

Description Trent a teenager woke up and found himself being used a test subject for a drug. He managed to escape but his sister was kidnapping by the same people. Trent discovered the world in a new light and many secrets about the awakeneds underworld. What are the government hiding?, where is his sister?. Well read and find out.

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22 Chs


Author: guys here is an information dump please 🙏🏿 bear with me!!

1:30pm,29|11|3030. Somewhere in the world.

Trent: jeez, we been walking for almost an hour now.

Wendy: 2hours to be correct as an awakened. We don't feel regular body stress like normal people 💁🏿‍♂️.

Trent: blah blah blah. My legs are killing me.

Wendy: I wonder how you healed so fast. A broken rib takes me at least 2days to heal up, you did it in an 3hours am impressed. Maybe your abilities involve healing.

Trent: you seems suprised, why?.

Wendy: because they have never been a one with a healing ability before

Trent: really🤨. Well what can I say am extraordinary 🤥.

Wendy: SHUTUP!! Weak weasel.

Trent:( stops walking), how far is this place man, have never being this far with my mom or sister not been with me.

Wendy: you get use to it bro ✊🏿.

Trent:can I ask you something 😪.

Wendy: what weasy pants.

Trent: what level are you anyway and what are your abilities 🤷🏿‍♂️.

Wendy: a magician never reveal her secrets.

Trent: you are crazy, you know!.

Wendy: But to satisfy your curiosity, I will tell you anyway.(she points ahead)

Look over there.

Wendy snapped her finger. And a screening sound 🔊, followed by minor explosions. BOOM!! BOOM!! BOOM!!💥.

Trent: oh I see but what was that.

Wendy: my first ability is one of the strongest abilities I have seen, I am able to create air pressure so tight that they explode toward the target location but it is energy draining,the bigger the explosion the more Energy. Is it not awesome. I called it the screamblaster.

Trent: so you are a blue then.

Wendy: hell no, don't underestimate me kiddo!!. How do you think I found you, I can track down frequency of other awakeneds and I can pinpoint the ones am familiar with and follow it. That why I know that we are been followed.

Trent: really! Wait what??.

Wendy: hell, come out already man. I knew since beginning 🤥.

>Character introduction> James mores

One of the new character who helped trent in many ways with this telepathic abilities, he quite short, wears glasses with black hair.

James: wow I thought I was good at tracking.

Wendy: we should kill him!!.

Trent: Yep, let make it quick.

Author: what, calm down guys and follow the script here. Am paying you.

Wendy: you don't pay me sshole.

James: calm down, am a good person I swear. I was looking for how to reach the "rising city".

The rising city is a place where government gave to the awakeneds to live in order to prevent the world from knowing.

Wendy: thanks author at least I don't need to explain again.

Trent: what the government knows and where was this city located anyway. Jeez so many questions?.

Wendy: James what yah color anyways.

James: Am a blue. I have telepathic abilities.

This sign shows he talking using his mind{}.

James: {you can trust me guys I swear}. See am not lying.

Wendy: fine I believe your ss.

Trent: I have another question?.

Wendy: here we go again!!. Okay ask?

Trent: can you move from one level to another.

James: Hmmm, tough question. I think so but am 35% sure of sure a chance.

Trent: I see. Can I ask again??

Wendy and James together: ask the author!! 😤😤

Author: I am on holidays🌺. Thanks for reading please like and comment what you think below. Thank you ☺️