
Arise Of The Darkness God

story about King Ethan The one who had become the king of the world by his own strength but stll he was alone at the age of 39, he started to feel there is nothing left for him here anymore and jump from clef where darkness was waiting for him to come, and then he found main culprit bihind here family murders however he don't have god level powers to fight against them and from then his new journey to become god with power of darkness begins.

KROMLEN · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs


Ethan: - I have come to the end of my life.

(Then he jumps from there, but there is nothing in that ditch, there is only darkness in front of him. But then he notices one thing: it has been so long since he jumped over it. He couldn't even feel the wind)

Ethan - Does this happen after death? No pain is felt here, and nothing is visible except darkness (after seeing this, he saw a light in this complete darkness), but someone is visible there.

(He saw a light in the dark and said hello to it, but the very next moment he felt very chilly, so he immediately went away from that light.)

Ethan - What do you think of yourself? Does someone do this when you meet someone for the first time?

(Then suddenly a voice comes from the darkness')

??? - You are the first soul who has entered this abyss of mine, and that too, without my permission.

Ethan - Does that mean I'm dead?

??? Yes, you are dead. When you jumped from the top, you had a heart attack and died halfway, and your soul left the body in this darkness. That's why you are standing in front of me now, and that's why I told you this.

??? - And I have called you here, you need to know the truth, and I have been watching you since you were born. I almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Colvin. People call me the god of darkness'.