
Arrogance and Assumptions

My mother always told me "Chandani, if you play your cards right you'll find a great husband someday." My grandmother would always add in "a nice Indian boy!" If either woman could have their way, I suspect he would be a tall, tan, green eyed, wavy haired, Indian. Who loves nothing more then the smile on his mothers face, and approval from his father. They could see him clearly, striding in the room in all his greatness, and at that moment our eyes would meet. He would see no one else, Que the spotlight on me in a deep red sari, hair long and flowing. He would right then and there bend on one knee and whisper those sweet words "Muhjse Shadi Karoge?"(will you marry me?). Taken by surprise I would place one hand on my heart and utter a soft yet determined "yes." Sounds like the ultimate Bollywood love fest huh? Well as I sit here at my desk, I can tell you that at twenty four years old I am still waiting for my Salman Khan to break through the doors. ***************************************************** Chandani is a young woman on her path of self discovery. Doing so is not easy with her strong Indian roots, her families expectations, her own dreams and her headstrong mother all pulling her in different directions. She thinks she knows what she wants and who she is, until she meets Akhil Dharma. From their first meeting he is arrogant, and brutally honest, so much so that Chandani decides then and there he is not worth her time. Leading her to assume the worst of him, it doesn't help that the people around her add fuel to the fire. They must both learn to get over themselves and come to understand that sometimes our own arrogance moves us to assume the worst in people. In the end we must let go of our arrogance and trample any assumptions in order to freely fall in love.

wordslikehoney · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


“So, how was it?” Kiran asks me, as we sit down at Chili's. “Awesome.” I say taking a chip and dipping it in salsa. “That's it, just ?” she laughs imitating my voice and adding a dreamy expression. “Oh c'mon,” I kick her softly under the table “I don't sound like that. Anyway he met my mom, and texted me after.” I take a bite of my chip. “Wow! He met mom, he must really like you.” she throws back her head and laughs.

I smile “Whatever. He said that he's going back to New York on Monday.” I groan. “awe, only one more day.” she dramatically sighs. “your so annoying.” I playfully roll my eyes. Then I think of how Wahid told me they went to lunch. “Hey, you didn't tell me you guys went to lunch last week.” I cautiously begin.

“Who did?” Kiran gives me a look of confusion. “Wahid said that he went to lunch with Rishi and you guys.” I offer. “Um. No. I know him and Mohan went to lunch with my parents and Sheetal, but Rishi and I didn't go. Mohan said that he needed to talk to my parents.” she stops.

“Why would Mohan have to talk to your parents?” I ask, now I am confused.

“I dont know Chan.” she waves her hand in the air. “So anyway, I've noticed Rishi has been acting funny lately.” I don't like the subject change but I give her a concerned look anyway, “like what?”.

She looks down at the table, “I dont know, he just been.” she looks up as if grasping at the air for words, “secretive.” I look at her amused “Kiran, isn't that like the pot calling the kettle black?” Her eyebrows furrow “What?”.

“Oh c'mon, don't act like you share everything with us. Your always holding out on your business.”

“Oh, please. I have no business to tell.” she says it the way people do when they are hiding something. “Really?” I raise my eyebrow at her, “Really.” she looks directly in my eyes, “anyways, I think Rishi is in a relationship. I found a ring in his glove box!” her eyes light up. “What, Rishi wouldn't propose to someone your family doesn't know. He's too afraid of your parents.” I push the notion away.

“I think he would. If you love someone enough, you wont care what others have to say about them, bottom line.” she says gesturing her hand in a slicing motion. I let out a laugh, “you looked like Mohan when you said that!” She laughs along and imitates him “I have to get my gestures in!” We both crack up remembering the time Mohan made me hold his drink as he told us a story about his trip to Australia.

Leave it to Mohan to actually get chased by a Kangaroo. I laugh even harder as I remember how he unsubscribed from his Wildlife Magazine because of the incident. “He's so funny.” Kiran lets out wiping a tear off her cheek. “yeah, too bad he's so awkward sometimes.” I giggle “He's not bad.” she says flatly.

“Oh, so if he asked you out, you would say yes?” I laugh to myself. “Actually,” she pauses, “I have said yes.” I look at her serious face, with no signs of joking. “Really?” I let out. “Yeah,” her face softens, “he's such a nice guy. And he's honest, and he really thinks of me. When we go places he's always the one to pay, and he always opens my door.” she smiles “He's not afraid to hold my hand when we go somewhere, and what kind of person am I?” her voice shakes, “I couldn't even tell anyone that we're together, because I was afraid of what they'd say. But he deserves more then that Chan, he really does. That's what he told my parent's at lunch, so I wanted to tell you too.” she looks at me expectantly.

My head is reeling with questions, I choose a safe medium to show I am hurt, but supportive.

“How long have you guys been seeing each other?” she looks at me cautiously, “Honestly, its been two months.” she exhales. “You kept this from me for two months?” I feel my blood rising a little. But as her eyes widen, and her expression is needy, I push my anger away. “Well,” I soften my voice, “I'm happy you found someone, are you two serious?”

A smile takes over her face, “Yeah, he told me he loves me.” she digs into her purse and pulls out a princess cut diamond ring. “and he asked me to marry him. I don't think its rushing, since we've known each other all our lives, do you?” I excitedly smile back, “Not at all! Look at that thing!” I laugh “Is your hand strong enough?” she laughs back and slides it on her finger. “I hope so.”

“I'm happy for you Kiran, I really am.” I say standing up to give her a hug. “Hey if things go right we can be doubly related.” she says reminding me of Wahid. “Mmmhmm.”
