
Author In The God's Game

Everyone grew up listening to the stories of heroes are a species of righteous heroes which are given help from gods to protect humanity in the myth and legends from the demons and devils. But do you know that the biggest enemy of the world are gods themselves and the biggest evil in the world is the humans themselves. This is the story of an author himself who travelled into his own novel. Fighting gods and going against society, the novel is not about a hero but a traitor who let go of humanity.

AlexanderCrown · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs


Getting out of the car I looked over at the school, this is Arcania Royal Academy the best academy funded by the Royal Family of Arcania and the most prestigious academy in Arcania, i walked straight to the second floor where my class is situated in Class 8 - A, just as i entered all the eyes were on me paying no heed to them i walked to my bench which is second near the window, even though i ranked first it was reserved for the princess of Arcania.

entering the class next was an extremely beautiful girl with blue hair and eyes followed by 5 girls not as beautiful as the girl that entered first but then also can be ranked as first rank models they were the princess of Arcania and her 5 best friends and personal maids from childhood. They were always together with the princess and are great in everything as they need to be be it assassination or etiquette they have been taught with great lengths and disciplines strictly. The princess and maids took their seats all around me and i once again gained jealous eyes of all male classmates but i didn't care as i already got used to them and continued to look outside, The princess and these 5 maids are also heroines and are great beauties but i don't have any interest in them, before getting the memories I do had a secret crush for her but after i literally don't, in the future she will be the reason for his doom when she fells in love with protagonist because of his kind and helpful nature and because of it his final line was crossed and became a villain in a true sense that's why he wants to stay away from her as far as i can. Soon the class bell rang and a teacher walked in, he is our head teacher Charles Hamilton brother of an earl.

"Students your results are out i will be calling everyones name and marks as your ranks in decreasing order

first Alexander Wright with a perfect score.

second Venessa Albrecht...

"Students in a week you will be having your special exam for which you will take a leave for a whole month so be sure to come prepared"

'Special Exam? oh now that I remembered it is an exam taken by students in the royal academy, it can be related to anything as we are on a trip and security is fully tight, though it's marks will not be added in the reports but then also you have to give '

"Sir what will be our theme for this year"

"Well i can't tell you, but i am sure you all will enjoy it"

He said with a smile but we all know this smile of his means a big trouble for us.

After the class it was our p.e. class for which we were on our own to play and when everyone was deciding what to play i was thinking about my plan as because of the special exam we will be out for a month without any communication services so i have to plan carefully for what happens in my absence.

As i was pondering a voice suddenly came into my ears