

"Please, Gert," Konrad said gently touching his friend's cheek, "if you ever set foot here and catch a glimpse of my face, you're not getting out of it alive buddy, you know that….. i’m sure you’re smarter than that” Gert squeezed his eyes shut, and with tears streaming “My Goood !! Please save me!” Konrad, who had been smiling, suddenly transformed. His face turned tense. The eyes blazed with anger, and the lips were pressed into a thin line. The rage was so intense that his face became completely unrecognizable. “THAT GOD AGAIN !!. YOU SURELY AN UNRECOVERABLE DEFICIENT PIECE OF MEAT !” Konrad walked slowly towards Gert, who was tied up and crying even louder as Konrad got closer. On his way, Konrad picked up his electric rod and bent down to meet Gert’s face. “I had a little bit of regret making you suffer like that tonight, now, I don't.” Took a last look at his face then continued: “Hear me well. The only gods you will have WILL BE US !!” Gert’s screams kept raisonating inside those dungeon's alleys. Then bit by bit disappeared until only a metal rod hitting raw meat was heard. Outside, Everybody was happy. Outside, it was a cozy Ramadan evening In Marrakech.

Unhumanist · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


Today, the sky is clear enough to let the nearest town be visible from these mountain tops. Every kid from the village was laying down with flowers on his hands, waiting and expecting, as it is a major component of our everyday existence.

Even though I'm young, I quickly understood that we can not make a lot happen, all we had to do is wait until stuff happens to us: wait for people with electric cars to come at us, expect people's eyes to become friendly enough , and maybe offer us some money.

Years ago, the government forced the sole ownership of electric cars, and Nobody around here had the finances to do so.

but we knew how to stealthily use gas cars... some kind of way…this war had some benefits for us.

My name is Saïd. My life consists of collecting flowers in the morning, bringing them here, and waiting for tourists to take a break at the roadside so we can offer them, and hopefully.... receive some money in exchange.

From the time governmental aids were halted, the rivalries between kids from different villages had grown drastically. Everybody was eager to get something for his parents at sunset.

Not only that, but our manners were getting worse too. Now, the kids were trying to steal, rob, and adults got bit by bit involved in kids' hostilities.