
Chapter 52

"Do you have pokeballs?" you asked, bounding up the stairs towards the roof. The second May realized she had her first pokemon, and it was one that would be easy to take care of, and learned the fact that a simple fire stone would evolve it into one of the best, if not the best pokemon to travel on, she was off like somebody lit a fire up her ass.

You envy Growlithe who is in his pokeball now and not needing to deal with this crap.

"Duh," May rolled her eyes, not that you could see it, "This bag on my waist is all silph co tech, it has everything I need in it, and daddy always made me carry a bunch of pokeballs for whatever reason." she explained. Your eyes landed on the yellow pack around her waist, it was more of a fannypack than anything else.

This girl was kinda gung go about things. All you'd managed to get out of her before she took off was that if bug pokemon were easy, she'd grab a few, and then with them and Growlithe, no way could her dad annoy her about not going on a journey to see the world.

You don't think she quite understands the ramifications of a girl from Hoenn travelling alone through Kanto, especially with the tensions still so high between the regions.

But you supposed Norman might at least let her travel to about Cerulean and back with some pokemon to back her up.

Reaching the top of the stairs, May slammed the door open hard and you heard a shout of surprise, "Woah, sorry bad!" May apologized, but kept going, running for the grass area on the roof.

"May?" Norman blinked in confusion, turning to you as you followed out of the door, "..Cobalt what's going on?"

You shrugged, "I managed to get her to give training a pokemon a try," you replied, "Even managed to get her to take my other Growlithe as her starter to look after her.

"Oh.." Norman blinked stupidly, and you think he may have just short circuited for a moment. "..Then why is she rushing to see the wild pokemon up here?"

You shrugged, "I told her how easy bug pokemon are to look after, and that there are a few up here." you replied.

"Huh," Norman blinked again before shaking his head and frowning, "Then why didn't she just take Vibrava? I mean no offense, but it's a lot stronger than anything you could have just given her."

Oi, oi oi. those are fighting words, you may not have actively trained her all that much, but Growlithe is still strong, "You'd be surprised," you replied through gritted teeth, "Growlithe trained a ton with all of my main pokemon who can take on gyms, I'd be surprised if some Vibrava you trained up on the side could match up to her, dragon type or not."

Norman blinked again at the rebuttal, "Well now, I seem to have offended you," he smiled and apologized before grinning at you, "How about it then, you want to take on Vibrava and see how he fares up? I'll let you pick any pokemon you want."

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