
Arise Of The Darkness God

story about King Ethan The one who had become the king of the world by his own strength but stll he was alone at the age of 39, he started to feel there is nothing left for him here anymore and jump from clef where darkness was waiting for him to come, and then he found main culprit bihind here family murders however he don't have god level powers to fight against them and from then his new journey to become god with power of darkness begins.

KROMLEN · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs


Ethan - you called me? Will you explain.

Colvin - I see the whole world from here, I have seen so many people crying, I have seen them dying, I have seen them begging for their lives, but for the first time I have seen someone smiling while dying, I first felt that he Wanted to die, but no he had seen my eyes and he said only one thing to me that he has no one to take care of my son except us and now if we go too, there will be no one left so he told me to take care of you and I promised him without even hesitant I didn't know at that moment but I understand after some time passed that you're personality it's just like me

Ethan - if my father had given me to you then why didn't you come to meet me.

Colvin- there is a big reason for that let me tell you millions of years ago when I was born, I was all alone then I went to my abyss to rest, but then after thousands of years' letters there was light born in darkness when she born, she didn't sit still like me, but she kept jumping there with joy.

Colvin - Then we both met and saw this world being created by our strength and we both fell in love with each other without knowing when, then we told each other about our feelings and started living happily. But then suddenly a human He prayed that the light should save this world from diseases and demons, then the light decided that she would solve this problem forever, so she found a way that both Light and Darkness can merge with one soul forever and solve the problem of humans. So, Light chose the person who first wished the Light But before leaving she gave me half of her light and said in the futures if someone use my power against my nature you have to merge this power to the right soul and help her to absorb half of my other power and i promised her I will do then she left and that person was good too at first, he solved the problems of humans, but he ignored different races. So, the rest of the races got angry, so I supported them, because of this the God of Light got angry with me and made me the enemy of humans, since then all humans consider me as their enemy. Since then, all humans consider me as their enemy and after some time passed, and then he come to know that half of the light is with me he tried to take it from me, but then I beaten the shit out of him, but I didn't kill him because half of the light is within him and after that I tried to find that pure soul, but I didn't find and at that time i see your family in that situation and stayed here until you come now will merge with you say do you want become one with me?
