
Close call!

Arthur POV

Me and Asia arrived back in the living room of our house after leaving the ORC through a portal. "Everyone, me and Asia are back" I declared out loud to notify them. Nabe walked through from the kitchen and stood opposite to me. "Welcome back Arthur" Nabe said as she approached me.

"Hm, you stopped me earlier, I think its only fair to claim it now" I said to her as I leaned in and pressed a kiss against her lips. The feeling always surprised me. How supple her lips were. How sweet she tasted. I pressed my tongue against her lips seeking entrance and before long, my tongue roamed her mouth.

I cupped her ass with a hand whilst the other roamed around her waist. We separated and both of out faces were flushed. The saliva from both of our mouths spread around her lips. I went back i for more but she moved away to speak "Arthur, madam Asia is behind us" she informed me.

I turned around to see a red faced Asia peeking through her fingers. 'Ugh, you know Asia, your literal presence! Just cock blocked me' I thought to myself, though its not like it was her fault. "Oh, yeah... Oops" I said with a cheeky smile. I leaned over to whisper into Nabe's ear "We'll carry this on later my love" I bit the tip of her ear, earning me a shudder and kissed her once more before deciding to go to a dungeon to level up a bit.

I went upstairs and into my room where I spoke to Nabe.

'Hey Nabe, what's the next dungeon I can go to?' I asked curiously. I had a great idea which might be able to farm me XP.

{The next dungeon is a winter biome with frost trolls. The dungeon boss is unknown}

'Okay. Next question. lets say...If I was to coat myself in infinity as reinforcement and constantly pour mana into it, would I be able to survive a lot of damage?'

{Yes Arthur. As long as you are shielding yourself. You would be able to survive most forces of damage. That saying, as long as it isn't against a being more powerful than yourself.}

'Thank you Nabe, your a doll. Please send me to the dungeon'

[Linku start-connecting to dungeon]



When my eyes opened, I found myself on the top of a mountain covered in snow. The weather was abysmally cold, literally to the point my nuts were getting sucked into my stomach cold.

[Quest received

info: Clear the winter troll dungeon.


Kill 20 trolls: 0/20

Kill the dungeon boss: 0/1

rewards: 1 level, murasame

failure: All stats taken away (reset)]

"Its free real estate" I said to myself as I smiled. 'you know. I'm surprised I didnt think of doing this when I first got Solomon's abilities.' I breathed in the fresh air of the dungeon. With my improved eyesight I could see trolls movements down below and decided to take in the view for a few minutes before I eradicate them.

After a few minutes of enjoying the fresh air I stood up and prepared myself. 'Nabe How much does a flight ability cost from the store'

[Skill- Flight (Rank: B)

You are able to lift yourself from the ground and fly with the use of mana.


'That'll do. Purchase that for me please' I asked Nabe.


[11950sp remaining]

[New skill obtained-

Flight- You are able to lift yourself from the ground and fly with the use of mana.]

I used my newly obtained skill to fly up as far as I possibly could. Covering myself in my aura to protect myself from the elements and what I was about to do. When I reached the top of the dungeon a warning notification appeared in front of my eyes. I could physically see the barrier that stopped me from passing, it gave a slight shimmer, almost like static.


"Right then. Adios friendly trolls, I liked your world" I shouted towards the ground. The land reached as far as the eye could see. Even mine.


I began the chant. "Then I shall show you. The end of your journey. The demise of human history that will redo this planet. The moment my great undertaking is completed! The Time of Birth has Come, He is the One who Masters All. Now, burn up like trash!

"Ars Almadel Salomonis!"

By the end of a chant a ball of pure mana was floating above my head. It appeared pitch black with silvery white static around it. I could hear the sound of electricity in my ears and the static electricity cover my body. At the last word, the ball turned bright red and shot forward towards the land, completely blinding me from seeing in the process.

As the light shot forward, the screech of power reverberated throughout my ear drums lasting around 10 seconds before stopping. My vision also cleared in time, allowing me to open my eyes and see the damage. Though I saw no difference. Or at least that was until I was blinded by the light equivalent to that of a thousand suns. Most people know that the speed of light travels faster than sound, and if the sound was worse than the blinding light I just experienced... I knew I'd be lucky if I managed to hear again.

I first heard an explosion which sounded as if it was being sucked in, followed by it being blown outwards again. The sound and force vibrated the air and it echoed outwards. The sound the was something I'd never forget.

