
[ Triumphs And Ranking ]

As the host eagerly revealed the party rankings, a captivating spectacle unfolded on the grand stage behind him. A striking visual presentation illuminated each facet of the team's performance, casting a mesmerizing tableau on the colossal screen.

"In the coveted first place, the party had diligently amassed a treasure trove comprising 3 White scrolls, 1 Yellow scroll, 3 Green scrolls, 2 Blue scrolls, and 2 Red scrolls. What's more, they conquered every riddles these scrolls posed. Their triumphant tally soared to an impressive 65 points! Behold, Team Party Number 1!"

The resounding applause from the hall resonated with approval.

'Ah, it's the fabled elf party.'

Garen chimed in, 'I believe your scores aren't too far off from theirs.'

I teased, 'Oh, look who's finally breaking the silence. Where have you been?'

He replied, 'Engaged in a sort of meditation. You've been on the hunt for those scrolls for hours. It wasn't exactly riveting.'

I agreed, 'True, it was quite exhausting.'

"As the suspense mounted, the second-place team's accomplishments were unveiled. Their impressive collection included 5 White scrolls, 3 Yellow scrolls, 2 Green scrolls, 1 Blue scroll, and 1 Red scroll. Astonishingly, they also cracked the enigmatic puzzles of every scroll. Their remarkable total surged to 59 Points! Let's hear it for Team Party Number 11!"

A deafening eruption of cheers and applause filled the venue, celebrating our achievement.

Leno couldn't contain his excitement, letting out a spirited scream. "Let's go! Woohoo!" He threw his fists jubilantly into the air. Gina and Vanessa, seated beside him, wore expressions of resigned annoyance, covering their ears in response.

Deni and Cliff, positioned behind Leno, shared similar looks of hopelessness, observing the enthusiastic outburst. Meanwhile, Naera and Sarla, huddled together, reveled in the outcome of their party's success.

Garen remarked, 'You seem quite satisfied.'

I replied casually, a sense of pride gracing my smile, 'I certainly am.'

The host proceeded to unveil the results further. In third place, with a commendable 53 Points, stood Madeira Reldan's party, while Jovier Orsen's party secured fourth place with 48 Points.

Yet, the most astonishing revelation was yet to come. As the host announced the remaining parties, a surprising revelation emerged.

A staggering 14 parties, unfortunately, failed to uncover any scrolls beyond the initial one provided.

The primary culprit behind this setback was their delayed start, which left them unable to lay hands on the coveted scrolls in time.

"Now, let's transition to the individual accolades! The criteria for these recognitions are based on each individual's contribution to their respective parties, encompassing their scroll-finding and riddle-solving prowess," the host announced as the screen shifted to an enigmatic silhouette.

"In the coveted first place, we have..." With a dramatic pause, the screen finally unveiled the identity of the top performer.

As the figure was revealed, I was taken aback, for I had unmistakably encountered this girl before. She possessed an otherworldly presence, with white silver hair and captivating silver eyes that left an indelible impression.

"Aria from Party Number 1!" The host's announcement filled the room with anticipation. "She not only spearheaded their party's relentless pursuit of scrolls but also displayed unmatched strategic acumen. Remarkably, she singlehandedly deciphered all the riddles presented to her!"

The revelation drew various reactions from the crowd. One of the boys behind me couldn't hide his frustration, exclaiming, "Wow, so that's why we couldn't find any of the scrolls, because she took everything!"

Another girl chimed in with a longing tone, "I wish she was in our party..."

Naera's voice carried excitement as she exclaimed, "Ah, she's the girl we saw at Cleru's Bridge!"

Sarla inquired, "You met her?" The others in the group leaned in, eager to hear more about the encounter.

Naera shared the backstory, explaining, "Yeah, it turns out she was pursuing a scroll carried by the stream, but Raul managed to secure it before her." Her words prompted the group's attention to focus on me.

'She didn't have to make it sound like it was my fault.'

Vanessa lightened the mood with a jest, "So, Raul, you've already landed on her bad side?"

I shrugged both shoulders, my expression reflecting genuine concern. "I hope not."

'Seriously, I don't want to be on anybody's bad side. Although, come to think of it, I guess I did end up on someone's bad side before.'

'I guess you already did, Raul.' Garen reminded me.

I recollected the boy and girl I had encountered at the park, who were clearly displeased with me when they couldn't decipher the riddle.

'Ah, I had forgotten about them.'

The anticipation in the room escalated as the host introduced the second-best individual performer, citing his exceptional contribution to their party's success.

When the host revealed the party number 11, Vanessa and Leno exchanged triumphant smirks, intertwining their arms in a display of pride, as they already knew who was being referred to. They sat with an air of assurance.

Naera, Sarla, Gina, and others turned their gaze toward my seat, curious to see my reaction.

Deni sat beside me, his expression was blanked but with a mixture of surprise and bewilderment, while Cliff appeared nervous with his hand sweating, his eyes fixed on me.

As I found myself in the spotlight once again, I couldn't help but reflect.

