

He is spoken of as the prince of evil spirits. The inveterate enemy of God and Christ, who takes the guise of an angel of light.  He is as deadly as his father Lucifer, who can enter people and act through them; It is mainly believed that through his subordinate demons, Lucifer, can take possession of human bodies, afflicting them or making them diseased. Yes, it is true, but he is far more deadlier than that. Not only can he possess the body of humans and afflict them, but he controls their mind and hypnotised them to their death. He never shows mercy, as mercy is not a word to him. Through his subordinate demons, he could carry out his devious plans and control the earth from hell. His subordinates are sinister and mainly evil, with no heart and conscience for the humans. Asebia, the God of Sin....the Last Prince of hell. He is the only son of Lucifer who causes the other six deadly sins. He is their Master and they are his followers. He is dangerous....a force which cannot be held. He is a ferocious beast who neither had compassion or love for anyone. He causes sin....he kills.....and he conquers. No one has ever seen him, no one even knows what he looks like. But if you wanna meet him, you would never remain the same. He is Asebia, the God Of Sin, the Crown Prince of Hell.

Tehillah20 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


And this was their appearance: they had a human likeness, but each had four faces, and each of them had four wings. Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the sole of a calf's foot. And they sparkled like burnished bronze. Under their wings on their four sides they had human hands.

"Begone oh ye demon! For ye do not belong here" The Angel said, his motionless demeanor too calm that it being a facade could be a wonder.

Despite the Angel's threatening words, Abaddon did not move an inch. Fear is shackles, fear is a knife in the gut slowly twisted, fear is a constant hammer on the head. Yet fear also evaporates like water under an early summer sun. When fear comes walk with confidence right past, because like the ghosts of children's nightmares, fear is an illusion.

For Abbadon, fear felt like a child's play. His aura was so compelling and his appearance was more beast like. Nothing meant more than tearing this man in front of him in pieces and feeding him to the earthly birds known to feed on humans.

But it would be an unearthly being instead.

"Oh trust me dear Phaniel, for I shalt not be gone for awhile" Abaddon closed his eyes.

Facing this unearthly being would attract the humans, and the last thing he and his Master wanted was recognition. He has to calm down.

"Leave me be" Abaddon growled, his weirdly long nails growing back into his fingers and his horn going back into his head.

"I shall come back for ye and thy Master. The Lord's wrath shall reign over thee and thou shalt return back to whence ye came"

"Tell your God that we shall wait for Him on earth. The end cometh near and we come forth to kill,steal and destroy. Leave my sight"

The Angel Phaniel was not at all pleased with the tone at which the demon used to address Him, but he knew fighting the demon in a human hospital would amount to a tragic damage. His peaceful yet chaotic eyes were pinned to the demon, although his countenance was as peaceful as the calming waves of the sea.

Not breaking His gaze from the abomination before Him, He transformed back to his original form.

"Thou still art stubborn Abaddon. Do'est not thou regret thy ways. The Lord is able and just to forgive thee if thy leave thy ways and come to thee"

"You know so well I will refuse. You and your God damned us to eternal damnation. Why shalt I come to you after all ye did to me and my Lord?"

The Angel looked at the demon with untold pity. How he wished all these demons could have a change of heart and come to the Lord so they shall be cleansed.

But instead, they have damned themselves to eternal suffering, having this grudge for His Lord just because He threw them from heaven into the earth. For all he knew, they deserved it. He was quite glad he did not have the conscience or the feeling these humans have.

It is better to be quite unemotional than weep for these abominations centuries after centuries. If they are damned then they should remain where they are damned.

But instead of reminiscing on the bad deeds they have done, they try to conquer earth and take it as theirs as if they were the creators. The Lord refused to give the earth which He created for His people to Lucifer, causing him to seethe in rage and nurse a heart of revenge.

Sending one of His seven deadly sins to trick the woman Eve, making her sin against the Lord. It would be knowledgeable if those abominations would stop there.

But no, they did not.

