...

"I-I'm not a mascot," the voice protested.

Huh? I looked at the teddy bear up and down. No matter how I looked at it, it screamed mascot.

"Hm? Now that I think about it... Are you perhaps Michelle?"


Ah, she's from the Hello, Happy World band...


Just then, a girl with an unmistakably bright personality entered the scene, leaping toward Michelle and hugging her tightly.


She then turned her attention to me.

"Kokoro, Why are you suddenly jumping around like that? You could get hurt, you know?" Michelle expressed concern.

"Hehehe, It's fine! After all, Michelle is soft!" Kokoro replied with infectious enthusiasm.

"Good afternoon, My little kittens~" a new voice chimed in.

I turned to see the newcomer, a tall girl, who radiated an air of theatricality. 

"K-Kaoru-san, good afternoon," Michelle greeted.

Kaoru then turned her attention to me. "Hm? Are you perhaps new here?"

"H-Hello there... My name is Nakasone Kyo," I introduced myself but couldn't help taking a step back due to the overwhelming presence.

"Hm? Why are you stepping back?" She then walked closer, her expression not changing.

"E-Errm... This is just a question but... Why are you acting like that?"

Kokoro laughed heartily as if my confusion amused her. "Oh, I see! You must be new here, Kyo-chan!"

"Yes, I am."

Wait, did she just call me Kyo-'chan'

"Welcome to the CiRCLE family!" She spreads her arms like its wings.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself, Please forgive my rudeness. My name is Seta Kaoru, the prince of CiRCLE."

Prince of what...?

Kaoru nodded dramatically, striking a princely pose that was both impressive and amusing. "That's right! I believe in spreading happiness!! Hello, Happy World! Making the world smile!"

"Ooohh! Hagumi-chan! Kanon-chan!" Kokoro exclaimed and rushed to greet two more individuals who had just entered the live house.

Too bright to look at.

"Hm? An unfamiliar face!" Hagumi said, and before I knew it, she was right in front of me. "Hello! I'm Kitazawa Hagumi! Bassist of Hello, Happy World! My family runs a meat shop, also home to the super popular croquette! You should try some!"

Her face is too close...

Her face was inches from mine, and I was momentarily taken aback. "I-I'll try later... ahahaha..." I chuckled nervously, trying to maintain a bit of personal space.

Next was Kanon, who greeted me with a polite bow. "H-Hello... My name is Matsubara K-Kanon... Uhhh... I play as a drummer for Hello, Happy World..."

"H-Hello, Matsubara-san!" I returned her bow with a nod, relieved that the distance was a bit more comfortable.

"Now then, everyone! Onwards to the studio!" Kokoro declared with an energetic flourish. She led the way, her friends following her into the empty studio... except for Michelle.

Michelle walked over to me. 

  "Uhmm... Do you have water? It's hot inside here..."

"Oh, uhhh sure, wait here."

I stepped out of the live house and quickly purchased a water bottle from the cafe. Then, returned with the cold bottle in hand. 

"Here you go." I extended my hand, offering her the water. "But how are you gonna drink it?"

Michelle's response was unexpected. She grabbed her teddy bear head with both hands and carefully removed it.

I guess that's obvious.

"Oh..." I couldn't help but blink in surprise.

She looks like... a tomboy?

"Haha, I forgot to introduce myself, didn't I?" She chuckled lightly, revealing a warm smile. "My name is Misaki Okusawa, I'm the DJ for Hello, Happy World."

As she introduced herself, Misaki opened the lid of the water bottle and drank from it in one swift motion.

"Ahhh, much better." She let out a contented sigh.

I took the empty bottle from her hand. "Feeling better now?"

"Yeah, thank you," Misaki replied with gratitude, putting the teddy bear's head back on. "Good work out there, Nakasone-san."


Wow, didn't expect Michelle to reveal her face in front of me.

I won't get killed for that right?

Kokoro is like a bright sun...

Yamirucreators' thoughts