
Are you able to love me again?

The story tells about a man, Song Chengdong. He has been in love with his girlfriend Michelle Chan for ten years. But because of his fame as a model and radio host, Michelle has always felt very oppressed with him and very insecure about this relationship. But Chengdong has always promised that he will only love her and propose to her when he is 25 years old. Unfortunately, Michelle rejected him because of her studies. In fact, Chengdong had the first stage of common leukemia at the age of 17. That year, Chengdong met a doctor, Gu Jiale, in Hong Kong for medical treatment. They became good friends. Jiale had a fiancée who looked very much like Michelle but died in a car accident. Fortunately, Chengdong's cousin donated bone marrow to him and successfully cured his disease. At the age of 26, Michelle was 25 years old. She graduated and finally decided to return to Korea to marry Chengdong a year later. During this period, she went to Hong Kong to develop her film career. In Hong Kong, she met Chengdong's good friend, Jiale, and became good friends. But she didn't know that Jiale was Chengdong's doctor. When Chengdong was happy and thought that all his wishes were about to come true, bad luck happened again. At the age of 26, he gave up his job in Singapore and went back to take care of his father's family business and modeling. He fainted at work and was sent to the hospital. It was found that his blood cancer had relapsed and it was already in the third stage. Michelle, who was in Hong Kong, lived in the villa bought by Chengdong and accidentally found that he had many different pills. She secretly checked and found that they were cancer drugs and compulsory painkillers. Michelle put down everything in Hong Kong and ran to Seoul to find Chengdong.

Michelle_Chan0220 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 24 - wedding and divorce

Jiale's office. 10:30 in the morning.

  "When are you going to get married?" Scott asked.

  "We've set it for January 10, 2009. Remember to come then." Jiale answered.

  "Are you going to invite Chengdong?" Scott asked.

  "I'm still thinking about it. After all, I haven't contacted him since the quarrel with him." Jiale answered.

  "Chengdong still misses you. He occasionally asks about you. Go to the orphanage or the old house to find him. These two addresses are for you." Scott said.

  "Thank you. I will go to look for him. I'm going to work again after a month's vacation." Jiale answered.

  "By the way, Chengdong's birthday is in two months. Miqiang and I plan to celebrate his birthday. He has no friends or relatives except us." Scott said sadly.

  "What do you mean no relatives? Where are his parents?" Jiale asked.

  "A week after you and Michelle went to Japan, he almost jumped off the building. Later his parents came. He is not Korean at all. He is from Hong Kong. But his mother died of cancer on the day he was born. His father jumped off the building and committed suicide a year later." Scott answered.

  "I don't know about this either. Chengdong always likes to bury things in his heart. I didn't expect that his parents are not his biological parents. No wonder he never likes to laugh. Only Michelle can make him smile." Jiale said.

  "But after Mi qiang persuaded him that day, he began to be willing to do treatment, and his mood calmed down. His feet also slowly recovered. It's a pity that they will not heal completely. Because after the radiotherapy, he is unable to walk. He will be paralyzed in bed for a day or two. It's very pitiful." Scott answered.

  October 31, 2008. 10:30 am.

Choose a Nursery Home - In the dressing room

"Mr. Song, are you feeling well today?" the director asked.

"Yes, I am fine. I am just very tired. Because I had an injection yesterday. Ahem." Chengdong answered softly.

"This is a birthday gift our orphanage bought for you. We also found out that you lived here when you were a child." The director said.

At this time, Chengdong did not answer and started crying. The director helped Chengdong...

"Mr. Song, you are not well? Are you okay? Do you need to take a leave today?" the director asked worriedly.

  "I... I'm fine. I was just so happy that I cried. I haven't received a gift for a long time." Chengdong replied.

  After Chengdong's performance that day, a birthday party was held for Chengdong in the orphanage. A girl, Chen Xuefen, was present.

  Choose the Home of the Nursery - Playground. 12:30 noon.

  "This is Mr. Song Chengdong, the clown performer. Miss Chen is here to tell stories to children instead of Miss Wang." the director said.

  "Hello, Mr. Song. My name is I'll just be Xuefen." Xuefen answered.

Actually, Xuefen is Michelle. Chengdong was frightened when he heard Xuefen's voice.

"Michelle! Are you Michelle!?" Chengdong asked excitedly.

Xuefen (Michelle) looked at Chengdong in surprise. Some memories came to mind.

Chengdong held Michelle's hands...

"Michelle! It's me! I'm Chengdong, Song Chengdong! I miss you so much!" Chengdong said excitedly.

The dean and some staff pulled Chengdong back...

"Mr. Song, calm down. She's not Michelle "The director replied.

Chengdong fainted from excitement, his nose was bleeding.

They sent Chengdong back to the hospital.

