
The Beginning

Advanced chapters on my Patreon.



"So... All of that wasn't a dream!?, Man..... if I knew I'd have asked for a more overpowered skill without tipping the world's power scale. "

These were the thought of a guy who awakened somewhere totally 'alien' to him after filling out a sketchy pop up survey online while reading web novels during his recess.

He once went by the name Jasper Sagittaerys and if you were thinking he'd have a pretty face because of his unique name....

You'd be correct! Heh.. Totally not being a narcissist or anything (A.N: Cough Cough) but whatever would make a guy in the 20th century live his dream life? I had it.....

Okay, maybe not all but I was on my way to achieving that. Born into a well to do family of 4 as the only son with living parents and a perfect face while on the path to being a medical doctor.

He was just done with his shift as a resident, and decided to unwind by reading the latest chapters of his favorite novel when shit hit the fan! (metaphorically speaking).

"I knew it was a bad idea to fill that survey. Kept giving me creeps".

The survey asked what would be his choice if he had a chance to transmigrate to another world (could be fiction but who cares!!)... And Jasper been the weeb he is, picked yes.

I mean, I would be a laughing stock amongst the Legendary Council Of Medical Weebs if I said no. Besides, who in their right minds say no to this! That's sacrilege! Must have been dropped on their head as a baby

(A. N: Word bruh) 

The other option was to chose a gift/talent and a long list of abilities from fictional words appeared. After spending an unknown amount of time I finally settled on…..


I mean it's a no brainer right? Since I'm not allowed to choose anything world breaking, I might as well go with something that's overpowered in its own right. Talk about exploiting a loop hole.

My intelligence sometimes terrifies even me (LOL)

I picked the one essence I've always felt like it was tailor made for me. 

Essence Of The King 

I bet you weren't expecting that…. You were probably expecting something overpowered right? Well,why that when I could be a Monarch and make seas rise when I gave the word?? 

Essence Of Blank to remove my limiters thereby gaining limitless potential.

Essence Of The Crafter because why not? Who doesn't want to create cool stuff and name the babies like that cute girl from MHA.

Oh I'm being told to confirm? I guess that's pretty much it.

'This was fun while it lasted', he thought. 'Spent all of my break filling this shit out. Haiiiizzz…. Might as well get some shut-eye. It's 3 am'.

And those were the last I had of that reality before waking up here. 

Guess I died then. Mehn… I didn't even get the chance to lose my Sacred V-Card. What a waste!

"Where am I though? I know I transmigrated but to where?", I muttered while trying to get used to being in this ancient kinda clothing. 

"So in the past then?. That'll be a dream come true unless I'm in some sort of creepy movie set…. Huh?.... HUH!!!!!.Who the heck is this cute Asian teen staring back at me in the mirror!? "

Wait a second! A mirror?

"That's me! But what's my name? I have absolutely no background information about myself. I don't want to get killed over the claim of demonic possession besides, where are my essences? I feel like I've been scammed."

Fucking sketchy surveys and its omnipotent mastermind. I want a ref.. "Oh there they are. My babies. Come to daddy and be consumed. Hehehe" 

In my hands were 3 vials glowing with an otherworldly shimmer. And without wasting time, I uncorked them and downed it at once.

"Tastes sweet-ish, bland-ish and weird-ish all at the same time. Who created this!? You should've added some flavor for goodness sake. A little bit of strawberry would've been nice, I'll make do with even vanilla. Stingy ROB's without flavor, I bet their Omnipotent lives lack any sweetness. Now I'm ranting like I've been ripped off...…"

Then I got hit by the mother of all migraines with foreign memories being downloaded in my mind and everything went dark.