

-The fog filled the surroundings, and it was already impossible to see one's fingers. Although Feng Baixiao and Shui Kongling were clinging to each other, they could not see each other.

Suddenly, Shui Kongling cried out in the fog. Her hand grabbed Feng Baixiao's arm tightly, and she said nervously, "Senior brother, something just hit me on the shoulder."

Feng Baixiao stopped and felt Shui Kongling's fragrant soft breasts as he slowly said, "I didn't move. Was it just a branch?"

"How is that possible! That kind of force can't be from a twig! I'm scared, brother. Let's get out of this hellish place! " As she said that, she shrank tightly into Feng Baixiao's embrace.

Feng Baixiao's consciousness could see through the fog, but he didn't point out her lie. He only gave a soft "En," "If you're scared, junior sister, just hold me tight." Don't panic."

Shui Kongling's cheeks flushed, and she replied in a voice as clear as a silver bell.

They hugged each other tightly and walked for another half an hour before Shui Kongling stumbled on her feet and fell forward to the ground.

Feng Baixiao quickly swept Shui Kongling into his arms and said, "Be careful, junior sister."

"Brother! I, I seem to have tripped over someone. "

Feng Baixiao nodded, "Yes, I know. Don't panic, I'm here. "

However, Shui Kongling only tightened her grip on Feng Baixao's hand, "What I said this time is true, senior brother! There is someone! I felt a hand holding my ankle for a moment! "

Feng Baixiao froze at her words.

He was about to say something when he saw the thick fog before them dissipate in an instant. What had been a stone forest had become a towering palace before his eyes.

"Welcome, my dear guests. An eerie old voice came from the palace and reached the ears of the two. To their horror, Feng Baixiao and Shui Kongling found that their bodies were moving uncontrollably towards the palace.


Bai Lixin and Feng Baixiao were at the edge of the stone forest when a white fog immediately spread out around them.

It started as light fog, but as time passed, the fog silently increased, and in a few moments, the two men could no longer see their hands, not to mention the other person besides them. They could only hear the sound of their footsteps.

"Senior Brother Feng, this is?" Bai Lixin stopped walking and asked as he spun around in the fog.

In the fog, a hand silently grabbed Bai Lixin's wrist: "Junior Brother Cha, this fog is weird and confusing. I have released my consciousness, so you can just follow me. "

Bai Lixin also wanted to release his divine sense, but he was afraid that Feng Baixiao and the fog lord would notice something, so he nodded his head and compromised, "Okay, senior brother."

Feng Baixiao led them forward even though they couldn't see through the fog. After a while of walking, Bai Lixin felt his ankle being grabbed by something. He stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Feng Baixiao was quick and took his hand to save him from the fall.

As Bai Lixin tripped, the fog in the surroundings disappeared almost instantly, and a magnificent palace appeared in front of them.

Bai Lixin saw this palace and his heart was filled with joy.

Sure enough, the Demon King was one of the plots that the male protagonist had to go through. As long as he followed the male protagonist, he would find the Demon King of the mystic realm.

Feng Baixiao looked at the sudden appearance of the palace, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Bai Lixin coughed lightly and asked with slight surprise, "Senior brother, what is this place?"

"I don't know either. I was just using my divine sense to find the exit. I am afraid that a powerful consciousness within this palace deliberately lured us here. "

"There is a powerful consciousness within this palace?"

"Thousands of years ago, the demons attacked, and the war between humans and demons did not stop for a long time. To defend against the invasion of the demons, the great cultivator Hai Hou Tianjun devoted all his cultivation to creating this space and imprisoning the demon army and their palace in this space. Let's go in and take a look! "

Bai Lixin's purpose for coming here was to verify whether the Demon King was Dijia, so this was exactly what he wanted. Without further ado, the two of them stepped into the palace.

The palace was not like those of the mainland; the architecture was very exotic.

Although the palace was magnificent, it was very eerie because it was deserted. After passing through a long corridor, a huge main hall appeared in front of them. It was majestic.

The carved door to the main hall was slightly open, and one could see the scene inside through the gap in the door. Bai Lixin looked through and saw a tall, dark figure sitting on the dragon chair above the main hall. It was motionless, not knowing whether it was dead or alive.

Bai Lixin and Feng Baixiao looked at each other, and Bai Lixin saw the man on the chair slowly stand up. The door in front of them immediately opened wide and a surging and malicious divine sense came towards them.

