
Ascendance: The Rebirth of the Unknown Gamer

Aura Thompson, one of the most unknown experts in the DMMORPG known as Ascendance, dies of old age, only to find that his final wish has been granted and that he can start again on his path to immortality through the fantasy game he loves. Read as Aura uses his knowledge of mankind's second world to chase after his dream. He knows all the secrets that players uncovered over the 132 years he played the game: quests, classes, skills, hidden treasures, lore, and all sorts of things that could tip the balance of the world in his favor. How far will he go?

Aurafyre · Jogos
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68 Chs

Chapter 46

Laura was now extremely confused, and even a bit frightened.

To her knowledge, there were no individuals who were capable of setting up such a network in the first realm.

Which means that this 'Master' should be from a higher realm.

Which means that he had cleared the trials.

Which means that he could turn her into paste quite easily.

Not to mention that he must be extremely rich and powerful, to be able to afford such high class prosthetics as well as an eye of truth.

The base was incredibly comfortable, whoever had built it had a phenominal eye for detail, with tasteful decorations in all the right places.

There were no paintings, but instead there were mounted trophies.

A golden rabbit, a queen spider and numerous other rare and expensive creatures.

Under each mounted trophy were several chunks of raw material, apparently resources found in the area where the creatures lived.

There was one trophy that was simply a bouquet of rainbow flowers.

This master had to be insanely rich to actually mount that many rainbow flowers.

And from what the demon girl, Fiona, had told her, Master operated alone, hunting down everything and building everything himself.

Such a man was even more incomprehensible.

She could understand it if he was just a collector, but why would someone as powerful and as wealthy as him go and hunt down all these things himself?

He was clearly a powerful eccentric, the type who had, in all likelihood, purchased her because she was interesting rather than because he wanted a new toy.

He would be the type that was easily angered, who was selfish and didn't think of others at all, but he also got angry at the suffering of others, not because they were close to him, but because it violated his view of the world.

He didn't care about the world, but thought it should be a certain way, and when people trampled over his ideals, he would get angry.

In all likelihood, her new master desired power because he had none as a child.

He wanted to change his own fate, and become someone that nobody could step on.

He was irrational, likely having persecutory delusions and paranoia, but not to a crippling extent.

He was also probably terrified of death and sought a way to immortality.

Probably why she'd been purchased.

He would retain his childlike sense of wonder at the beautiful things in life, and would still retain most of his characteristics from childhood.

Such as an insatiable curiosity, a tendency to become lost in thought, and inability to restrain himself in front of interesting projects.

Her master had likely engaged in all sorts of creative activities, and had spent many years perfecting his craft.

He was amoral and antisocial, mostly because he simply didn't know how to deal with others, instead preferring to remain silent.

He would have no hesitation carrying out actions that could earn him the animosity of all humanoid races, simply because he still retained his childlike sense of invincibility.

As a vampire, Laura was quite young, but she had been disguising herself in human society for more than a hundred years.

She found humans intriguing and leaned how they acted and why.

Her experience had led her to an almost perfect analysis of Aura's personality.

She had gotten several points incorrect, but simply based off the information she had access to, namely his slave and his home, she had come up with a stellar profile on Aura.

And she realized that he would be an excellent person to work with.

He was not easy to manipulate and wouldn't take kindly to attempts, but if Laura simply told him what she wanted, he may just do it.

And even though she was a slave, if she wished to make a deal with him, he would probably accept.

To him, she was no different than another person.

Thus, he would dislike forcing her to speak, and would be happy to trade with her.

Such a person would not mistreat her, she would instead be living a life of luxury in exchange for working for him.

He was a slave's ideal master, seeing them as trustworthy companions rather than tools to be used.

Though the punishment would undoubtedly be harsh should they make him angry.