
19 Cottage

After a long 2-hour journey, Samarth brought me to his father’s farmhouse. His motive of bringing me here was to have a peaceful conversation that had never taken place between us.

And he was expecting this after allegedly kidnapping me.

Limit of hypocrisy!

Politely talking with this imbecile? “Sorry it is futile”

The moment he put me in the car, I was agonized, kept yelling at him and he pretended not to hear any of my screams or resistance.

There are many decent ways to talk to one and he chose to kidnap me.

“How unique!”

He could ask for a tea chat, a dinner or simply a date, although I would have dismissed all of the above…..


that’s totally different.


There are thousands of ways a gentleman can gladly begin a conversation with someone they want and out of all those ways, this wriggling worm, ungentle malicious creep sneakily kidnapped me.

Fretting and fuming …

He also seized my phone and anticipated that I was going to listen to him.