Ron john a young lively medical student with a goal to save as many people as he can in his life dies while saving a child and an old lady and finds himself in a dark abyss after opening his eyes. He rolls a destination wheel and gets transferred to the world of heroes and villains and to survive he is able to roll on a protagonist wheel …will he be able to survive in a world he only knows from spoilers.
Ron John is a lively medical student who got inspired at an early age by his veterans uncle to save as many lives as he can.
His purpose in life is to save enough people that he feels complete in life.
Ron pov:
It was cold out I was leaving my university and saw that sun was almost about to set.'Today was another lab day, exhausting as usual '. On my way back to my dorm to cook myself a good dinner, I saw a tipped over wheel chair in the middle of the traffic with an old lady and probably her grandson struggling to pull her up, I ran towards them in the middle of ongoing traffic to help them or save them.
I picked up the old lady helped her sit on her wheelchair. The old lady was hurt from the fall and would need to go to a hospital but the boy was fine.
We reached the middle of the zebra crossing and the traffic stopped due to the signals but thats when I heard blaring freebird coming closer towards us.
There was a semi truck racing towards us blasting freebird, I recalled all the degenerate memes about this scene i had seen on twitter and realised we might not survive this encounter so I pushed the boy and the wheelchair so they were safe before everything when black.
Next second I woke up in a frenzy and screamed of astonishment before noticing I was still conscious and not hurt which was impossible.
I looked around and realised that I couldn't see anything and yelled "Am I Alive?" only to hear an echo of my dumbass expecting an answer in this abyss i was in after my death.
"…Am I still alive!"…"am i still alive"… "alive".
'Wait, there was an echo meaning there should be walls or a barrier or something here'.
I started walking aimlessly and soon hit a wall and felt around….'it feels like a wall but its too smooth and frictionless unlike the floor,its like glass but feels different'.I am really scared at this point, i am not scared of the dark but this place is something i know nothing about, it feels very creepy and i keep thinking of the worst imagery and worst case scenario.
I kept my hand on the wall and started moving parallel to it before i hit another wall that felt like it was at an angle from the wall i was following.
I walked parallel to the other wall which felt like it was around 70-80 degree angle from my wall, i followed that wall for around 10 seconds and the same thing happened .
By the time this happened a 5th time i knew for sure this was a closed room of some sort because the sum of the angles between the walls should have been 360 by now and i cant find any exit.
To varify my theory i thought of putting some clothing where i was and making a round but thats when I realised i was naked… all this time i felt no heat or cold so i never realised it.
'I am desperate here, i can try to spit at the corner of the wall, run around the room and touch the spit to verify my hypothesis'. I was about to spit but that's when I got flash banged, there was light in the room but my sight was still recovering.
"Dont dirty the pentagon, its an unforgivable act" the sudden voice scare the shit out of me and I fell over."Dont be scared,you have accumulated alot of good karma in your short life, a commendable achievement and it will not be ungifted".
I had now recovered my sight and realised that the "pentagon" i was in was a pentagon shaped room with a table in the middle .
Realising it was the only thing here I went to it and saw a board with my personal information and relations written on it which made me sentimental and emotional for the first time in many years.