

Description Trent a teenager woke up and found himself being used a test subject for a drug. He managed to escape but his sister was kidnapping by the same people. Trent discovered the world in a new light and many secrets about the awakeneds underworld. What are the government hiding?, where is his sister?. Well read and find out.

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22 Chs


Author: Go shadow squad‼️

7:00pm,30|11|3030. Rising city

In a bedroom, trent was seen sleeping on a bed. With wendy sitting beside him and James on the other bed.

Trent: Mmm.(tries to get up).

Wendy: You finally awake, don't stress it man.

Trent: what happened, where you there all night.

The old man walks in..

Oldman: oh you are finally awake. You give us quite a scare, not only did you damage the machine. You scared James(points to James).

Trent:(sits up immediately). What? Am so sorry.

Wendy: hmm, don't do that again bro.

Trent: okay, I promise. So what are results.

Oldman:(looks at wendy) tell him.

Wendy: why me?

Trent: tell me what

Old man: because you guys are closer.

Wendy: fine. Trent the result shown you have no awakened energy. You are just a normal individual.

Three hours ago.

Wendy: what a troublesome individual (stretching). That was 35% of my energy.

Oldman: wendy, look at this(passes her the system pad). As you can see, during the shock it stopped at blue but immediately deleted it self like it never existed. I ran the scan mannual again but no energy was found.

Wendy: damn, this is bad. What do we do, he had sacrificed alot to get here.

Oldman: you have to tell him the truth, that the only way😔.

Wendy: I guess😔.

Back to present time.

Trent:(crying), no it can't be. Please let try again. Please 🙏🏿

Wendy: SHUTUP‼️. You almost died, I know you want to save your sister but find another way. Don't give up yet, save your strength tomorrow we will move out.

She leaves.

Oldman:(puts his hand on his shoulder), she always like this. But she really cares about your situation if not she won't have brough you here.

He leaves.

Trent:(Crying). Yuki wait for me, I will find a way.

At the same, a forest nearby.

Thread: guys we are also there. Remember take the target alive if he doesn't engage. Kill upon engage. Clear.

Quake and vonican: Yes boss.

Thread: Good let move.

Rising city.

Knocks are heard on a door.

James: Hey, wendy are you there can I talk to you.

Wendy: come in.

James enters, wendy currently room is dark as the curtains are flown down. She is seen on the far end of the bed wearing a white tee-shirt and track sport suit, her hair is loose.

Wendy: heard you woke up, I was coming to meet you anyway. What up??🤨

James:(sits on the other side of the bed). Hmm,it about Trent.

Wendy:(sits properly). What about Trent.

James: well you see, alot of things are not right. Where did you meet him🤷🏿‍♂️.

Wendy: I actually rescued him from a the nearest base. I was scouting and got some information that mark hawkins was there. So I decided throw alittle Suprise gift.

James: I see.

Wendy: is there something you wanted to say.

James: well,I don't actually understand all of it but when I got into his mind. I felt like my life was been sucked away. I felt many ways I could be killed by him in his mind, me been a master of mind stuff. I lost!!.

Wendy: Hmm, I see. When I wanted to wake him with my energy I planned to give him 10% but he drew more. If I didn't react quickly, I could have lost all of it.

James: But I heard he don't have any awakened energy.

Wendy: yes, We double scanned and got nothing.(she stands up and place her hand on his shoulder). Thanks for the information, go get some rest we going to move out tomorrow.

James: okay

James leaves...

Wendy: trent, you are one troublesome individual 🤦🏿‍♂️.

7:00am, 30|11|3030. Rising city

Trent, wendy and James are seen packed up. Trent is wearing a yellow hoodie, blue pairs of jeans and nike shoes. Wendy is wearing her regular plain black suit with short cape hoodie while James is on full track suit with Jordans.

Trent: you haven't told me where we are going yet..

Wendy: you will know soon just relax bro.

James: yeah, the lady told you to relax💪🏿.

They wave the old man and began to walk away.

Few minutes later.

Knocks are heard on a door.

Oldman: who there.

Thread: open up.

Oldman opens the door halfway, but quake kicks it open.

Oldman: damn you.

Thread: you know I was wondering what an older guy like you was going in the Rising city,Not Normal.

Hold the old man neck and pushes him to the wall.

Thread: start talking.

Oldman: I know nothing 🤷🏿‍♂️.

On the other side of the city. Wendy suddenly stops walking and looks back.

James: what wrong.

Wendy: I feel some strong frequencies in the city but it disappeared before I could pinpoint the location.

Trent: let keep moving. I don't feel good.

James: Hugh.

Author: Get ready for ACTION‼️ ACTION ‼️ ACTION‼️. Like and comment thanks ☺️