
Are We Not All Crazy Though!? (Hunter X Hunter OCxKillua)

Our main character Yumi Akido is reincarnated after purposefully faling into an incoming truck all in the hopes of being truck-kuned (which she did) into her latest obsession Hunter X Hunter. So she's not normal. Wait did you expect her to be? Did you even read the title?! Well she will be entertaining though! At least I think she will? Well join her on this adventure throughout Hunter X Hunter! As she just be's herself which was quite hard in her last world. Well I guess that's why she became a serial killer? Whoops, confused? Read to figure it out! (If me or she feels like telling you )

TheSeekerOfLight · Anime e quadrinhos
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23 Chs

Chapter 21: Idk what to call this Chapter either

(Yumi POV)

As I stir the first thing I felt was how heavy my body felt. I didn't understand why my body felt so sour at first as I struggled to get up but too lazy to open my eyes.

"Yumi you should stay in one place" a female voice advised.

As I open my eyes and follow the sound I see Menchi sitting on a chair next to my bed. As I see the look in her eyes I immediately remeber everything that went down. 

Well almost everything, I can't seem to place what happened after I fell to the ground so I assumed I passed out which means.

"Menchi, where is Killua?" She dosnt answer but the grimace she gives me is enough to fly me into a rage not caring about my tired body as I swing my feet off the bed.

"No! Yumi please listen to me!" But I didn't care. Why should I. The door then refuses to open with all my efforts. I give the woman a cold murderous gaze.

"Don't get in my way" Menchi flinched under the gaze. Even though she knew she couldn't overpower me it would still be no use as I've already proven how adamant I was.

"Okay" She says simply before taking a key out of her hair and unlocking the door. 

As I walk through the door Gon also walks through his doors. We nod at each other communicating our similar intentions. 

"Follow me" I say simply which Gon obeys.

We're gonna beat that b*tch of a brother up.

(General POV)

As the door bursts open everyone turns to see Yumi and Gon looking down at the room. Well everyone but the two's target.

We both walk the middle aisle and simultaneously stop in front of Illumi. We both death glare him a murderous aura emanating from my body.

"Apologize to Killua" Gon says in a commanding tone. Which Illumi doesn't blink at.

"Apologise? What for?"

"You don't know what you did wrong?" Gon says raising his voice slightly in indignation.



'That's for Leorio' Yumi thinks seeing red.


Yumi uppercuts him. 'That's to Killua'

She winds up one more time. 'And for all the bullshit fans of this story had to deal with because of you back on earth!.....'

Her hand gets stopped by Illumi which irritates her further. Gon practically spits out his next words.

"You're not qualified to be his brother"

"I didn't know it was a job interview where I had to qualify to get the position" Illumi says with a very punchable voice. Sadly Yumi couldn't as only then Illumi finally released her hand. Thankfully just in time before Gon grabbed Illumi and litterly threw him out of his chair.

"Then friends don't need to qualify either." Gon says as he squeezes Illumis arm tighter.

Illumi was not very surprised at Yumi's strength as he had experienced it first hand in their fight the other day. But he was definitely surprised by this boys strength now understanding that he isn't some push over either.

"Don't even try to apologize anymore." Yumi spits.

"Just show us where we can find Killua" Gon says with a calm furry.

"And what will you guys do once you find him?"

"That's easy," Gon starts while Yumi finishes his words with a cockiness that she did not feel. "We're going to bring him back"

"You made it sound like I kidnapped the child. He walked out of his own violation."

"Bullsh*t!" Yumi yells and beside her better judgment continues. "You did something horrible to your so called Kil. You broke him with your words! And, and your eyes as well! I don't know how you did it but, some kind of energy broke him! That's even worse than kidnapping!"

All the nen users in the room share the same thought in that moment. 

'So she can sense nen huh?' 

"Yumi, Gon, we were actually discussing this before you arrived" Netero says practically ignoring the huge red flags in our conversation. 

"Leorio and Kurapika had both lodged their complaints. And the committee has been discussing the fairness of Killuas disqualification." As if being called on Kurapika immediately jumps out of his chair to speak.

