
Awakened Zombie's Die-Hard Levelling

In a monster infested world where the worst of monsters are humans, a long dead zombies awakens a system. The battle-thirsty, power craving zombie begins its journey to rule the world... with only two goals in sight! First, to gain as much power as possible and second, to kill all of mankind and exact his revenge!

RedDeadNight · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

The Scent of Anguish Draws Seth

[Warning! You have been severely injured! Please devour flesh to recover!]

"Grr!" Felix blinked his eyes, the previous scene playing in his mind on loop, 'Cool!!'

[Caution! You have been severely injured! Please devour flesh to recover!]

"Gr!?" Felix's head tilted to the side. His mind snapped out of its admiration.

Seeing the two notifications hovering in front of his eyes, he purred and started moving toward the two Orcs' bodies.

The Orcs had been majorly targeting his chest– the core region. Causing his upper body to be utterly crushed.

Their strength truly sought worship, if only they had a few pairs to go along... sigh!

[Ding! You have swallowed low-quality flesh! Your wounds and mana are recovering.]

[Ding! Would you like to trace the Origin of the low-quality flesh? Yes/No?]

Felix continued to gorge on the meat, but he had difficulty chewing it down... No! He couldn't even chew!

[You broke the measly teeth you had. How are you going to chew? Just gobble it down whole!]

Felix, feeling elated, finally gazed at the other alerts.

Blinking his eyes, he clicked Yes!

[Ding! Origin trace failed!]

"Grr!?" Felix blinked and continued to devour.

Seth didn't let him hug all the goodies to himself and had already started chugging down his shares.

After gobbling down the whole Orc twice as fast as Felix, Seth swiftly made his way to the second Orc.

"Grr!" Felix instantly dropped the Orc's private region and charged over towards the other Orc and began gulping in large mouthfuls.

[Ding! You have devoured low-quality flesh!]

[Ding! Would you like to trace the Origin of the low-quality flesh?]

Felix nodded and kept munching.

[Ding! Origin trace failed!]

"Grr!" Felix blinked his eyes in confusion. Before completely forgetting the matter.

After the Orcs had been thanked and forgotten, the insatiable Seth shifted his gaze to the scavenged wild boar.

"Grr!" Seth groaned and slowly walked over, much slower than the competitive Felix.

As Felix bit down, an alert appeared in front of him.

[Ding! You have devoured the worst quality meat.]

[Ding! Would you like to trace the Origin of the worst quality meat?]

"Grr!" Felix frowned, 'Why does it always ask the same thing?'

[...Placing Origin Trace on automatic mood.]

[Tracing Origin of the worst-quality meat.]

[Ding! Origin trace successful! Meat belonged to Wild Boar. Genetic mad rush detected in Wild Boar; incorporating!]

[Congratulations! You have acquired the skill, Mad Rush! Click to see the description!]

"Grrr!" Felix groaned in surprise and clicked on the notification.

[ ● Skill: Mad Rush

-Blindly charges forward at max speed and deals twice the damage of available strength.]

"Grr!?" Felix tilted his head. Not understanding the skill.

Seth didn't let Felix hog all the meat and started munching down.

After a while, the two zombies had cleaned the whole place, barely leaving crumbs of Orc and Boar meat.

Felix silently got up and began wandering the forest again, this time making sure not to trip over a branch or something.

They found a few Horned-Rabbits and other birds but all of them fled before the Awakened could lay sight on them, causing him to soon grow bored.

"Grrr!" Felix grumbled unhappily and looked around the thick forest for some more Orcs. Causing the System to react to his thoughts.

[Those Orcs you fought ought to have a base somewhere in the forest. Why don't you try finding it?]

"Grr!?" Felix tilted his head, 'Search the forest for the Orc's base? Will there be Orcs there?'

[I think there will be tons of Orcs there!]

"Grrr!" Felix's jaw loosened up, 'Tons of Orcs!'

His dry tongue slid across his lips, 'Orcs... tasty!'

[Brilliant! Here's the deal then!]

[● Quest Initiated:

- Discover where the Orcs are hiding.

● Rewards:

- New Quest!]

"Gigigi!" Felix giggled and started to search the forest enthusiastically.

As the two walked far and deep, the forest began to get wider and more spacious and the wind began to blow through the trees again.

On further exploration, Felix discovered a paved path in the forest, intently cleared from trees.

"Grrr!" Felix scratched his head, 'Where does this go?'

[● Quest Initiated:

- Search the path through the forest.

● Rewards:

- ???]

Felix tilted his head and began to tread onto the third-rate road.

As both Felix and Seth were zombies, they genetically tended to move slowly. Felix could bypass this problem when he felt excited but when his motivation hit rock bottom, even he began to drag his feet.

Slowly time passed and little by little, the bright sky above the forest began to turn dark.

But in a strange correlation, the trees inside the Bright-Wood Forest began to glow.

Gently at the beginning. But as the night darkened, the glow intensified.

As the sun had drowned into the North-Barrier Mountain Range and a group of two moons- one white and the other purplish-red hung atop the sky, the trees wafted off mellow light.

Strange circular particles like fireflies hovered around the trees, enchanting Felix and Seth alike.

"Grrr!" Felix groaned and began to walk closer to the trees, 'What is... this?'

He reached out and grabbed one of the light particles in his fist.

In curiosity, he opened his palm, revealing nothing inside.

"Grr!" Felix's eyes widened. He blinked and squeezed another particle.

But still, nothing appeared in his palm.

"Grrr!" Felix's eyes lit up, and a smile stretched across his face as he giggled and started to catch the light particles.

Seth blinked his eyes... what about exploring this road? Shouldn't they be searching for the Orcs?

"Grr!" He groaned and sat down on the ground, silently watching Felix play the whole time the moons lingered and the light particles began to dwindle before vanishing altogether.

"Grrr!" Felix tilted his head, feeling confused. 'Where's... light?'

He silently stood like a statue trying to understand what had just occurred.

[Alright! You wasted enough time. Start exploring already.]

"Grrr!" Felix groaned. But what could the System possibly do?

A zombie didn't require food or water, not even air. No need to take a leak or a dump. Heck, they don't even get tired!

This moron wouldn't have even moved from in front of the dungeon's cave had the System not told him to...

'Alri--' Felix's ears twitched. His eyes slowly widened as he turned his head back.

Seth had already been staring in that direction before Felix even realized it. He opened his mouth and muttered slowly, "High Rank... Mercenaries!"

Felix's ears twitched again, and a strange flare caught fuel inside him.

"Gigi!" His lips pulled back to his ears, his eyes glinting in a strange light. If he could drool, a puddle of saliva would've piled onto the ground.

Felix closed his eyes and took a big whiff in. 'Haha– HAHAHAHAHAHA!'

Felix's shoulders trembled as he tried to contain his laughter. Fearful that his prey... that the humans encroaching towards their doom might get alerted.

Felix could barely spot them departing from deep within the forest's depths.

The three armed men all had leather protection and cold weapons strapped to them. They didn't look the same as the newbie boys that Seth had been leading or Seth himself.

They had a ferocious look in their eyes, a ruthless demeanor, and an iron cage dragging behind them by a rope.

A voice kept screaming out and thrashing within the cage, begging for help and mercy.

But Felix couldn't dare to spare a glance for anybody other than the humans. They were his one and only one after all! His loathed ones!!

Seth's body trembled. His eyes grew wide as he gulped and stared at Felix. He could smell it... the scent of anguish coming from Felix.