

The relic towered dungeons that appeared across world thousands of years ago. Humanity lived and ventures into this dungeons not really knowing what it was but on this fateful day. The world experienced a global apocalypse. ... The story follows Neo known as third Adam and his adventure to save a thousand worlds, from the blink of destruction. On the day of apocalypse on earth he learns the truth about the dungeons across the world and seven realm invisible to humanity. A battle was organized by a God player system among a thousand celestial beings. Seven emerge as winners and each was given a realm, an, army, a player system with seven philosopher stones and called God guardians. To protect the realm and the thousands worlds was their job from the evil realm of Vondor. The evil beings in the seven realm were discarded to a place called Hellcadis ruled by their a dark lord known as Vondor the dark lord of hell. Vondor has only one wish, to invade a thousand worlds and turn them into an army to invade the divine realm of God player system for revenge. To do this, he needs the seven philosopher stones of the Guardians and an army of the dead to open a portal. A lot was cast and demon king Deus among eight generals were chosen to Fulfill vondors wishes. King Deus and his daughter invaded the seven realms of the guardians and earth however he was defeated and sealed. He discovered that a human body can not hold his powers. He gave his daughter a quest to born him a son half God, Half man and half demon that he can reincarnate into as a vessel to hold his powers. One of the guardian named chaos and death killed. His philosopher stone was stolen and deus daughter used the stone to bring down a thousand dungeon across each worlds. Monsters and beast invaded the worlds and humanity found a way to defeat them. In the midst of battle, a human general about to die was given a system called Arcane monster system and a staff nightmare that transcend to a sword created from the particles of the philosopher stones to help earth fight the war. The arcane system of reincarnation, when an hero dies, he his reincarnated into the next chosen hero however the 30th hero whose name wasJoromi messed up when his man hood was magical taken away by deus daughter whose mission was to born a child of a god and a demon in human skin. Jorromi venture into the seven realm to get it back his manhood from Annabelle Deus's daughter however he fell for a trap and cannal knowledge was had with him and a son was born by anna. The six guardians wage war against Annabelle and her Valkyries army but they all fell for a crafty trap. With the philosopher stones at risk of falling into Anna's hand. One the guardians of time, space and destiny sent Adam to earth along six philosopher to six chosen heros from six worlds. Neo melt his father for the first time in his life who gives him the night mare staff and Arcane monster system and tells him to go on an adventure to six worlds to Assemble six heroes who bears the philosopher stones to save the guardians and prepare for a war with the army of Vondor. Neo's father dies so as the reincarnation life cycle would be restore and Neo finds him self in a doppelganger in another world called Oregon and his quest to save the guardian inheritors from six worlds had just begun.....

asosa_smart · Fantasia
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17 Chs

13 The charge 2

Neo and the adventurers tried to maintain balance on a violent and shaking ground closer to the dungeon.

Suddenly the ground tears up in to a massive hole and the adventurers, cars and landscape crash into the massive hole with a loud scream.

At the same time it was a busy day for the people of California with people streaming live videos with their phones.The metallic sounds of distant trains echos furiously and vehicles driving on the tarred road on a normal day

massive holes started breaking into the ground. Cars, Houses, people and building experienced a quake and then a tear of the ground.

A sudden vibration of the earth, trembling accompanied by rumblings and a sudden large whole dug, falling into the ground.

Cars driving on the road watched as the ground begin to tear apart sliding into a sloppy dark hole.

" For the love of God! What the hell is that?"

The pilot in the train, eyes wide open in shock and fear

The pilot increase the train speed hoping to out run the fall however the surface ground comes crashing in front of the train.

finally the surface falls on the train crashing and lifting the train from the train tracks crashing violently on the train road with the roof falling heavily on it.

few survivors that manage to crawl out of the train. turn to look at the distant dark tunnels. A pair of glowing monsterous red eyes among other Monsters.

" What the hell is that? Something is not right. Run! We have to run"

They panic and run among the survivors.

"Bystanders- kkkkkkkyyyyyyaaaaah! Let me out

deep within the dark train tunnel cave. The glow of golden eyes, blue eyes and red monstros eyes stare at the survivors.

The groaning sounds of lycan wolves, moving Monsters moving in packs swoop through the tunnel at the command of a beast.

As the train survivors ran and turned their back to look.

"Rooooorrrrr! "

A humanoid Monster jumps on one of them thrusting his claws across His back.

" I can't die like this. I must fight back. I have to survive and get back to the woman I love" said a young man in suit looking at a monster next to him slay a human easily.

He grabs a rod from the ground and swings with all His might at the coming monster.

In split seconds, the splashing of blood, the cry of humans echos furiously.

His eyes widened as his head hovers the air detached from his neck.

" Ehen! What just happened? Where is my body? Where is my neck?"

He tries to feel his body but he saw his body on the cold floor far away from his head.

his eyes blur as life fades away from his eyes.

The only memories he recall is the dead bodies on their floor with human heads rolling on the ground accompanied by distant cry of humans

He watched as monsters and wolves moved in speed, climbing the walls, on top the train and entering to the train and with a single swing. A loud cry was heard and they died.

Suddenly the humans killed by some monster begin to shape shift in to wolves.

Their minds taken away and they rampage on other humans ripping their bodies apart.


Sandra stood with the team in shock. Sam and his team stood side by side holding their weapons against a massive creatures breaking from the cake statues walking towards them.

They had the body of a lion with eagle wings on their back. Their teeth had colossal fangs like wolves and goblins and their eyes were red with monster brown faces looking like a human and a lion and their boss was a colossal humanoid giant.

The head of red lion and it's main body was made red black humanoid body with claws and no wings.

The boss beasts points it's finger towards their direction and a flood of lion monsters lifts into the air with their wings after Sandra and the others.

"Let's embrace our selves for impact "shouted Juilet.

" Who are we? We are adventurers and we are used to fighting monsters. Lets shown them who is boss" vexed Catherine.

"Ayaaah captain" Brody commented and he slams his sword to the ground and instantly ice creeps into the bodies of the flying monsters freezing some of them.

Swiftly Sandra harder her self into a black hard rock body.

" I wish neo was here to empower me"she shouted.

" Deal with it you cry baby. Your lover is not here to help you" Catherine shouted and she slams her hands together and suddenly her hair glows and tree vines shoots out from her hair into the air strapping around some of the incoming flying lions.

Sandra, Ricky and Gregory dashed out into the air with their weapons. They swing their weapons. A lion opens his mouth hoping to devour Ricky however Ricky used the advantage of his size to roll under his body and slams his hammer axe like weapon tearing the monster into two.

Sandra dash out in speed stomping her foots to the ground with power and unleashed a fatal blows from her swing and several lion beast was crash to death on the floor.

Gregory eveloped in red energy swings his sword slicing any beast infront of him to death.

Juliet heals their injury when inflicted in wounds. Sam , Mary and suzy were afraid, they had never experienced such tensity from ferocious beast.

They were used to killing goblins however this Monsters was on a different scale nevertheless, Sam ventures out with his first swing killing a monster by luck.

Happy that a lion beast was dead by his sword feeling proud and suddenly his leg was caught up by a lions teeth which bite a mouthful of his flesh..

Kkkyyyyyaahhh! Was the loud scream from his voice.

Catherine swiftly used her hair turn to tree vines to wrapped around the flying lion and Suzy unleashed flame magic on the beast.

The lion crash to the ground dead however sam's right leg was eaten by the lion. Juliet heals his chopped of leg.

With few amount of flying lions killed, the boss of lion beast stomp his foot on the ground and begin to walk towards the team.

"Tsk! This is not going to be easy" Sandra said