"Killua had been acting in a very strange manner during and since his battel with the man called Gittarackur! So I believe that he was hypnotized into committing murder. Under normal circumstances it's would be impossible to use hypnosis to induce someone to kill. However since Killua was raised in a family of assasins, Murder was a part of his daily life. So it's plausible to say he would lack the emotional restraint of most." Before Kurapika continued Leroio soon also stands up.

"I want to mention that the attack happened during the match between Bodoro and me. The situation could have been interpreted as Killua intending to aid my cause. Given that," Leorio points to himself. "Shouldn't I have been disqualified?"

"In any even," Kurapika continued. "Killua was not in controll of his own actions. Thus he should not have been disqualified!"

"That is mere speculation. There is no proof" Netero says walking away. "I would question the claim that he was hypnotized. I agreed the incident occurred after the fight between Leorio and Bodoro begun. But 98at that point both fighters where evenly matched. Bodoro had more experience, but Leorio had the edges with pure combat ability. So there was no reason for Killua to interfere."

"But..." Yumi then speaks up. "What if he wasn't thinking about whether Leorio would be able to beat him or not. From what Killua had told me assains aren't really raised on what ifs. He was raised on guarantees. I'm sure even Illumi here would agree with that sentiment. So then he would have a reason for interfering with Leorios match solely due to that fact!" 

"Even if it does make a lot of sense. It's still mere speculation. You all simply have no proof."

"How are we supposed to bring proof for somthing that peaves no traces to begin with!!!!!!" Yumi intersects.

Netero just looks at Yumi with a blank stare. As if she should have rhe answer but she dosn't!

"Well if anything is strange it would be Kurapikas and Hisokas fight. What could he have possibly said to you back then as none of you looked tired. It looked more like you struck a bargine of some kind" Pokkel says as if trying to sow discord. Yumi glares at him a piercing gaze that makes him jump.

"You have no right to say somthing like that. And if you had any eyes you would see Kurapikas look of pure disbelief at whatever Hisoka said followed by a pondering expression. I'm sorry but to make a bargin they'd both have to communicate. Or at least Kurapika bring some kind of affirmation. But he clearly didn't move an inch after Hisoka spoke to him." Yumi then gives him a murderous gaze.

"I personally don't know why you are spouting such bullshit. It makes me wonder if I should've kept you alive. I would gladly go in Killuas place if it meant getting rid of a weakly like you who can't win a single battle yet is still trying to cause problems for other people"

Pokkle looks at the floor in defeat, feeling pressured under Yumis gaze.

"This is all so pointless!" Gon shouts grabbing everyone's in the rooms attention. "There is no point in arguing on wether sombody should've passed or not. 'Cause if you aren't happy about passing you keep working harder till you are satisfied. I'm sure that if Killi remakes the Hunter Exam he'll definitely pass. It's sad that he failed this time, but it is what it is." Gon then once again squeezes Illumis arm.

"What is unforgivable is if you've been forcing Killua to kill all this time!" Gon looks up at Illumi rage flowing through his eyes. But Illumi was surprised that the girl in red wasn't reciprocating the gaze but rather looking away. He takes not of this before replying to the green boy.

"Unforgivable eh? Well what could you possibly do about it?"

"I'm not going to do anything! But once I rescue Killua, I'm NEVER going to let you see him ever again!"

Illumi reaches his hand towards Gon which Gon quickly jumps away from finally realasing Illumis hand. But for some reason Yumi started to grimace under the hand. Not many people noticed other then Netero so nobody took note of it. 

But for Yumi for a split second it felt like her head was going to split open and under that hand her whole body told her to run. But Yumi just chocked it up to another dose of trauma that she'll have to deal with.

*Cough Cough*

Netero coughs to gain everyone's attention. "Is everybody finished? You see Gon is absolutely correct. You must decide for yourself if you are worthy of passing. You may complain about the results all you want but we will not change our mind. Killua has been disqualified and the rest of you have passed."

"Then why did you even let us express our opinions just to shut us down!" Yumi yells because even if she knew this was the truth. That dosnt mean she still wasn't pissed.

She glares at practically the whole room before storming out. Everybody dosnt move. Some of Yumis freinds follow her with their eyes but they all collectively agree that it isn't worth it. 