When the light died down, I saw...Nothing. It was perfect blackness. Nothing. Nothing at all. However what caught me off guard was that I could feel my psyche start to slip away. The feeling of absolute nothingness was unexplainable. It's as if it removes all meaning to everything. However lights with text appeared in front of my face, all of them warnings.








I suddenly found myself growing calmer. In fact my surroundings started to seem almost familiar. 'How odd' I thought to myself

*Host being forced back into body*


When I opened my eyes, I was back on the bed inside my house. "Well that was fucking something" I said as I brought my hands to my face to wipe away the non-existent exhaustion. "Indeed it was Arthur. You were exposed to nothingness. You are lucky I found a solution. You could have lost your mind" I heard Nabe say next to me. She sounded upset and relieved.

Hearing Nabe speak in such a way made me upset. I patted my legs, gesturing for her to take a seat. Nabe walked to me and sat down on my legs, her head resting on my shoulder. "I'm sorry I worried you Nabe" I said as I kissed the top of her head. "Its fine, your okay. Though your body has changed once again and the amount of XP you received is quite large. After all, you did completely obliterate dungeon" Nabe told me with a sigh, though I gave a slight chuckle before replying "At least were growing stronger. Together."

I felt her head nod on my shoulder before talking. "Do you want to see what you got?" I wrapped my arm around her waist and nodded "Yes please Nabe"

[Quest completed

info: Clear the winter troll dungeon.


Kill 20 trolls: 3267/20

Kill the dungeon boss: 1/1

rewards: 1 level,murasame

failure: All stats taken away (reset)]

[Level up x54]

[Title added:

One with the nothingness- User is one with the nothingness. User can enter the nothingness as well as send beings there.

Title skill:

Erasure- Removes everything that ever was (Locked until user becomes an 'OAA' level being) ]

[New item added to inventory:

Murasame- Known as the one cut, one kill sword! After a single cut, leaves the target paralyzed for a time if stronger than user. Or dead if weaker!]

'Oh... Well that's. A lot.' I thought as I looked at the notifications. Lets have a look at status, i'll need to update it at some point anyway.



Level: 77 (progress to next lvl:46%)

Name: Arthur Liones

Race: Primordial human

Titles: Shadow monarch (locked)

Zombie slayer!


Descendant of Solomon

One with the nothingness

Bloodline: Infinity bloodline

Health points: 26,200/26,200 (was 10k)

Mana points: ∞

Strength:358 (was 196)

Defence:343(was 181)

Agility:323 (was 161)

Intelligence:310 (was 148)

Luck: 8 (maxed at 10)

Points available: 0 (was 648)

Sacred gear: Boosted gear (second liberation/ balance breaker available)


Observation: can look at information of a living being or inanimate object. [lvl:14]

primordial human: boosts stats and xp earned by x2

Pyromancy: natural user of fire. The harder you train, the hotter the flame! Great potential in everything fire. (Immune to fires weaker than yours [lvl:21]

Mana shot: fire a charged shot of mana// 30 mana per shot [lvl:14]

Reinforcement: push mana throughout your body parts to increase defense stat// 80 mana per minute (currently increases defense by 8) [lvl:26]

Mana barrier: creates barrier with mana// depends on how much mana is charged into it//base mana use: 50 per 15 seconds [lvl:7]

Power of destruction: power of the underworlds Bael family. Can reduced objects and people to nothing!// mana can be charged to increase damage// base shot: 80 mana [lvl:15] (specific skills not yet know!)

Create dungeon- can create a dungeon based on level to earn XP// no mana cost

Escape dungeon- can leave a created dungeon (not during boss fights)// no mana cost

Shadow strike- Can preform a quick strike against opponent. Move is unnoticeable. Uses 60 mana [Lvl:13]

Heat of the moment- in the midst of battle, all stats will be doubled for one minute when activated

Resurrection- As long as a body is intact, your are able to revive them from the dead and they will be loyal to you! (not blind loyalty) 5000 mana required.

Ars Almadel Salomonis - The third noble phantasm of king Solomon of EX rank. A skill of Anti-humanity rank! For suitable use it has been separated into 3 categories with different magic power requirements.