Besides the emergency room of Mid-Levels Private Hospital. 1pm.

Xuefen and the director were outside the emergency room. Jiale and Scott rushed to the emergency room. Jiale saw Xuefen.....

"Xuefen, why are you in the hospital?!" Jiale asked in surprise.

"A guy in the orphanage fainted from a nosebleed, so we sent him to the hospital." Xuefen replied.

"Jiale, let's go to the emergency room right away." Scott said.

Xue Fen and the dean sat outside the emergency room.

"Mr. Song, he look familiar." Xue Fen said.

"He used to be very famous. He was a supermodel and actor before he got cancer. I heard that he is in the terminal stage this time. The treatment is very hard for him. The most pitiful thing is that he has no relatives and few friends. His only wife also lost her memory. She never came to visit him after she was discharged from the hospital. Alas!" the dean replied.

Xue Fen went to the toilet.

In the toilet.

Xue Fen's head suddenly hurt very badly. At this time , the memories of the car accident emerged one by one.

  "Cheng...Chengdong! He wants to kill me!?" Xuefen said to herself in surprise.

  Xuefen walked out of the bathroom crying.

  Jia Le, who had just come out of the emergency room, saw Xuefen crying.....

  "Xuefen, what's wrong with you!? Why are you crying!?" Jia Le asked anxiously.

  Xuefen hugged Jia Le tightly.....

  "Jia Le! I'm scared! I remembered! It was a guy who wanted to kill me! The car accident was designed by him! He wanted to die with me!" Xuefen answered excitedly.

  Scott and Dr. Jiang were there too.

  "Did Michelle remember something?!" Scott said to himself.

Jia Le saw Scott's eyes and immediately pulled Michelle into his office.

In Jia Le's office. 1:30 pm.

"Michelle, do you remember anything?" Jia Le asked.

"In my memory, I only saw that guy

deliberately pushed me in the car, making my steering wheel messy. After that, I lost my balance, unbuckled his seat belt, and pushed him out. But I couldn't see his face." Michelle answered.

"Michelle, do you really not want to know about the past? I have something I must tell you before we officially get married. You...you are not actually my fiancée. you just look exactly like my fiancée. But you were once someone I liked. But you didn't like me. You liked the clown from the orphanage who was just sent in, Song Chengdong. And he is a terminal cancer patient with only a years left. He is your husband." Jiale said sadly.

  "What!? You said Song Chengdong is my husband!? How is it possible!? Why don't I have any memory of him!" Michelle asked in surprise.

  "Don't talk about it yet. Let's go have lunch. I just helped a few patients and I haven't eaten yet." Jiale replied.

  In the hospital cafeteria. 1:45 pm

  Jia Le bought two lunch sets.

  "I... I don't have much appetite." Xue Fen said expressionlessly.

  "You probably haven't eaten yet. At least eat a little." Jia Le replied.

  Xue Fen nodded.

  "Michelle, you only remember Cheng Dong deliberately bumping into you. Do you remember anything else?" Jia Le asked.

  "I only remember that he deliberately bumped into me. I can't remember anything else." Xue Fen replied.

  "To be fair, you must remember Cheng Dong. He didn't mean to hurt you. He loves you very much. He doesn't have much time left. Before we get married, we must get Cheng Dong to agree to divorce you. "Marriage." Jiale said.

  "I understand. Let me think about it. Let's go up to see Chengdong after we're full." Xuefen replied.

  "Okay. It's time for you to see Chengdong again. He won't have much time left." Jiale said.

  In Chengdong's ward. Two o'clock in the afternoon.

  Dr. Jiang and Scott went into the ward to give Chengdong an injection. Five minutes ago, Chengdong had woken up. Chengdong pretended to sleep. He heard what they said.

  "I thought Chengdong woke up. Oh, I don't know how to tell him about his condition after he wakes up." Dr. Jiang said sadly.

  "The report just now!?" Scott asked in surprise.

  "This guy seems to be hiding something from us. His condition is useless even if he is vaccinated. I just drew a blood sample for him, and the result is not ideal. The white blood cells in his body increased at a very fast rate. This means that if he has bacteria in his body, it will be very dangerous. And looking at the purple bruises on his face, I'm afraid he has the last six months to live. Even if I give him more vaccines, it won't help. I'm sorry, Scott, I tried my best. Now it's best to ask Chengdong and Michelle to divorce. In this way, his wife will be happy to marry Jiale." Doctor Jiang answered in a low voice.

  Suddenly Chengdong couldn't help coughing.

  "Chengdong, did you hear everything?" Scott asked.

  "Jiale and Michelle are together?" Chengdong asked.

  "Yes, and they will get married in January next year. Michelle looks different. Her name has changed. She is now called Xuefen." Scott answered.

