
BanG Dream: The Unexpected Part-Timer

A male part-timer suddenly appeared in a girl's band studio!? Meet Nakasone Kyo, a part-timer of CirCLE Studio. A high school student devotes his life to music. (I do not own any of the characters here. All rights go to Bushiroad & CraftEgg) Art: BanG Dream 2nd Season (I'll find a better cover book soon)

Yamiru · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs

A Night With Afterglow

As I finished up my tasks for the day, I made sure to double-check that the livehouse was properly closed. I couldn't afford any surprises in the morning, especially with the fear of vandalism looming over my head.

I couldn't help but wonder how Marina-san was doing at that moment. I had a habit of worrying about her when she was away.


Somewhere, Marina-san sneezed twice, feeling a sudden urge to check on her friends. "Is someone talking about me?"

"Hey, what are you muttering about?" Her friend questioned, her attention still glued to her phone.

"Oh, nothing."


I returned to the front door of the CirCLE after a few minutes, satisfied that everything was secure. "All done."

"You're right."




I immediately turned to her, "Mitake-san?!"

"Yo, took you long enough to notice me," she greeted me casually.

I was taken aback but more surprised.

"Wait, were you waiting here the whole time?"


"Why didn't you say anything?"

She smirked, "Because you seemed to be in your own world, enjoying yourself."

I couldn't argue with that, but it still surprised me that she had been there the whole time without me realizing it.

Am I actually blind?

"So... Is there something you need to talk about?" I asked as we began walking.

"Yeah, that's mainly why I'm here."

"True... Shall we walk, then?"

Ran agreed, and we strolled along the bustling street, surrounded by people and the sounds of vehicles. The night was as lively as ever.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I inquired.

Ran didn't respond immediately, but eventually, she opened up, "First... I... I want to thank you."

"Thank me? That's unusual for you, Mitake-san."

"Shut up and let me finish!" She sighed and looked away. "Actually, you know that I've had a rivalry with Minato-san, right?"

I nodded.

"After that one song and the music video that catapulted them even higher... It felt like I couldn't reach that level anymore."


"So, you've always strived to be at the top, to surpass them... Roselia."

"That's right." Ran hesitated, then stopped walking, turning to face me. "So, Nakasone-kun, will you...-"

But then a sudden rumbling sound interrupted her, and Ran's face immediately turned red.

"Mitake-san, are you perhaps..." I began to ask, trying to stifle my laughter.

"Shut up! Don't say a word!"

Oh god! I couldn't hold back my laughter any longer.

"Hey! Why are you laughing!?"

"Hahaha~ Nothing... So, shall we grab some ramen now?"

Ran looks away pouting slightly.

I suppose that's a no?

As Ran and I continued walking, we ran into Moca and Tomoe, who were walking towards us.

"Ran and... Nakasone? What are you two doing here?" Tomoe asked, surprised by our unexpected encounter.

"Hello, Aoba-san and Udegawa-san. We're just taking a stroll," I explained.

"Hmm? Is this a date?~" Moca asked, tilting her head mischievously. "Ran is so bold tonight~"

Ran's face turned even redder. "What?! It's not what you think!"

"Ohh~ Nice one, Moca!" Tomoe chimed in, joining the teasing.

Ran tried to clarify, "It's not a date!!"

Just then, A coincidence happened Himari and Tsugumi appeared out of nowhere, walking right behind Moca and Tomoe.

Very suspicious.

"Huh? Everyone? What's going on here?" Tsugumi inquired.

Moca greeted them cheerfully, "Ohh~ Tsugu and Hii-chan~ Good evening."

"Good evening to you too," Tsugumi greeted back.

Himari, always curious and cheerful, couldn't contain her excitement. "Huh? Nakasone-kun and Ran-chan?! Are you two on a date!?"

"Definitely not!" Ran retorted, flustered by the situation. T

Tomoe turned to everyone, "Let's just go. Now that we're here, we might as well invite everyone."

Himari agreed and nodded, "Sure sure~ Let's go try MASKING's place!"

Followed by everyone who also nodded.

MASKING? What kind of name is that?


Eventually, we arrived and entered the ramen shop, intrigued by its cool exterior. However, as we stepped inside, we were greeted by a warm greet.

"Yo! Welcome!"

"Masuki!" Tomoe rushed forward to greet her friend.

"Oh? Tomoe! Looks like you kept your promise," Masuki observed.

"Right?" Tomoe grinned proudly.

"Table for 5?... Hm?" Masuki's gaze landed on me, and she gave me a suspicious look. "Who are you?"

I felt a bit unnerved by her intense scrutiny. Tomoe stepped in to introduce me, pulling me closer by the shoulders.

"Oh? Him?" Tomoe said with a mischievous grin. "His name is Nakasone Kyo, the part-timer at CirCLE livehouse." She turned to me. "And Kyo, this is Masuki Satou, the drummer of RAS (Raise a Suilen), also known as MASKING."

"N-nice to meet you... Masuki-san," I stammered, trying to avoid direct eye contact.

Masuki nodded, "Yeah, likewise."