They continue to truck people to sin, thus winning souls to build their underworld kingdom. As if Angel Phaniel would let that happen.

The Lord, so merciful and just sent His Prophets to the earth, and quite so far the people had heed His call, although there are quite some who still are adamant and serve the devil still.

He knew this was a pain to Lucifer and He was expecting quite a lot from the devil. For everything to go so smoothly for centuries, he knew the devils comeback would be very much unsettling.

Seeing the Second in Command roaming earth so freely was an understatement.

Even the God of Sin had stepped out of His domain to execute His plan on taking over the world and humans.

Words have even reached Him that the six other deadly sins are spread all around the world, seeking to win more soldiers to their kingdom.

"Art thou not afraid to be damned yet again by the Lord?" The Angel could not understand why they still do not fear His Lord. After all His Lord did, they should be very much afraid and scamper in fear, knowing he could end their existence if deem fit.

But Jehovah loved them. He did not want to keep doing this to them. There were a lot of mysteries surrounding them that could no even be solved. These demons knew nothing. They were ignorant of the life they were condemned to live.

"If it is written I would be condemned, so let it be done"


"As much as I dislike to end this without a fight, I must take my leave. But next time, it shall be an untold war my dear Phaniel"

The Second in Command to the Sin God turned and walked away from the Angel, His eyes still holding the unearthly fire it had in them.

The Angel heaved a sigh and within the blink of an eye, vanished into thin air, His aura going along with Him.


Asebia released a gutteral roar as he cummed in the Receptionist's vagina. Her mouth was very much open as she felt the loads of cum he released from His little monster.

Her hands were shaking so badly and her face was oddly pale. For a woman who had gone through ten rounds with the beast, she felt quite lucky to still be conscious. Everywhere felt so sore as her eyes produced unshed tears. She sure would not be f*cking anyone anytime soon.

Asebia pushed her away as soon as he was done releasing and stood up. The Receptionist's eyes widened as it found the man's little monster.

It was so big.

Words were not even there to describe it.

How did it even fit in her little hole?

She was very much sure three hands would be able to fist in her little hole after this.

And even at that, it was still very much erect as if they had not f*cked minutes ago.

Fear engulf her as she sniffed. Is this man not done with f*cking her?

Is he not tired yet?

How could someone last for that long without breaking a sweat?

"I still must say woman, what I had with you was a moment of pleasure" His eyes found her eyes and she could not resist the urge to shudder at His gaze. It was if his eyes shed an aura as cold, and if not colder than death itself. She suddenly felt cold and her hands began shaking all the more.

Who the hell was this man?

His eyes raked over her body and found her eyes once again.

And then he smiled.

For then, he was sure this woman would not smell the gates of heaven after all they had done in this little room together.

He picked up his boxers and started wearing them, His eyes not leaving the woman's. He could equally sense her fear.

How pathetic.

She sure was lucky he did not go primal. If not, he would have killed her and fed on her meat. The Receptionist felt the need to run but under his petrifying gaze, she could not even stand up talk more of walking out of here.

He finally took his eyes off her and picked his trousers the moment he saw it. He wore them, snickering as he saw the woman standing up through the corner of his eyes.

"Ye must dress and leave before thou be caught"

The Receptionist did not wait to be told twice. She quickly wore her clothes, almost tripping as she struggled to wear her skirt. Asebia could not help but laugh at her. His laugh grew louder, making the poor woman shiver the more.

The Receptionist dashed out of the room, leaving the man in there who continued laughing maniacally.

Oh the fear!

He loved fisting on fear and the woman oozed of petrifying fear. Asebia did not know he scared her that much.

Finally dressing up, he left the room which smells of sex and walked through the hallways of the hospital yet again. He easily found his way to the room in which he left Abaddon and the girl.

His rage could not be satiated as he scanned the room.

The girl was missing.

And so was Abaddon.

He walked out of the room and disappeared, appearing at the roof of the building. She would not escape till he knew what power she held.

Asebia smiled maniacally as he sighted her effortlessly.

"Oh run my dear, for I shalt not be long now"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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