
Are you able to love me again?

The story tells about a man, Song Chengdong. He has been in love with his girlfriend Michelle Chan for ten years. But because of his fame as a model and radio host, Michelle has always felt very oppressed with him and very insecure about this relationship. But Chengdong has always promised that he will only love her and propose to her when he is 25 years old. Unfortunately, Michelle rejected him because of her studies. In fact, Chengdong had the first stage of common leukemia at the age of 17. That year, Chengdong met a doctor, Gu Jiale, in Hong Kong for medical treatment. They became good friends. Jiale had a fiancée who looked very much like Michelle but died in a car accident. Fortunately, Chengdong's cousin donated bone marrow to him and successfully cured his disease. At the age of 26, Michelle was 25 years old. She graduated and finally decided to return to Korea to marry Chengdong a year later. During this period, she went to Hong Kong to develop her film career. In Hong Kong, she met Chengdong's good friend, Jiale, and became good friends. But she didn't know that Jiale was Chengdong's doctor. When Chengdong was happy and thought that all his wishes were about to come true, bad luck happened again. At the age of 26, he gave up his job in Singapore and went back to take care of his father's family business and modeling. He fainted at work and was sent to the hospital. It was found that his blood cancer had relapsed and it was already in the third stage. Michelle, who was in Hong Kong, lived in the villa bought by Chengdong and accidentally found that he had many different pills. She secretly checked and found that they were cancer drugs and compulsory painkillers. Michelle put down everything in Hong Kong and ran to Seoul to find Chengdong.

Michelle_Chan0220 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 13- The banquet

Disneyland Hotel Room. 11:45 AM.

  "You really scared me to death. I saw you holding your stomach and sweating just now, I thought something happened to you." Michelle cried.

  Chengdong hugged Michelle tightly...

  "Silly wife! Why are you crying? I'm healthy." Chengdong laughed and said loudly.

  "You! You're a bad guy." Michelle replied.

  "Okay, take a break. We'll be welcoming guests soon." Chengdong said.

  "The banquet starts at six o'clock. You need to change into evening dress and put on makeup at three o'clock." Michelle replied.

  "Don't be nervous. I've called room service for you to rest. Lunch is coming up." Chengdong said.

  "I'll take a nap." Michelle replied.

  "You go to sleep, I'll check the company's documents." Chengdong said.

  "Hubby, don't tire yourself out. Accompany me to sleep." Michelle replied.

  "Okay! Okay! No need to bother, I'll accompany you to sleep." Chengdong said.

  Chengdong kissed Michelle's forehead. Michelle was too tired to sleep. Chengdong kept thinking about the pain and couldn't fall asleep. He got up and turned on the computer to check the company's information. He also sent a text message to Scott.

  - Doctor Scott, I have something to ask you at the wedding banquet tonight. Can you leave later?- Chengdong asked.

  Ten minutes later. Scott replied.

  -Okay, no problem.- Scott answered.

Chengdong sat in a chair and stared at the ceiling, stunned.

It was 2:30 pm.

Michelle got up and saw Chengdong sleeping on the chair with his computer on.

"This hubby is simply a workaholic." Michelle said to herself.

Michelle called Chengdong to get up.

"Honey, get up. It's almost three o'clock." Michelle said.

"Oh, sorry I overslept." Chengdong answered.

When Chengdong was about to get up, he almost fainted. Michelle held him back.....

"Adong! What's wrong!? Are you okay!?" Michelle asked worriedly.

"Michelle, you and Joey go change into your evening dress and bed. I'll be down at five o'clock." Chengdong answered.

"Really okay?!" Michelle asked worriedly.

"Silly, I'm really okay. I'll be fine after a rest." Chengdong answered.

"Okay, then I'll go to the banquet hall first. Be careful." Michelle said.

Michelle walked out of the room.

Chengdong called Jiale. Jiale was just preparing for the wedding banquet tonight.

Discovery Bay - Jiale Villa. 3pm.

In the room.

"Brother Jiale, are you busy? There is an urgent matter that requires you to come to Disney Hotel. My room number is 808. Can you call Dr. Scott by the way? I want to ask something clearly." Chengdong asked.

"Okay, I'll come right away." Jiale replied.

Jiale hung up the phone.

"Oh no! Did something happen to Chengdong!" Jiale said anxiously.

Jiale went to Discovery Bay Hotel and took the shuttle bus to Disney Hotel.

Disney Hotel - Room 808. 4pm.

Jiale and Scott knocked on Chengdong's room. Chengdong endured the pain and went to open the door.

"Chengdong, are you okay?!" Jiale asked anxiously.

In the room.

Chengdong pulled Jiale and they started fighting. Scott pulled them apart.

"You are good brothers! Why are you fighting!?" Scott asked angrily.

  "Brother!? This brother is so good! He didn't even tell me that his brother was sick!" Chengdong asked angrily.

