
Ashen Sun

As a teenager living a fairly normal life, Aaron's life took a radical change when he was caught in a bus accident. It was at the dying moment of his life, that he met a mysterious woman smiling down at him. Offering him a choice to live and join 'Ashen Sun', a secret organization having an objective of eradicating the evils of the world, but underneath it all, things aren't what they portray it to be. With the organization surrounded by mystery and danger, Aaron only had two objectives: survive and live to see his family once more. **************************************************** Discord server: https://discord.gg/w6UWHfGzS8 Hi there, just some things before starting, English is not my mother language, so probably there will be mistakes. I will be grateful if you tell them to me. About the schedule... at the moment there isn't, but expect a chapter every 2 or 3 days. When I finally adjust my schedule I will put it here. Another thing, some of the tags might take their time to see them, like the harem, romance and the antihero, as I intend to do some "slow" character development. Also, I don't mind criticism as long as you are respectful and preferably constructive. If you need it, here is my discord: Donutsaurio#2874 But enough of all that, this is my first novel so have patience with me and don't doubt about giving me advice or correcting me. Said all that, enjoy my novel! *The original art is not mine, if you want to take it down tell me in the comment

Donutsaurio · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

4 - Thoughts

-Aaron POV-

Knock knock-

The sound of someone knocking on my door woke me up from my sleep. I got up from the bed and went to the door. I opened it and saw 07 standing there.

"Hi, were you sleeping by any chance?"

"Yes, I was sleeping."

"Oh, sorry. The thing is that the Boss wants to see you."

'She wants to see me? How much time has passed? I am going to ask.'

"Hey, how much time has passed since I entered the room?"

"Two hours."

'Really?! I thought that a whole day had passed by."

"Anyways, if the Boss wants to see me, I guess we should get going."

"Oh, another thing. The Boss told me that I didn't accompany you, so you have to go by yourself."

"But I don't know how to get there."

"Sorry, Boss's orders."

He left without even saying goodbye. And I stood there like an idiot without knowing what to do, which in fact, was partially true.

'Well, nothing is going to happen standing here. I should go.'

With that idea, I started walking in the direction I thought was the Boss's office.


Turning a corner, I looked at the door I had seen for the third time.


As no one expected, I am lost. More specifically, I was already lost since I exited my room and started walking. To make it worse, there is no window, and all the doors are the same except the Boss's one.

While walking through a hallway, something happened that made me run to the other side. I saw someone!

Most accurately, I saw black hair disappear at the end of the hallway.

Finally reaching the other side, I looked in the direction I saw the person disappear and I saw what seemed to be a girl.

"Hey! Can you help me? I think I am lost."

The girl turned around, and my eyes widened in surprise at the sight of a previous classmate of mine.


Rachel was a girl from my class, she wasn't the most popular, but I knew several boys were after her. And I understood why. Short black hair paired with purplish blue eyes. She also had a good figure for her age. She came to our class one year ago and said she was from another country. What was she doing here?


When I thought about why she was there, I remembered that the Boss also took a girl from the accident. Could it be that she was that girl?

While I was thinking all that, she was staring at me without saying anything, so I tried to ask her if she was okay.

"Rachel, are you o-"

"You are going to see the Boss, right?"

"O-Oh, yes, how do yo-"

"Is in that direction. You shouldn't make her wait."

After saying that, she left without a goodbye.

'Seriously, what happens with the people here and saying goodbyes?'

While I was thinking about it, I heard Rachel's voice from behind.

"We will meet later."


"Alright, bye."

'I think I am sighing more since I have been here. And I have only been like 4 hours. Awake, at least.'

After that, I went toward Rachel pointed earlier.


After 5 minutes of walking, I finally reached the Boss's office. I knack, and I immediately heard the Boss's voice.

"Go ahead."

'It seems that she has been waiting. I hope she isn't too mad.'

I entered the room and saw the Boss sitting behind the desk waiting for me.

"You are late."

" I am sorry, I got lost. It won't happen again."


"Alright. I will turn a blind eye to this today. I don't want it to repeat."

"Thank you."

As I said that, a sight escaped her mouth and a grin suddenly appeared on her face.

"Anyways, let's get to why I called you. Tomorrow you will be starting your training."


"You will start with some fundamental things. And your trainer will be Code 07."

'07 will train me? That means he is strong, right?'