'Well, this isn't the first time I've received this kind of treatment,' recalling past experiences when my classmates admired me for my gaming prowess.

The host's enthusiastic proclamation, "Raul Vuren from Party Number 11!" reverberated through the hall. A thunderous eruption of cheers and applause followed, drowning the room in a sea of jubilation.

As the screen displayed the unexpected image, my heart skipped a beat. The photograph captured the moment when I emerged from the serene lake in Ruonar's Park, drenched.

In the image, my violet-dark hair clung to my forehead, dripping with crystal-clear water droplets.

Despite the drenching, there was an undeniable sense of regal composure on my face. It was an unexpected and striking image that left me surprised.

I couldn't help but express my astonishment, muttering to myself, 'When did they take that—no, how?' The sight of the unexpected photograph left me utterly shocked.

Garen's compliment. 'You looked good in that photo.'

"That's him! I remembered his face!" Amidst the cheering crowd, a voice suddenly pierced through the noise, carrying an undertone of irritation. The source of this disturbance emerged from the right section of the seating area, near the edge of the seat line.

I sighed, my eyes locking onto the individual responsible for the interruption. Our gazes met, and I regarded him with a cold, unwavering stare, matching his irritating demeanor. Eventually, he averted his gaze, and the girl seated beside him followed suit, ending the tense moment.

Vanessa's remark exuded admiration as she spoke, "You've got that badass look, kid."

Naera's appreciation shone through as she flashed me a thumbs-up and praised, "You're truly amazing, Raul."

I responded with a warm smile, then leaned back comfortably in my chair.

As the host proceeded to announce the third and fourth individuals, the names Jovier Orsen and Madeira Reldan were revealed.

'From what I understand, it seems the host announced the top individual performers from each of the top 5 teams.'

Garen nodded in agreement, stating, 'Indeed, it does seem that way.'

"Alright, let's wrap this up. Tomorrow's challenge is The Hunting Prowess. Meet at Section 1 Border of the Ruonar's Beast Forest. Please arrive early to start precisely on time. Remember to bring all your weapons. See you there, dear ascendants!" With these closing words, the host concluded the announcement.

As Vanessa and I walked home, our conversation naturally turned to the events of the previous challenge.

I inquired, "Will tomorrow's challenge have the same closing ceremony like this one?"

Vanessa clarified, "No, strangely, they only did it for the first and the last events."

She further explained, "I guess they do it to boost everyone's spirits for the hunting showdown."

Upon reaching home, I waved to Vanessa and expressed my gratitude for her company during the day. As I approached the front door, I found my mother, Viora, holding my younger sister Rina in her arms.

When my mother inquired about today's challenge, I couldn't contain my excitement, exclaiming, "I had fun! Oh, and I was named the best in my party."

My mother's reaction was a delightful blend of pride and joy. Her eyes lit up with a warm and proud smile as she welcomed me into the house, clearly delighted by the news.

After enjoying a refreshing shower and meticulously drying my hair, I eagerly transitioned to a heartwarming scene in my room.

There, I engaged in playful interaction with my one-year-old sister, Rina. Viora, my mother, had entrusted me with her care as she busied herself preparing our evening meal.

Rina's cherubic form wobbled and crawled enthusiastically across my bed, her small hands exploring her newfound territory.

I marveled at the delicate size of her hands and fingers, muttering in an affectionate tone, "They're so tiny."

In this tender moment, I used my water magic to create ethereal bubbles in the air above us. Each time the shimmering orbs ascended, Rina's enchanting laughter filled the room, forming a melodious symphony that resonated with the purest form of joy.

"So, you like bubbles? What about winds?"

As the playful atmosphere in my room continued, I decided to introduce Rina to another enchanting aspect of magic. Gently, I harnessed the power of the wind, creating delicate, swirling currents of air around us. My one-year-old sister's eyes widened in awe as she felt the subtle breeze.

I directed the gentle zephyrs to dance around Rina, causing her tiny tufts of hair to sway softly. Her laughter became even more infectious as she attempted to catch the elusive gusts with her tiny hands, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

As we played with the gentle currents of wind magic, an overwhelming surge of affection washed over me. I couldn't resist the urge any longer, and I carefully scooped her up into my arms.

Holding her close, I felt an indescribable warmth. With my face nestled near hers, our hearts seemed to synchronize in the quiet intimacy of the moment. Rina, in her innocence, reached out with her tiny hand and gently touched my nose.

Her delicate touch sent a shiver of pure delight down my spine, and a fond smile graced my lips.

As the night's embrace drew closer, I whispered heartfelt words to my sister.

"Rina... I'll definitely be a good brother to you."

The commitment held the weight of a solemn promise, spoken softly as I settled down to sleep beside her.

Later, as the room's tranquility persisted, Viora, my mother, entered. A warm smile graced her lips as she observed the touching scene.

"Oh, my. Look who's looking after who now," She mused, her laughter carrying a touch of affection.

Her eyes landed on Rina, who had nestled herself atop me, her tiny head resting on my back as she slept peacefully.

"He hasn't eaten yet. Guess, I have to wake him up later then."

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