
Drop the Nuke?

Floating Cloud City was the smallest city of the Blue Wind Empire. It was so small that it wasn't even suitable to be called a city; perhaps calling it a town would be more appropriate. Floating Cloud City was not only the smallest city but was also the most geographically remote in terms of location. The population, economy, and even the average profound strength was the lowest of the low.

Case in point the place is shit and no one would mind if i Nuke it, which i totally am going to do. Need to let all the old Farts know their King is here and them the ready their women, For as long as i'm around they will always be my bitch unable to hold it up. As for that mine that shitty father in law was fighting for i'll just blow it up too. Don't really need money when i can just make it myself or use one of the hundreds of systems i hacked into.

As Yun Che was busy showing off his Lamborghini paying no mind to all the shit these walking corpses were saying. Yes the real reason he was going to nuke this town was because of all the shit they were saying about him. As for his Father-In-Law Xia Hongyi he really didn't care if he lived or died. After all he was going to take Yue Wugou for himself.

"Xia Qingyue to actually be married to such a person, the heavens must really be blind!"

could not even measure up to the mud on the floor. I am probably one hundred times stronger than him! This world is so unfair!"

"The goddess of my dreams is about to marry such trash, I'd rather die than accept this fact! Ahhhhh!"

While Xiao Che on his topless Lamborghini had bright serene eyes that conveyed a deep character. He had on an elegant expression and exhibited a light grace. His long hair fluttered behind his dazzling red wedding robe and his entire body emitted an air of elegance. Yes he tried his best to not just kill everyone already. By playing some angry birds secretly hoping he could run over someone.

"I thought that Xiao Che would ride in a shitty ass carriage today but unexpectedly he is riding that sexy ass Lamborghini.…..You think he'll let me ride if i give him my wife and daughter? "

"Tch! That ugly ass whore you call a wife isn't even fit to suck my dick much less master Che. What makes you think a true man like him who drives while drinking would care about your trash of a family. Don't you see Floating Cloud City's greatest treasure, is going to marry our lord and savior Smooth Che. Brings me to tears how proud i am of that little girl what i'll give to be her." rang a bitter voice.

Yes Yun Che got bored of them talking shit so he started drinking to pass the time and use some Laws to have fun. As for those seeking to die if they stood up before him is his Ice Queen to challenge him for her hand. If they really came he was more than happy to send them to the after life while keeping their souls to experiment with.

Sadly the wedding procession went on in a casual manner, not too fast but not too slow. Making the short five kilometers take nearly one and a half hours. At least Yun Che was able to beat his high score.


As soon as he finish his game, he heard a voice. A wild Yuanba appeared running over to Xiao Che. As Xiao Che watched him approach, he couldn't help but think should i kill him for the Tyrannical Emperor's Divine Veins? Sure part of the old Yun Che cared about him but he was a retard who couldn't take care of his women so who care what he thought.

Skipping ahead from the useless backstory of the future test subject. Yun Che was Standing before Xia Hongyi he couldn't help but smile as he was going to take his ex wife while he was handing over his daughter. As for greeting a dead man...Now why would he do something as useless as that.


Finally his Ice princess Xia Qingyue appeared between the arms of two bridesmaids. She wore a red phoenix coronet on top of her head. A fine curtain of beads hung down from the phoenix coronet to completely cover her entire face while also hiding her current expression. Probably too shy and overjoyed to see me so she kept her face hidden

He saw her straight scarlet robe was decorated in the "four happiness" cloud pattern and couldn't help but think you Goddamn right you get to marry me.

As for her slender narrow waist nicely displayed before him. He also couldn't wait to have his arms around it. As Xia Qingyue slowly came to Xiao Che's side standing in front of the Lamborghini Xiao Che stepped forward and stretched out a helping hand at Xia Qingyue like the true noble and charming gentlemen he was.

However Xia Qingyue like the cold bitch she was sent a piercing cold energy unraveled onto Xiao Che's hand which honestly just felt like a warm summer breeze.

Which just only pissed Xiao Che off. As he put his arm down with a silent indifferent expression.

Saying nothing as for Xia Qingyue If one saw what she just did they would say she just done fucked up.

After that Xiao Che just sat in the Lamborghini and didn't say a word nor give her any of his candy. Like one of those long drives your dad used to take when he was mad and wouldn't speak.


As they entered through the main entrance of the Xiao clan, the noise did not abate. Xiao Che's expression did not change as he kept pace but he naturally wanted the wedding to end as soon as possible. He had much to do, many women to meet. As for why he was acting as such he was just mad she didn't say anything about how he looked after spending hours standing before a mirror making sure he looks good.

As for the voice that spoke about some bowing nonsense the only women that could get him to was Jasmine, Ash, Eggy, and his kitty. Not some dog shit heaven and earth which he could easily destroy when he felt like it or some died old farts.

As for his ice princess only when she finally says i clean up well. Looking sexy as hell...So again the Dream laws were needed.

"Husband and wife, exchange bows!"

As the "two people" bowed, Xiao Che eyes were uncaring cold with not a hint of emotions to be found.

As for the dog shit Third Elder and his grandson Xiao Chengzhi For challenging his already fleeting patience he simply killed while making everyone else forget they were ever born.

As for them looking at the family Records He was going to kill all of them after so it didn't really matter. What's a few more bodies to his already bloody hands.

And so like that they reached the bridal chamber

Xia Qingyue sat there quietly, soundless and motionless. As for Yun Che he didnt care he sat right besides her…..After a few minutes she finally spoke.

"Your grandfather was disrespected during your own wedding, you must be really upset, right?"

Yun Che simply glanced to his side and spoke, uncaring of what she just said.

"You can take that ridiculous thing off i would rather see the face of my lovely wife."

After a slight pause, Xia Qingyue surprised he would speak to her like that yet oddly found it attractive raised her jade hands and silently took off the phoenix coronet. It was at that moment, a breathtaking face appeared in Yun Che's line of sight.

(Didn't use any Laws that time she's just a M)

As she raised her clear blue eyes and to meet Yun Che's in contact, she immediately became stunned…. A pair of red pinwheel eye magnificent eyes met hers. She wasn't sure it he always had them or never noticed but she just couldn't turn away. Thinking they were simply Beautiful.

At one It was as if the world's essence laid deep within his eyes. Not even the world's most brilliant painter nor the most precious of words could accurately portray his brilliance. his clear as moon white skin and smooth as jade face was as white as snow under the dim lights in the room. Yup he never went out that why he looked so white never worked a day in his life.

What do you guys the about the MC should I tone him down a bit or keep him like this? Also probably last chap I do today as I need to finish some Bleach Chaps

AFatelessTalecreators' thoughts
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