Netero gives a side glance to Menchi who had snuck into the room during the entire fiasco and nodding allowing the woman who was barely holding back from running after the girl finally able to do what she wants jumps up the stairs and runs out of the room after the girl.

(Yumi POV)

'I need a quiet place. I need to punch down a wall. I need to, I NEED TO DO SOMTHING!' Yumi thinks thoughts scattered as she runs down several halls.

'Damn this huge building!' Yumi crises out internally as she continues running down halls. 

Finally when it feels like she's far enough she plops down on the ground into a fetus position.

I bites my lip till blood comes out the metallic taste coating my mouth as millions of thoughts wiz through her head.

I'm all my mental chaos I was still some how able to sense an adult aproaching on my right.

I look up only then realizing the hot tears that was streaking down my face not alowing me to see the figure properly. I look back down to wipe away the majority of my tears before faking a yawn. 

I look around and don't really see anybody. Then a small gust of wind comes down on my left and when I look I see Menchi. I'm slightly surprised but I hide it.

"Hello Menchi, How are you today" I say as the Master of awkward small talk.

"Good" she says playing along. "What about you?"

"Good" I reply lying through my teeth.

She nods at me looking at the wall away from me instead of in my eyes like I'm doing for her, it makes me extremely uncomfortable.

"Yumi do you know why I decided to become a gourmet hunter?" I shake my head while looking at her eyes that suddenly went distant.

"When I was younger I lived in a small family. We had enough to get by but nit enough to really enjoy ourselves. Both my parents preferred my brother to me. By a lot. It didnt help that I was natrually very picky causing me to regurgitate a lot of my food. Wasting their money."

"They only saw me as a pretty girl that they'll be able to sell as a slave to a medium class man." She shivers.

"Or to a hostes club" she mumbles with a mix of anger and sadness. But then her tone gets lighter.

"But my grandma didn't see me like that. She saw my talent for cooking. She is the one who taught me after all. My mom didn't see why we were wasting our time. She thought that I should only learn basic cooking skills if I do end up as a maid. Not anything fancy. But me and my grandma didn't listen." She suddenly smiles, but it wasn't a happy one.

"She loved eating my cooking, she said that it was the best in the world. Even in her final hours, even when it would hurt for her to swallow. And even when she was to tired to do anything. She still wanted my cooking, not my mom's, nit anything bought, just my homemade cooking. And when we were alone, just the two of us, during her finally moments. She told me to run away from my stupid family who didn't see my talent and become a chef that would let the world know that I'm the best."

Then finally she looked at me which made me flinch because of the sense of understanding in her eyes.

"Yumi, that journey wasn't easy. And it was even harder because of my temper, and my looks. I became a hunter to prove that I'm stronger than just a pretty chef, but most people thought it was by luck. But let me tell one thing about my temperament. Its that I hated it, I always did things I would regret, which made my journey ten times harder. And I relised that I was only like that because I could only see everyone as my shiny parents who always looked down on me." She looks away again.

"I really don't know why I'm telling you all this. I'm not sure you could learn anything from my story cause I'm still super f*cked up and make a sh*t ton of mistakes. But I'm also still on my way to becoming the world's best gourmet hunter. And I don't know, you just reminded me and a mini me." She then starts to get up dusting herself off not letting me see her face but I could feel she was as confused at her own actions as she let on.

"Anyway, if this helps I'm glad. But just keep trying girl freind. You'll make it"

And she walks away, I assume she activates zen because I can only sense her emotions and not her presence any more. And she was extremely embarrassed which made me chuckle. 

'Maybe I can do without pain for a bit longer today'

Hey every one! Seeker here back with another chapter! I've kind of frogot about whatpadd not gonna lie but other than that I've got a bit of an announcement. You see I'm thinking of making another long term story like this one. (And not like my Spy X Family one cause that one is more for fun).

It's gonna be an MHA one, and I've been thinking about it for a long time. I'm not really sure if people would like it though and I'm much more self conscious than I should be so I'm gonna put a but of an intro after this chapter that I'll probably delete later. Just to see what you guys think about it. And if I have maybe like six or seven people in the comments that say they'd love to read this then I might publish it! Anyway

Seeker Out!