  "Stop it! I told Jiale not to tell anyone! If you have anything to say, come to me! Jiale just found out about this today!" Scott answered angrily.

  "I...what happened to me?! Tell me! I've recovered! Why did you let me know these things on the day of our wedding?! I promised Michelle that I would be with her forever!" Chengdong knelt down and said.

  "Chengdong, don't get too excited. Your liver may not be that serious. Go on your honeymoon first, and we will check you when you come back. If you have any serious illness or vomiting, go to the hospital as soon as possible." Jiale answered while holding Chengdong's hand.

  "Let go of your hand! You doctors are all big liars! Get out of my room immediately!" Chengdong cried.

  Scott and Jiale left the room. They went to the dinner party early.

In the Disney ballroom. 5pm.

"Since there is nothing to do, why don't we go to the dressing room to meet Michelle. I heard that her evening dress tonight is all Disney princess evening dress, she must be very charming." Scott said.

  "Okay." Jiale replied.

  In the dressing room. 5:10 pm.

  Jiale and Scott knocked on the door.

  "Who is here at this time?! The dinner doesn't start until 6:30?!" Joey asked.

  "Nothing, Joey, I'll go open the door." Michelle replied.

  "But can you walk in such a long skirt?" Joey asked.

  "Yes, no problem." Michelle replied.

  When Michelle went to open the door, she accidentally stepped on her long skirt and fell on Jiale. They looked at each other and were stunned for a while.

  "Hey! Are you okay!? Is Michelle too charming, or is Gu Jiale, the dark horse, too handsome? You are both electrified!?" Joey asked loudly.

  Jia Ling and Hui Ping behind them were eavesdropping and peeking at their expressions.

  "Oh! They are okay! What a coincidence! It turns out that the princess opened the door for the prince! Haha! So funny!" Scott answered.

  "I'm sorry. Will my presence disturb you from resting and putting on makeup?" Jiale asked.

  "It's okay." Michelle replied.

  "Hey! I'll go to the back to rest first. You guys can chat for a while." Joey said.

  "Then I'll go out and get some things." Scott answered.

JiaLe and Michelle sat and looked back at each other.

"You... your evening dress tonight is more beautiful than your wedding dress this morning. You are very suitable for a princess evening dress. Xue also wore the same dress as you before, but... but you are more charming." JiaLe said.

"Thank you for your compliment, Brother Ka Le." Michelle answered.

JiaLe held Michelle's hand....

"Michelle, remember what I said. In the future, after getting married, if you have any difficulties or sad things, you must let Brother JiaLe know as soon as possible. Don't keep it in your heart. Did Cheng Dong bully you in the room just now?" JiaLe asked.

"Thank you for your concern, Brother JiaLe. Cheng Dong is very good to me." Michelle answered.

"I know Cheng Dong is very good to you. I just said that if something happens, Brother JiaLe will definitely be by your side to protect you." Jia Le said.

Michelle hugged JiaLe...

"Thank you, Brother JiaLe." Michelle said.

"Okay, I'll go out and sit first. You can be busy." Ka Le answered.


"What the hell is going on!? How shameful!" Hui Ping asked angrily.

Joey walked out. Michelle wiped away her tears.

"Oh! You can't bear to part with the dark horse prince? Michelle, you are amazing! Even the superstar fell in love with you! If Chengdong has any trouble in the future, you can be together!" Joey said with a smile.

"Joey! What nonsense are you talking about!? It will be terrible if others hear it!" Michelle asked in a low voice.

Hui Ping and Jia Ling walked out from behind.

"Mom...Mommy!? Sister-in-law! Didn't you...you just go out?!" Michelle asked in surprise.

"What a good one to go out! If we weren't behind, we wouldn't believe that the rumors were true!" Hui Ping said angrily.

"Mommy! Listen to me. I...I did have a crush on Jia Le when I was with him. But, it was just love and admiration, there's nothing between us." Michelle replied.

"Hey! Stop talking! Hurry up and get dressed!" Joey said.

At 6 o'clock, Jialing and Mi Qiang took some food into the dressing room.

Chengdong also came into the dressing room.

"Oh! Prince Charming is here! Michelle really made the right choice! So handsome!" Joey said loudly.

"Chengdong, you are here." Michelle replied.

"Let's eat something first. We won't have time to eat because we will be busy toasting and going on stage." Chengdong said and kissed Michelle.

"You should eat something too. It will be bad for your stomach if you start drinking and not eating." Michelle replied.

Chengdong nodded.

6:30 in the evening.

Disney ballroom-reception area.

Chengdong and Michelle were busy shaking hands with the guests.

At 7 o'clock, the dinner began. Disney Cantonese songs were played at the banquet. At this time, all the lights in the ballroom were turned off, and the fan lights in the middle corridor were turned on.

"Let's welcome the newlyweds tonight. Song Chengdong and Chen Michelle are here!" said the emcee.

"Wow! The bride is so charming!" All the guests praised.
