
Arise Of The Darkness God

story about King Ethan The one who had become the king of the world by his own strength but stll he was alone at the age of 39, he started to feel there is nothing left for him here anymore and jump from clef where darkness was waiting for him to come, and then he found main culprit bihind here family murders however he don't have god level powers to fight against them and from then his new journey to become god with power of darkness begins.

KROMLEN · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs


Lucy - are you alright Aiden? What was that thing?

Idril - father just now Aiden and me we were flying on Mr. dragon, and Aiden showed me very beautiful sky just like Linti said blue and orange it was very beautiful and Mr. dragon can talk too and he is very big even bigger than this castle and can fly like whoosh, hehehe Aiden is so nice he let me see beautiful sky but father didn't even let me see.

Ithil - but princess you said your daddy is the best before this, but now your father is not even compare himself to kid.

Lucy - that big thing where did you find Aiden its very dangerous if he attacks you.

Aiden - don't worry mom, he is created by my power and he is very loyal to me, so don't worry and I'm hungry mom.

Idril - I'm hungry too mom.

Zara - dinner is ready guys so lets go and eat.

Noah - you all go Aiden you stay here with me, I have something to talk with you.

Lucy - is there something wrong honey?

Noah - know you guys go I just have something to discuss with him don't worry too much.

Lucy - then I will go. (worried)

(all of these leaves and these two stay behind)

Aiden - is there something wrong dad?

Noah - who are you?

Aiden - what do you mean dad, of course I'm your son is there something on your mind?

Noah - then how are you power full?

Aiden - do you want to know all story or one sentence?

Noah - one sentence is enough.

Aiden - that's what make you my father, I'm the god of darkness. Do you want know more or just this enough to calm your mind?

Noah - it's enough no matter who you're you will always my pride and your mother's most beloved son, so then let me give you good news too, your going to become big brother soon.

Aiden - huh? (we can't describe how happy he is right now, but we can say that tears of happiness started to come from his eyes) why I'm crying, I mean I know these are tears of happiness but to think I'm this happy ha, really this is the first time I've received happiness like this but this is not bad at all thank you dad for everything (he hugged his father and thanked him more than 100 time)

Noah - yes lets go for dinner your hungry right. (no matter who he is but he can't hide his emotions like other children we are lucky to have you my son because of you we become a happier than other people's your true blessing for us)

Aiden - dad can you let me down now? (He is embarrassed to let them see his crying face)

Noah - no after dinner do what you want do.

Aiden - but father let me wash my face before dinner I'm dirty look.

Noah - then come with me, I'm going to wash too.

Aiden - yeah yeah your dirty too.

Noah - how dare you call your father dirty let me teach you some manners.

Aiden - hahahah, dad, don't tickle there.

Noah - the tell me your dad, dirty now?

Aiden - no your not stop that ok its tickles too much there.

(next morning)

Aiden - mom is busy dad is planning a new strategy so lets start reading the Book of Colvin. (Then takes the book of Colvin out of System storage and sit on the window to read)

(The book of Colvin - thousands of years have passed after I born and I thought of creating magic spells these spells are really dangerous for others because I created these spells to use for me if others use these spells then they will die because of these spells created based on my power 1- Hellfire Flash. this spell is able rain of hellfire that can burn everything there is nothing that cant be burned in this fire only light have the ability to to withstand this spell with her light shield even she had hard time to resist this spell, 2 - Courageous Death Strike - this spell is to punish person who had did bad deeds all his life it can destroy even souls of these people's with one punch of death strike, 3 - Violent Paragon Eruption - this spell can destroy anything there is nothing that can be in eruption if only spell caster wishes to save and this spell only I can use I didn't created any more spells because i was to creat worlds with light)

Aiden - this piss of shit he can't even write a single spell book to end how can he be so powerful, che I've only learned three spells if I see him again I'm going to beat the shit out of him.

Idril - Aiden what are you doing up there if fall it will hurt you come with me we will play together with my friends come down.

Aiden - you go play I'm not kid. (he is very angry because his excitement for reading that book was destroyed by Colvin)

Idril - why are angry at me, I just wanted to play with you I don't want talk to you anymore (she is very sad because she didn't do anything yet he yell at her she leaves with tears in her eyes)