

Autor: Littlemonk
Magical Realism
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Leia o romance ATTRIBUTES UPGRADE SYSTEM escrito pelo autor Littlemonk publicado no WebNovel. I write this story just to pass my time so don't expect anything from me and please bear with my poor English."Fuck,this shit is real?"I scream as i watch the screen that popped up infront of me."Look...


I write this story just to pass my time so don't expect anything from me and please bear with my poor English. "Fuck,this shit is real?"I scream as i watch the screen that popped up infront of me. "Looks like my system has finally arrived,I am going to be the most OP hidden MC with hundreds of beauties in my harem,hahaha......."

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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
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  • Antecedentes do mundo
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This is my own story so i am not going to shamelessly Bragg about it.₹₹₹₹₹₹₹$₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹_₹_₹₹₹_₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹₹"₹₹₹₹₹₹₹


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No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating