
I just want to run away in peace

"Where are you?"

"I'm on vacation, take it easy. I won't be home until dad changes his mind."

"Don't be crazy! What can you do alone?"

"I can breathe when I'm not around you."

Without hesitation, I threw away my cell phone in the trash after disconnecting the call from my brother Jimmy.

They are still the same, taking advantage of me without even thinking about my feelings. I don't want to get married, I can't fall in love. You have broken my heart before.

There is nothing left. Before I'm completely destroyed, I want to save my dying self.

I want to be happy, just a little bit, I want to live like a human.


"Miss Jessie..."

I held my breath as the airport staff checked my passport.

"This way, please."

I smiled in relief as soon as the airport officials let me in and I was finally able to escape according to my plan. Good thing they still haven't blocked my passport. I hurried down the hall to the plane that would take me far from here.

I will never return to this place for any reason.

A flight attendant smiled at me, then took me to my seat.

"Hey, do you want to swap seats with me?" I was stunned for a moment when the man sitting in the same row as me suddenly asked to switch positions.

"I don't like sitting by the window." He continued as he took off his sunglasses.

Oh my god, he's so handsome. My heart goes stops.

He doesn't look real. His nose is sharp and straight, his sharp eyes are dark green like emerald gemstones but have thick eyelashes that look shady, and his thick eyebrows form a firm facial line yet his jaw indicates that he is a man who doesn't like to play games.

"Of course." I smiled awkwardly, unfortunately, his good looks made it hard for me to act normal.

"Thank you."

My mistake, I shouldn't have allowed him to change our seats because now I have to face his charming smile.

His good looks make me nervous but I know it's human instinct so I tried to be as calm as possible and ignoring him seemed like the right decision. I went to escape not to receive a heart attack from a handsome man who seemed to have come out of the world of my imagination when I was reading a romantic novel to wash my cloudy heart a little.

"I'm Aaron..."

Gosh, just stop at handsome and don't be a warm guy too, I can't help, hey Mr. Aaron.

"Hi..." I replied as briefly as possible then focused my gaze on the window.

"So what's your name?" Aaron asked again, is he interested in me? Come on... I just want peace so I choose not to answer the question especially since his good looks make me fail to focus.

"Okay if you don't want to tell me your name, but this journey will take 17 hours."


"It would be very boring if we had to ignore each other right?"

"Then you should invite someone else to accompany you to talk."

"Unfortunately I don't have anyone here."

"Honestly I have a family but it's very far away, I like traveling. I've been to Indonesia and seen a very large temple, the name is Borobudur temple. Oh, I've even been to Antarctica and stayed in igloo hotels, the aurora there is very beautiful especially when the sky is dark. It feels like being on another planet. And have you ever visited the Tajmahal? or the great wall of China? All those places are beautiful and amazing, but you should also visit the Liepnitzsee lake when you arrive, the lake is very clean and the water is very fresh for swimming ."

What's wrong with him? Why does he keep talking? He's talkative which really doesn't suit his face he looks like a cold man.

"I can't swim," I said briefly, I meant to silence him but instead he spoke again so that I didn't realize that the plane I was in was already in the air.

"How about climbing a mountain?"

"I don't like climbing, I'm physically weak."

"Or see the beach."

"I don't like the sea."

"What about museums?"

"What if you shut up?"

I couldn't take it anymore, sorry for my heart that was pounding before when I saw his good looks because this guy is really noisy. It sucks, if I could I'd just throw it out of here right now.

"Are you in trouble?"

"None of your business."

"It's a shame when you only live once."

Once again I turned my face away, the last sentence he said made my heart slice.

Life is indeed once. unfortunately, so far I have never been able to have my own life.

"Sadness and pain are natural things, we are human, God created us with mind and heart so when the mind still doesn't forgive, the heart will always be tormented. Try to let go of all the thoughts that burden you so that your heart becomes better. Don't waste life of this short time, we won't know when we will die right?"

That's right, I want to enjoy my life, I want to be free but it feels like the chains are still binding me and suffocating me every time. You will not understand.

"Want to eat or drink?"

I turned my head as Aaron was still not tired of talking to me, and I realized that we were so close that our faces touched. More specifically, my lips pressed against his cheek.

"Sorry." I quickly looked away because I was so embarrassed, even though before I was sure we weren't that close.

"It was an accident, you don't need to apologize."

His voice shaking? Is he nervous just like me?

"I need to go to the toilet." I got up, I couldn't show my face but just as I was about to step past him, suddenly the plane shook until my body fell on his lap. I can only look down in shame, my body can't move because it's too nervous and the plane is still shaking. Oh my God, this position makes me imagine things that should never have crossed my mind if I hadn't read that damn novel.

I guess I have to stop reading novels if my mind is a mess because the side effects of the novel make my real world like this.

"Are you scared? Calm down, I'm with you..." Aaron whispered, his arms wrapped around my waist as if embracing me warmly. I couldn't take it anymore so I quickly returned to my seat.

"Your face is so red, are you really scared? Don't worry, everything will be fine." Said Aaron who still thought I was scared even though I was embarrassed to death facing him but instead he grabbed my hand and I couldn't let go because he was holding my hand very tightly.

"To be honest I was scared too."

I wanted to ignore him but he looked scared even though his forehead was sweating. Could it be that he was talking to me earlier because he was afraid to get on planes? But he's a traveler, right?

"Relax... I'm with you." The sentence just came out of my lips, I even smiled encouragingly. What is wrong with me?


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