What's with this fear... ahahahaha

As we settled in, the mood became more relaxed and comfortable.

"So, what're you guys eating?" Ran inquired.

"Shoyu Ramen!" Tomoe and Moca chimed in unison.

"Always in sync, huh," I remarked with a smile.

"Mine is Tonkotsu ramen," Himari mentioned.

"Hii-chan, you'll get fat, y'know?" Moca teased, wearing a mischievous smirk.

"Stop! Please stop! I don't want to hear it!" Himari protested, trying to hide her embarrassment covering her ears.

"I'm having Shio ramen," Tsugu added.

"I'll take Shio Ramen as well," Ran decided.

Oh? Shio Ramen for Mitake-san? Does she perhaps like ramen?

"I'll want Tonkotsu Ramen too," I added hesitantly.

I felt a twinge of guilt for Uehara-san for ordering alone with Tonkotsu Ramen. So I don't mind also ordering one.

"Alright then," MASKING said as she swiftly began preparing the noodles. The tantalizing aroma of the broth filled the air.

There was a brief silence at the table, but then Tomoe turned her gaze toward me and Ran, her curiosity evident. "So, what are you two doing at night?"

Urgk... So we're still in this situation!?

I shifted uncomfortably, hoping that Ran would provide an answer, but she sat with her arms crossed and eyes closed as if avoiding the attention.


I coughed lightly, breaking the silence. "It was actually a coincidence."

"A coincidence?" Moca echoed, her head tilting to the side in curiosity.

"Yeah, I just happened to meet her... at the playground!" I explained, trying to make the story sound plausible.

"The playground?" Everyone directed their attention towards Ran, who seemed slightly flustered.

With a gentle smile, Tsugumi spoke up. "You should've said so, Ran~"

Ran shifted uncomfortably under their gaze and muttered, "Sorry."

Tomoe nodded, "How about we all go there after this?"

"I'm in!" Himari enthusiastically raised her hand.

Am I allowed there?

"Alright then, Nakasone-kun! Come with us too!" Tomoe suggested to me.

"Yay! Hey, hey, ooh~!" Himari cheered, but no one joined in except for me.

"Ooh!" I couldn't help but blush, feeling slightly embarrassed. I made a mental note to myself.

Never ever repeat this kind of catchphrase.

Suddenly, Himari grabbed both of my arms, her eyes tearing up. "Thank you, Nakasone-kun!"

MASKING soon arrived at our table, carrying a tray with our orders. She placed it in front of each of us. "Enjoy."


We all began to dig into our bowls, savoring the delicious ramen. The rich broth and perfectly cooked noodles made for a delightful meal. I could hear their satisfied sighs and expressions of enjoyment as they savored each bite.

"Shall we head there now?" Tomoe suggested.

"Yeah, let's go~"

Aoba-san sure is lively tonight... Is this playground really that memorable as childhood... Wait... I just had an idea for the song just now.

"Yeah, sure. It's been a while since we've been there too." Ran nodded.

"Mhm, I'll follow you guys." Tsugumi smiled.

We finished our meals and paid for them, bidding farewell to Masuki as we left the ramen shop. The evening air was cool, a pleasant contrast to the warmth of the shop.

As we strolled towards the playground, the atmosphere became increasingly animated. The group chattered and laughed, each person sharing their joyful moments. I quietly listened to their stories, feeling like an observer rather than an active participant in their memories.

Once we arrived at the playground, the mood turned even more lively. They reminisced about their past visits, the games they used to play, and the laughter they shared. It was heartwarming to witness the bond of their long-lasting friendship.

Moca gleefully slid down the slides, followed by Tsugumi. Tomoe and Himari swung on the swings, and Ran joined in the merriment. I watched them, feeling somewhat detached.

Childhood friends...

I thought to myself.

Suddenly, my mind went blank as I recalled a faint childhood memory. I was playing my guitar on the streets, surrounded by a crowd of both kids and adults. They clapped and cheered for me.

Then, a man approached.

"You're quite skilled on that guitar. Keep it up, alright?"

"Thank you, sir. Can I know your name?"

"My name? It's Minato."

"Mr. Minato, one day, I'll form a band that will surpass all others and reach the top!"

He smiled and patted my head. "Good luck."

"Yeah, I'll do my best!"

That was the only fragment of my childhood memory that I could recall.

His appearance, if I remember. He has black hair, gray eyes, and is wearing a black suit and black shirt on the inside.

But now, I was brought back to reality when Ran noticed my distant expression.

"Hey, Nakasone-san," she said, concern in her voice, "are you okay?"

"Are you feeling unwell?" Moca asked, placing her hand on my forehead. "You don't have a fever, do you?"

I quickly assured them, "I'm fine, really. I'm sorry."

"Are you sure?" Tsugumi asked with genuine concern.

"Absolutely! No problemo~"

"Already done at the playground?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it's getting late," she replied.

With that, we began walking back home, though I couldn't help but look back at the playground and smile. "I have some ideas."

Can I take a break for a day? Yay Thanks

Yamirucreators' thoughts