"Don't put that face of surprise. Code 07 could beat ten people like you at the same time."

"Wait, is that even possible?"

"You will discover that tomorrow."

When she finished talking, her face suddenly lit up as if she had remembered something.

"Right, there was another thing I wanted to talk about to you. Here, take this."

What she took from a drawer and left on the desk was a smartphone.

"For what is this?

"Let's say this is a smartphone from the organization. Here you have Code 07's and my contact. There we will tell you the thing you have to know. Also, you can't contact me first if it isn't an emergency, understood?"


After I said that, the room fell silent, and an awkward mood came until she spoke again.

"You have more questions for me, am I right?"

'How did she know it?!'

"I can see it in your face. You have to work on your poker face. Now, what do you have to ask?"

'I guess I should.'

"Well, why did you also take Rachel in the accident?"

'She took her herself, so she should know her name, right?'

When I asked that, she started laughing hard before answering my question.

"Hahaha. It seems like you misunderstood something. We didn't 'also' take her. We 'also' brought you."

"Wait, does that mean that..."

"She was the objective of the mission, yes."

"Why did you go after her?"

"If you want to know more, you should ask Rachel."

'What's with the secrecy?'

"Okay. I have another question. What will happen with the school and all that stuff?"

After I asked her, she put on a dumbfounded expression as if I had said some stupidity.

"Are you asking about that after joining the organization?"

When she asked me that, my face flushed a little red because of embarrassment,

"W-Well, I didn't notice with everything that was happening, okay?!"

"Hahahaha. Regarding your question, there are no worries, as both of you are publicly dead."


"Yes, it was the most efficient way to "take you with us"."

'You mean kidnap, right?!'

"Wait, so that means that my family thinks I am dead?!"

"Yes, that is one of the reasons you can't go home."

When I heard all that I started panicking.

'It was bad enough that my family thought I disappeared, now they think I am dead?!'


When she said my name in that cold tone, a shiver ran down my spine.

"Stop thinking about that."

"You now belong to Ashen Sun. But of course, the other option is still available."

'So you are saying that I still can die.'

"I am sorry."

"It is okay. Go and rest. Tomorrow will be hard."

"Yes. Goodbye Boss."

"See you soon."


When I got out of the room, 07 was there waiting for me, as the moment I entered the hallway he approached me.

"Hey, you don't have a good face. Everything okay?"

"Well, I discovered that my family thinks I am dead, so no, I am not very well."

"I see... Let's go."

As he said that, he started walking and I rushed to catch him.

"Is it common being dead here? Seeing how you didn't react to what I said."

"Well, the thing is that everyone here is publicly dead."


"...why are you all here?"

As I said that, he looked at me with a cold expression that I didn't know could be done.

"Everyone has a reason to be here. Whether they like it or not, no one is here for nothing."

"But the Boss said that I was here because she wanted to!"

"And did you believe it like that? That someone that manages this type of organization would take in someone random because of a whim? "


I didn't think that. What 07 is saying is true. Why would someone do that?

"Then, what is the real reason?"

"That is up to you to discover it. We are here."

Without even realizing we were in front of my room.

"Goodnight. Rest well. Tomorrow will be a hard day. I won't go easy on you."

"Oh, yeah. Goodnight."

As I saw him go away through the hallway, I started thinking again about what he had told me earlier. I entered my room, and while I was going straight to bed, I realized that there was also a mirror.

There I saw myself reflected, and I sunk into thought again.

'If everyone here has a reason to be here, what is my reason to be here? What is the Boss's purpose in bringing me here?'

'What will happen to my sister when she is thinking that her brother had died? Well, she has always been more mature than the children of her age. She is now 13 years old. How old will she be when we see her again? If we see each other again, that's it.

'Damn, I don't know. It is better if I rest for tomorrow and stop thinking useless things.'

Thinking that, I changed into some pajamas from the wardrobe and lay down in bed.

Hi, author here, I would like to thank all the people that is reading the book.

I have decided to do the chapters of 1500 words instead of 1000 so tell me in the comments how you see it. As always, let me know of any mistake that I have made or if you have some doubt about the tiny bit of story that we have.

The next chapter will be a more action chapter, and it would be my first tie describing action stuff, so I'll see how I can do it.

That's all, thanks for reading and I hope to see you in the next chapter!

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