
Chapter 19

After 30 minute of interrogation we see Ash wiping his face and hands of blood left after the interrogation with some champions having a grotesque feeling witnessing such a brutal interrogation. Some of the younger trainers left the room not being able to hold back what they saw and Archie who was missing 4 out of the 10 fingers with his little finger at his right hand having a needle inserted into it and his eyes puffed red with tears and signs of clear mental break down.

" Now it wasn't so hard was it Archie all you had to do was answer honestly " said Ash as he started walking towards him

" AHHHHHHHHH DONT COME NEAR ME I BEG YOU ... PLEASE STAY AWAY " Archie started screaming as he started rattling the chair he was tied to like a mad person

" Relax interrogation is done " replied Ash as he picked up the wine bottle he picked up earlier and took a big swig out of it

" Say you must be thirsty have a drink " asked Ash as he made Archie drink the wine as the other Champions were discussing the infiltration that happened

Ash in the meantime took out a lean but hard rubber glove and put it on as he smashed the wine bottle to tiny but sharp shards and wrapped those shards to the gloves which stuck solidly to the glove.

After the bottle shattered all eyes were on Ash as they saw him doing such weird actions but what happened next shocked them to the core

Ash with the gloves that were lined with sharp glass pieces moved towards Archie punched Archie right across the cheek tearing off his cheek and muscles along the way as Archie started screaming like a maniac in both shock and pain.

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING ASH ?" Questioned Lance in an agry voice

"... " Ash remained silent and punched Archie again on the other side which drew more screaming from Archie

" .... Ash stop it you are no longer a warden ... the law can't protect you anymore " reasoned Steven

"..." Ash remained quite and than punched agin further deepening the wound

" Why you little " said Lance as he tackled Ash to the ground on his back

" Let me go Lance " said Ash in a whisper

" Don't take it too far kid we know he's a bad guy but you did your part no need to get your hands dirty " said Lance angrily

" Ash please stop it you still have a chance to return back to your normal life .... with your friends ..your mom ... your Pokemon " Cynthia who remained silent for most of the time spoke up with clear tears and fear evident in her eyes

"..." Steven remained quite and watched the situation

" Remember the promise we had Lance you do not interfere in my interrogation" said Ash feeling angry

" Yes it was till the interrogation ... but what you are doing to him is inhumane ..... we already have the information we need let the police the rightful law handle it " said Lance spoke softly as he felt more pity towards the young boy who was such a radiant being

".... I've had enough of this " said Ash as he clicked one of his pokeball which was in his pocket and the pokemon which came out ade Lance back away

Infront of the stood an enormous Garchomp who stood tall and prideful but upon seeing his master on the ground he went on guard with his scythes up in the air above his massive frame eyeing the Champions as possible hostile threats

" You are naive as a lot of the others Lance " said Ash as he stood up and cleaned himself with his back against the Champions

" Ash stop it before it's too late " begged Cynthia as she started walking towards Ash with her arms stretched

Garchomp rammed his scythes into the thick cemented floor completely shattering it where Cynthia would have been if she had not stopped upon seeing such hostile action Cynthia's Lucario and Garchomp popped out their balls and got into battle formation both nervous around the massive Garchomp that stood infront of them

" You have not lived long enough to lecture me about naivety" Lance responded angrily as he send out his dragonite

" If that's how you want it " replied Ash who walked towards Archie

" Dragonite stop him " ordered Lance

" You too Lucario and Garchomp " ordered Cynthia

As all three Pokemon rushed towards Ash they noticed Ash Garchomp was nowhere to be found and as they were about to reach Ash the ground beneath their feet shattered and in an instant Ash's Garchomp had Lance's dragonite neck under its teeth, the Lucario under his feet pressing it flat in the ground and Cynthia's Garchomp flat on the ground with scythes a few centimetres away from its eyes

" This peaceful times have made you weak " replied Ash

" Why are you doing this Ash " asked Steven

"....." Ash remained silent

" You are a calm collected person so for you to act rashly is strongly opposing of your nature so why what has he done to you " said Steven who have seen Ash work before

" You wouldn't understand" replied Ash as he turned around with a tearful eye

That alone made the room freeze for a moment as they all took time to see a boy who they had abandoned without an justified reason to face the cruel world alone and came back as a murderer and this was the first emotion he ever showed his weak and vulnerable side

" He took away the only friend I had in my times of need and despair " replied Ash as he stepped forward

" Stop it Ash " all the Champions said as they let out all their Pokemon which rushed towards Ash

As they were about to reach Ash the pokeball Ash used as a necklace glowed blue and as if by force all the Pokemon were frozen in spot

" Thank you old friend " said Ash as the ball jiggled in response

Ash walked up to Archie and did the unexpected the Champions were straight up thinking Ash would kill Archie but Ash just punched Archie square inside the mouth and left him chocking for air

" Remember this Champions the so called law you all believe in will fail you " replied Ash as he motioned for his Garchomp to follow him who let go of the three Pokemon and followed it's master

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