


Deep growls could be heard as the beast had started to sniff around the tree

'What do i do? Is this it?'

The bushes near Anvil had begun to shake as he saw the beast approach slowly from the left side of the tree.

Anvil grabbed the knife tightly and tried his hardest to focus a strand of mana to it. As he did the knife began to glow a bit brighter and emit a slight hum.

Anvil was out of options; he could no longer flee he had to prepare himself to strike.

As he held the knife towards the side of the tree he was as ready as he could ever be even though he was trembling and his heart was racing his adrenalin made every second seem like a lifetime.

Then things became very quiet and a feeling of uneasiness befell Anvil.


From the bushes the beast lept towards Anvil, paws extended and all.

Anvil's relexis did not fail him; he swung down the knife towards the hound and released a pulse of his mana to the knife and it released a thin wave of water that flowed rapidly towards the Hound.

'Shit!! im dead'

Anvil saw the wave go past the Hound and it looked like nothing had happened in this split second his whole world flashed through his eyes as he stared at death.

Anvil had relaxed and accepted his fate.



The Hound landed in two pieces to each side of Anvil as its dark blood gushed out all over the place covering him with deep red blood.

Anvil fell to the floor, heart still racing. Tears began to flow out of his eyes and he was bombarded with several emotions as he hit the ground sobbing.

"Im still alive" he whispered

"Im still alive" once again

Anvil did not want to get up; he had imagined his body getting mauled by this beast and felt sick to what almost had happened.

But just as he was about to get up he hears breaking twigs and rustling bushes from where this Hound had come from.

Anvil squinted his eyes as he leaned against the tree and what he saw made him lose all hope.

Moving through the forest he saw Three other hounds rushing towards him weaving in and out as they effortlessly moved through the forest.

Loud barks and snarls could be heard as they approached.

'Why? I'm doomed?'

Exhausted, Anvil perched his back on the tree as he sat on the ground looking at the sky as the sounds got closer and closer.

"Just my luck " he whispered as he looked up and tears rolled off of his cheeks.

"Guess father won't have to wait very long" as a slight smile came to his face.

He hears the hounds slow down and then proceed to surround him, they stare him down and bark at him with their massive fangs and clawed paws.

But to Anvil's surprise they don't attack.

Surrounded and powerless he stares at death and death stares back he has already submitted and just sits there as if nothing bothered him.

Anvil just sits there as if he was already dead and lifeless.

After a short while the group of scouts that were tailing him arrive, their dark and light Crimson uniforms stand out from the rest of the forest.

They yell out at the Hounds calling them back to their sides 4 men could be seen.

The man without his hound looks angry as he sees the carcass of the fallen hound besides Anvil.

He runs up and kicks Anvil in the stomach.


Anvil crumples over in pain and he pukes.

"What have you done ?" the man shouts with rage once again striking Anvil.

This time on the ground Anvil vomits even more.

"That's enough! They said we need to find all the escapees, that means we need to interrogate him and see who else he has been with" one of the other men yelled out.

"But,but this bastard killed my tamed beast, do you know how long it took me to tame him?" the enraged man shouted back

"We have orders and don't worry you'll get your revenge." the other man said with a smile on his face.

As Anvil laid on the ground almost lifeless trying to regain his breath he could slightly hear laughter as he slowly faded into unconsciousness.


Cold water hits Anvil's face as he slowly opens his eyes he notices he is tied up to a tree.

The sun is much lower in the sky and it seems like some time has passed.

"Talk! Peasant!" the man who was previously angered said.

"What do you want from me" slowly replied Anvil with a gastly look on his face.

"Tell me where are the others?" the man replies

'others what others' Anvil ponders

"I dont know what you are talking about" he replies with a soft voice

"There is no way you killed my Fury Hound alone, impossible for a peasant like you. So, where are they."

The group stood in front of a tied up Anvil with their hounds next to them

"Tell us or your death will be a slow painful one" another man said to Anvil

Anvil had no idea what they were talking about. The only person he saw was his uncle but that was more then two days ago.

"Scorching!"one of the men whispers out as his hand begins to glow then combusts into flames.

He reaches towards Anvil's left arm as his hand gets closer Anvil feels the searing heat slowly heading towards his arm as the man moves closer.


"AAAAHHHHHHHHH" Anvil yells out in pain as his arm begins to blister as the man's hand gets closer.

Anvils arm muscle started to cook and you could smell the odor of cooked flesh in the air

"TELL US NOW!!" the man yells out in anger as Anvil screams

The other men all have smiles on their faces.

The man with the flaming hand backs it off a bit

"I ran by myself alone" Anvil lets out as he grits his teeth

"Bullshit. We followed several people from the village and someone managed to kill one of our men. We won't let that be forgotten!" the man yelled once again as it looked like he snapped

He pulled back his hand and was about to go for Anvils chest


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