  "Can you...can you ask her to come over now? I have something to say to her." Chengdong asked.

  "Okay then. Maybe they are still having lunch in the cafeteria downstairs. It was Michelle who took you to the hospital just now." Scott answered.

  "I want to see her alone." Chengdong said.

   Scott went out of the room and called Michelle.

   Hospital corridor - outside the cafeteria. 2:10.

   Michelle answered the phone.

  "Doctor Scott, you want to see me?" Michelle asked.

  "Not me, it's Chengdong. He wants to see you alone right now. Are you free now?" Scott answered.

  "Yes. I'll come up right now." Xuefen said.

   Jiale walked over....

  "Michelle, what does Scott want to see you about?" Jiale asked.

  "Chengdong has woken up, and he wants to see me alone." Xuefen answered.

  "You should be careful with your words. He is very weak, and it is not easy to talk to him carelessly. If he refuses to divorce, we will make other arrangements." Jiale said.

  "Don't worry, I know. You should go back to work first." Xuefen answered.

   They took the elevator to the fourth floor, and then left separately.

  In Chengdong's ward. 2:30 pm.

  When Xuefen was about to enter the ward, she heard Chengdong coughing very hard. She gently opened the door a little bit. She saw Chengdong covering his mouth with a handkerchief and coughing hard. He took away the handkerchief and saw it was covered with blood.

  "Why... why is there so much blood!?" Chengdong said to himself, holding back tears.

  Xuefen heard everything outside. She knocked on the door...

  "Can I come in?" Xuefen asked.

  "Please... please come in." Chengdong answered weakly and immediately hid the handkerchief.

  "You don't have to hide, I saw it all. Allow me to speak frankly. Your condition has become more serious. Do Scott and Jiale know about it?" Xuefen asked.

  "It's not serious. It's because I just finished the injection treatment. These are all counterproductive." Chengdong answered in a low voice.

  "Who are you trying to fool!?" Xuefen asked angrily.

  Xuefen walked to the bedside, Chengdong stood up anxiously and tried to push her away...

  "Don't come over! Ahem! Don't come over! Please don't come over!" Chengdong said excitedly.

  Xuefen saw the many bruises on his face and she was shocked...

  "You...your face!? Why are there so many bruises?! I went to our villa in Discovery Bay yesterday and saw our photos. You have changed a lot!" Xuefen asked in surprise.

  "Your appearance has changed, and your name has changed. It's normal for you to forget me. After all, it was me, your husband, who almost killed you. I'm sorry. At that moment, I wanted to end it all with you and die. But I didn't expect you to push me out of the car. I'm sorry." Chengdong answered crying.

  Xuefen slapped Chengdong hard on the face...

"Actually, I have vaguely recovered my memory a few days ago. Thank you for helping me to recover all my memories!" Xuefen said crying.

"Let's...get a divorce. Anyway, my life is about to end. I can't give you anything. You and Jiale are so happy now. But I have a condition for the divorce. Please forgive me. Only then can I leave with peace of mind." Chengdong answered while shaking and crying.

"You want me to forgive you just because you killed someone!? And we just give up our seven years of memories!? Don't dream!" Xuefen said angrily.

Cheng Dong knelt down and kowtowed to Xuefen...

  "Please!" Chengdong said excitedly.

  Xuefen was stunned when she saw him kneeling down.

  "Chengdong, don't do this. Get up." Xuefen replied.

  When Xuefen tried to pull him up, she found that he was shaking very badly and sweating all the time. His right hand was covered with coughed blood. He was completely white without a trace of blood.

  "You...do you think I really want to get a divorce?! Without you, I really have nothing! In fact, when I was 16, I ran away from home and came to Hong Kong not because of my illness. Because I found out that I was not my parents' biological child. I was just their good friend's son, so they took me back to Korea for adoption. Originally, when I found out that I had early-stage leukemia, I really wanted to jump into the sea and die. But when I met Jiale and he persuaded me, I mustered up the courage to work hard. But I still lived in darkness. Until I met you in the subway station. I told myself that I was not alone. But... But after the car accident, I knew I had lost everything. Good friends left me, even the people I loved the most left me. But this is retribution. But I didn't expect that I, who had worked hard since I was 16, would end up with nothing because of cancer. I plan to sell the villa in Discovery Bay. I plan to live in a nursing home for the rest of the money to spend the next two months of my life. I don't want to do injection treatment anymore. Enough. I'm tired of it." Chengdong said helplessly.

  "I will pay for the divorce procedures. I have accepted your forgiveness. But I have one condition. You must continue the treatment until Scott says you can't do it. Even if it is to do the last thing for me to make up for your mistakes." Xuefen replied.

  Chengdong nodded.
