
Bad Coincidence

"There's no way back." When Lily Rosa Jeanine Park, at age of 22, got accepted to her dream university in South Korea, she didn't doubt for a moment that she wouldn't go. On the other hand, Victor Sacco's a mysterious and reclusive, Korean-Italian no.1 businessman in Italy, soon-to-be the no.1 businessman in South Korea too. But, has a secret nobody knows. Yet another very successful businessman makes his way to the first-rank businessman 'competition'. Ren Kobayashi is known for his good looks, and his logical thinking. A Korean-Japanese, another full of secrets, and mysteriousness businessman, yet to be discovered. By a sudden change of situation, Lily crosses her ways with the 2 most dangerous and inscrutable men in the country. How will Lily handle this chapter of her life?

LiukA_096 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter Five

Lily • Rosa • Jeanine • Park

I found myself under a big, masculine, warm body. His upper body lay frozen against my, surprisingly still and calm body, making me feel a sensation, coursing through my body. And also causing me not to move even a little bit. I gotta say, at first I felt very uncomfortable but after a while, my body accepted his warm touch.

In a small amount of time, I unintentionally, but completely surrendered to him. For a tiny moment, I felt it; blood running through my veins, my heart beating and my slow, calm breathing.


All over my body.


We were just being there for a moment, after the flight attendant finally stood up, and addressed him by calling him 'sir', causing him to come to his senses.

The man immediately standing up, trying to release himself from my lap. He looked at me, as he stoop up, and apologized. I gulped as he said those world, me suddenly feeling aroused by his voice. I tried to hide my feelings and just murmured a quiet 'it's okay' as a response. Being embarrassed to death.

Then he slowly started to continue walking towards the upper class section, together with the flight attendant and a few people behind him; security or bodyguards?

Leaving me behind with my thoughts.

• • •

What was that feeling?

Where did it come from?

Am I sick?

Do I need a doctor?

Why is my heart beating so fast?

Do I have a heart attack?

And why do I feel so hot all of a sudden?

Do I have a fever?

Maybe I'm just too tired?

My flight to Korea is going to take nearly 15 hours, with one stopover. I'm tired just from thinking about it...

Let's just sleep for a bit, I thought for myself. After all, it's 5:30 in the morning. I have 2 hours left for my next stopover.

• • •

A slight sunbeam stole it's way through the window shining directly into my face, causing me to wake up. I slowly opened my eyes, just to find myself looking out of the window, right at the clouds.

Beautiful scenery.

The early morning sunshine shined brightly through the clouds, releasing only a few muffled sunbeams. A smile appeared on my face for the cause of my eyes spotting something so beautiful, unbelievable and maybe even unreal for a human eye to spot.

After a refreshing wake up, I opened my phone, looking at the time; there's just 10 minutes left for my stopover, I should get ready.

I packed all of my things done, and waited for the plane to land.

• • •

I finally found my suitcase. Let's just wait for the other plane to come.

• • •

I finally managed to get to my second plane, after hour and a half. I comfortably sat down on my seat, and took out my book to continue reading, or to be more precise; to kill time.

After an hour of reading, eating, drinking, and going to the toilet, I received a text message from Léo. Finally something...no, someone different I could kill time with. So I started texting with him.

Thanks to him, I didn't feel alone or bored. We texted for an hour to be exact. About all kind of bullshit. After an hour, Léo suddenly called me. First I hesitated to accept the call, but after a while, I accepted it.

And so we spent another hour, talking on the phone. After that, I fell asleep, again, but for real now. I slept for 6 long hours.

It actually wasn't that bad as I thought it will be, the flight I mean. Mostly thanks to Léo. And the freedom and comfort I had in the plane. And also the people I traveled with; they were so welcoming and nice.


Rarity or Luck would you call it?


There were 2 and a half hour left for me to get to my final destination; Korea. What will I do? We were currently flying over, something in the middle of China and it was a few minutes past midnight.

And everyone was sleeping... except me, because I slept in the daytime. Dumb me, I thought for myself. I should have just stayed up. What will I do know?

• • •

After a quick moment of thinking, I decided to take a fast look around the plane. Just for fun. And to kill time. I started walking towards the upper classes section. And when I entered the nearest section, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

As I slowly entered the 'new' section, a flight attendant immediately came my way, telling me to go back; that I can't be there, that this is the first class; enter only allowed to the people with a golden ticket.

Damn, I thought. So this is how looks the first class. Those people must really be rich to travel in this kind of luxury, I thought for myself, secretly adoring them.

When I started to explain to the flight attendant that there was everyone asleep in my section and that there was nothing for me to do, at all, a charismatic, slightly masculine, dark brown- nearly black-haired man headed towards us; heading to our direction. I panicked as I thought that I shouldn't be there. I was just about to leave, when he grabbed me by my wrist. I immediately looked at him as he started speaking.

"She's there with me, let her in." He spoke, the words leaving his mouth so calm and naturally, staring at me, in the eyes, not letting go of my hand. On the other hand, even more tightening his grip on my wrist. A wave of arousing sensation travels through my body, melting me away, just from his touch on my wrist.

I remembered the incident from before.

The guy that had me aroused a few hours ago.

A flashback. Quick but very, very effective. Because a sudden wave of excitement floated through every inch of my inner self, as I wasn't used to this abrupt feeling of arousal.

I stood opposite of this unknown man, aimlessly.

I stood, in the grip of his hand.

I stood there, captivated by his deep, dark brown eyes.

I just stood, my mind hypnotized and my body parts paralyzed.

Effected by only the air around him. The huge affect he had on me. The biggest affect no one has ever had on me.

To be continued...