The moment he felt this consciousness, Bai Lixin lowered his eyes in disappointment.

Although the Demon King was powerful, he was not Dijia.

"A rare magic flower of the divine world. It is turquoise and born near blood. Its petals are shaped like a paper kite, and it's hard to find one every ten thousand years. Eating a leaf of it will take you straight to the path of immortality! " A low and eerie voice came from the man, and Bai Lixin only felt his body being sucked by something. Before he could react, he was sucked into the palace. "Hahaha, I never thought that I could get such a thing in my year of rebirth."

Only now did Bai Lixin get a good look at the mysterious Demon King's appearance.

His skin was an azure blue, and his body was more than two feet tall. He had two horns on top of his head. His face was handsome, and his dark blue body was covered with smooth reflective scales.

Bai Lixin was taken by surprise and was caught by the Demon Lord with one hand!

Bai Lixin looked at the Demon King and saw his index finger pointing at him. A dark blue thread appeared from his finger and tied him firmly in place.

He then carefully placed the tightly bound Bai Lixin on the dragon chair and chanted two words. A golden birdcage appeared around the dragon chair and imprisoned him in it.

It was only then that the Demon king looked at Feng Baixiao, who had just stepped into the main hall and sneered: "There are always some annoying bees and insects coming to the flower. A mere mole with Foundation Establishment cultivation, how dare you covet this world's divine object? "

"The mantis catches the cicada, but the yellow bird is behind it," Feng Baixiao said as he glanced at Bai Lixin and looked Demon Lord up and down. Demon king, what I covet is not this worldly divine object, but foreign demons!"

The Demon King had already attained the Salvation cultivation stage. Although he had just been resurrected and his strength was not yet restored, his cultivation level was at the Yuanying stage.

Bai Lixin was locked in the birdcage and watched indifferently. The strange feeling in his heart increased as he listened to Feng Baixiao's words.

Foreign demons? What does that mean? Is it a kind of demon, or does it refer to the… demon king himself? The Feng Baixiao in the original plot did not have such a phrase.

As Feng Baixiao's words fell, countless thick vines suddenly burst from the ground and surrounded the hall. These vines were very similar to the vines released by Bai Lixin earlier, but their power was incomparable. If Bai Lixin's vines were just a light rain, then these thick vines could be described as a hailstorm.

The vines surrounded the birdcage in which Bai Lixin was imprisoned with the speed of lightning, protecting him from the spell but blocking his view as well.

He could now only hear a few metallic clashes and a surprised roar from the Demon King before everything went quiet.

The blue thread that had bound him disappeared into thin air with the roar of the Demon King, and the birdcage in which he was imprisoned slowly shattered into dust and disappeared without a trace. But the vines that Bai Lixin had thought were protecting him were still surrounding him, not leaving even a single gap and encircling him tightly!

"Brother Cha, instead of wasting time looking for a place to retreat, why don't you do it here? I think this palace is hidden and no one else can enter it. Besides, the demon king has been eliminated, so this place is safer. I can rest assured if you stay here. "

The vines were blocking his surroundings, so Bai Lixin was in total darkness. He had just broken out of the white fog where he could not see his hands, and in a few moments, he had fallen into Feng Baixiao's vine cage. He did not know what kind of luck he was having today.

The vines had left a large space for him, and while he was thinking about how to get out of there, he heard Feng Baixiao say, "Brother Cha, as long as you break through the fifth level of the Etheral Wood and Water technique and your cultivation level enters the Foundation Establishment stage, you will be able to break through the vines and move around on your own. I will leave you here for today and take my leave. "

When he heard that Feng Baixiao was leaving, Bai Lixin hurriedly shouted through the vines, "Who the hell is Senior Brother Feng? Is Senior Brother Feng Senior Brother Feng? Why does Senior Brother Feng, who only has a single fire spirit root, know and use the spells in the Ethereal Wood and Water technique, which is only passed down in Xuanyuan Peak?

Feng Baixiao chuckled and replied, "Who is Junior Brother Cha anyway? Is Brother Cha really Brother Cha? How can a human being be called a divine object by the Demon King? If you want to know my identity, then do your best to cultivate. If you can reach the Golden Elixir stage in ten years and successfully leave this demon mystic realm, then perhaps you will get the answers you want."