
Arranged labyrinth

Maeve Guisseppe never expected to be getting married to an Esposito brother, neither did she expect running away from everything she knew and loved. Now after discovering mind breaking news, and secrets kept under the rug, she's hell bent on destroying all her demons that tried to break her first. With the help of her husband and new tycoon, she's teaching a lesson that whatever is hidden doesn't stay hidden forever, especially when she's out to bring it to light.

_Avacado · Urbano
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

"oh miss Maeve, how beautiful you are"

"Do you think so Maria" She smiled already knowing the answer

"Of course I do! How could I not?! The young mistress is dazzling, as beautiful as daylight, as alarming as a whisper, as disastrous as a storm. Any man cast under your gaze would be destined to fall to his knees" Maria gushed.

Maeve was struggling to believe if this was actually real or an act to get on her good side, especially after what the woman had done to her.

Either way she was loving it.

"But I do not need a man Maria. I am perfectly fine and capable on my own" She smoothed down creases on her dress.

staring back at her reflection, she scrunched her nose at the smudged lipstick

"Oh nonsense! Every woman in our world needs a man. Even you, especially you" she cleaned of the lipstick after glancing at the unsatisfied look Maeve had been giving her reflection

A look of disgust you may say

The young mistress was hard to please.

Everything mut be perfect just for her

"How so"

"You are the only daughter of your father. Of course you will have to get married. It is only nature is it not?"

"But I do not desire to get married"

"And why not?"

"Men are disgusting creatures. Selfish, greedy. They take and take again without any care for whom they take from"

"Nonsense. Your father is a man is he not?"

"Yes, he is. And with that he is not disclosed from that category"

"But men have brought you everything you need"

"And I wish they had not. I honestly have no clue why women are downgraded from the level of men"

"Shhhhhhhh. if they hear us talking about this topic we would be in trouble."

"Let them! I do not care for such barbaric fools"

The maid gave her a worried glance before sighing heavily.

It was the start of a new day


Maeve didn't have much to do, with no job even though she had a degree and little to no power in the estate since she wasn't the mistress nor the woman to inherit the title, all she could do was walk around, do nothing or waste money like the good little girl she was meant to be.

No one in the estate would think she had a good head on her shoulders since all they viewed her as was a pretty little doll that was to do as it's told.

Apart from her one friend from high school she was antisocial and spent her days locked in the East wing.

The estate had such historical structure, passed down through generations, and if she had free reign to walk around into whichever room she would use the opportunity well.

"Young miss, what would you be doing today?"

"I would like to stay in my room today as well, there are not much exciting things to do anyways" She sighed, drinking the rest of the juice in the cup and placing it on the tray in the maid's hands.

Another day wasted.



"Enter" She said, filling her nails into the perfect shape.

"Young miss, your presence is requested in the drawing room"

"Thank you Maria, you may leave" She checked the clock once more.

'It seems to be time for brunch'

Maria stepped back, she bowed gently and made her way to the door and quietly excused herself.

Maeve sat there staring at her reflection. She really was beautiful, how ever could she deny it. Everyone in the town knew of it, and even with her natural beauty, she had all the product to maintain it.

With siren eyes, a slim nose and sculpted cheekbones, even she couldn't help but admire her own beauty.

it was a dangerous thing, beauty. A powerful tool she possessed and wasn't afraid to use it.

Sighing heavily, she got up, smoothing down the skirt of her pastel yellow sundress, it looked beautiful on her.

As usual.

Leaving the comfort of her room she walked down the stairs of the grand house, tracing the expensive art on the walls like she had done a million times before.

It wasn't unusual to summon her, infact it seemed quite understandable as it was a fine Sunday afternoon and they had just gotten back from church not too long ago

there was no need overthinking anyways. What ever this was would be fine. She'd just have to eat brunch and go back to bantering to and fro with her best friend about what genre of music suites American celebrities best in due time.

She snickered quietly as she descended the stairs.

"What do you find so funny?"

"oh it is nothing mother, my thoughts just amuse me"

She glanced around for her father, at no sight of him, she frowned slightly

"Your father had an urgent meeting to attend. He apologies for not being here to break the news"

She frowned even more at that

"tesoro do not be bothered by such matters, come come, sit here with your mamma" She pat the side of her seat, smiling warmly

Maeve walked towards it and sat down, staring at her, waiting for further instructions

"You know, I have four beautiful children, three have left me to go start a new story for them but you my dear....."

"Mo not worry mother, I would not leave you"

"Oh but you have to, you will, soon enough"


"I have nurtured you so much, I have made you so beautiful and strong. Who else in this puny little town could rival the beauty of someone of your likeness?"

"No one mother"

"That is right! But darling, you are only worth your face and name" she tsked and frowned, clasping her hands together

Maeve didn't flinch or react, already used to this treatment from her mother, the sad part was that it was true

"My beautiful daughter, I cannot ever imagine you all wrinkly and old. All my hard work would be gone, just like that!"

"And no grandchildren to show for it. Not to talk about your behavioral issues" she tsked sadly

"Excuse me? Behavioral issues?! I have no such thing!"

"Do not interrupt your mother while she speaks" she glared at her

"sorry mother"

"As I was saying, my dear you have all the traits needed to rule over any man, but why do you not?"

Not bothering to reply, she simply stared at her mother, confused as to where this was going

"So we took matters into our own hands and decided what is best for you"

"And what could that be?"

"A rich caring man who would do anything for you of course. I could not let all your beauty whither away now could I? It seemed only appropriate to marry-"


"Yes, you heard right. You will be getting married to a man of our choice"

" Mamma, I am unaware of such decisions. Where was I when the two of you deemed it right to control my life?"

" Maeve, you were simply enjoying the benefits that having a father like yours gives you. Forget about such matters, prep yourself, look pretty, that's what you should be concerned about"

"No, I cannot accept this! Me?! Get married? preposterous!"

She was cut short by the wicked sound of her mother's laughter, the one specially reserved for her worst of enemies

"Excuse me. I just found it funny how you thought you had a choice anyways"

"I cannot believe this! I am a grown woman-"

"If you hate it so much then move out"

"Maybe I just will"

"Oh darling, dolce bambino credulone. You will never last a day out there"

"cazzo, mother please do not-"

"We would be having brunch with your Fiancee's family tomorrow. Do not be late, or you will be facing your father's punishment. Cheer up now tesoro, your brothers are coming home just for you" She stood up and walked towards the huge bay window opposite the room

Her own way of dismissal

In fury and sadness, Maeve rushed up the stairs, angry tears spilling out of her eyes

slamming the door, she landed on her bed, trying to process everything that happened

she was getting married

al diavolo

Hiiiiiii, thanks for pucking up my book and reading it, i have a couple of things i need to stress about below.

my book is completely a work of fiction, if any person or place resembles a real individual or place it is purely coincidental (except for places like fucking Italy like bruh). I would not tolorate any form of plagiarism whatsoever (try me, I'm coming for your ass)

Ok, with this "woke crisis" going on with everyone and their aunt going left, if any part of this book seems offensive to your fragile mentality and self esteem, then as a responsible and honest individual, i am sorry nd deeply apologetic, but my honest reaction is, babes go touch grass, drop the phone, you're chronically online, not everything is about you bby gurl

*Disclaymurrr* Um so, there are some themes in the book like, rape, sexual assault, pew pew (homicide) and so on which some may find offencive, children stay safe out there.

On the topic of children, moms, pls go check what your kid is reading, I'm not going to be held responsible for ridding your child of their innocence.

ok, bye, thanks again for reading this book.

Love, your pookie bear avacado.

_Avacadocreators' thoughts