1. power capable of continental destruction- 200,000 mana required

2. Power capable of world destruction- 1,000,000 mana required

3. power capable of universe destruction- 10,000,000 mana and plausible reason

Chant for skill use- Then I shall show you. The end of your journey. The demise of human history that will redo this planet. The moment my great undertaking is completed! The Time of Birth has Come, He is the One who Masters All. Now, burn up like trash! Ars Almadel Salomonis!

Erasure- Removes everything that ever was (Locked until user becomes an 'OAA' level being)

{Shadow monarch skill set} 65% unlocked

Arise- can revive dead targets within 3 attempts (current 500 max/ 300 extra stored in shadow)- will drain mana if shadows die.

> 2 shadows in use

Rulers Authority- Form of telekinesis. Can also be used as a form of pressure.

Shadow monarchs domain- increases power of shadows in domain

Shadow exchange - can take the place of a shadow/ no distance limit


I looked over my status after allocating the points i 'earned'. 'Damn! I'm pretty fucking strong now huh?'.I thought in approval of myself. I looked to Nabe and she was smiling at me like usual. "Your gorgeous my love" I said to Nabe.

"And you are very handsome Art" Nabe replied as she kissed me. "Art huh? New nickname?" I asked with amusement in my tone. Nabe nodded and kissed me again. She was still sitting on my lap so I decided to pick her up by the waist and turn her around so her back was on my bed. "Quite eager aren't you my love~?" I didnt give her time to reply as I pressed my lips against hers. Our mouths opening to let each other in.

"Mmm" Nabe moaned into my mouth. I could feel my trousers straining and struggling to contain my length. I pressed our waists together and grabbed her breast through her outfit, trying not to be too rough. "Ahn" I was rewarded with another moan. Our lips separated and I kissed down her neck and her collarbone as I undid her uniform. "I love hearing you" I said as I made my way down to her breast. I took her nipple in my mouth and maneuvered my tongue around it, lapping and sucking.

I rose my head from her nipple and joined our mouths together. Nabe's hand reached for my trousers, pressing her palm to the outline of my length and slowly rubbed. "Ah fuck~. It feels good" I groaned as she continued rubbing. Returning the favor, I moved my hand down towards her underwear and slipped past the small article of clothing. I felt my fingers run over her slit and found myself stimulating her nub. "Your so wet~" I muttered with a half groan. I felt her hand move below my trousers, directly touching my length.

I lifted my hand from her underwear and put the fingers to my mouth. "You taste sweet~ I wonder what it would be like to do it directly with my mouth?~" I said to her. I could feel her shuddering beneath me. "Would you like that?" I asked. Nabe was unable to reply, so she nodded her head in acceptance.

I kissed my way from her lips, to her breast and down to her abdomen. I gripped the sides of her small clothes and started pulling them down.


I shook in surprise at the loud noise that rung out around the house. 'No way. No. You can fuck off right this instant' I thought to myself, angry at the fact someone dares to try and cock block me.

I pulled Nabe's small clothes down to her ankles and spread her legs enough to be able to fit my head in between. "I can smell your arousal my love. Are you ready?" I asked as I looked into her eyes. She meekly nodded and stared at me as I made my way towards her slit.


I put my tongue on her and moved it slowly up and down, sucking a little and was rewarded with a noise that I would remember forever. "You taste amaz-"







'I'm gunna kill a bitch, I swear' I stretched out my aura to sense who was at the door. If it was human...Well, they wouldn't be there for long. Though as my aura spread around the area, I was surprised to feel an extremely strong devil at my door! 'Who the fuck is it!!!! Cock blocking fuckers! I'll fucking destroy the underworld I swear!'

I made eye contact with Nabe and she nodded at me in understanding. I helped her pull up and put on her clothes before giving her a kiss. "I'm sorry Nabe. You know I would've really liked to continue. Maybe tomorrow if we aren't interrupted" She smiled brightly and nodded "Of course Art. Lets go see who it is"

We arrived downstairs at the door. Nabe opened it as I pressed myself up against the door frame. "The fuck do you wan-" though I stopped talking due to the fact...

Serafall fucking Leviathan was standing at my door with a smirk.

Hey guys, gals and other pals!

I hope you like the chapter!

2nd upload for today!

I hope the small lemon isnt too bad, its my first time writing one. Let me know???

Its serfall...Who woulda guessed!!!!

Tell me if there are mistakes!

Bye Bye!

lazybodcreators' thoughts
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