
Chapter 1 - A Tragic Death

Friday afternoon,

The class is over. I was leaving the school when I looked at my watch. It was already 6:30 in the evening.

"The sunset today would have been beautiful, but too bad"

As I was on my way home from school, two people abruptly blocked my way.

I was terrified to see Mike and Eric.

"I..I already gave you all the m..money I have, I also gave you my snacks...W-what is it this time?" I asked with a shudder voice.


It's been two months since they bullied me, and I'm not sure why they still do. I know I haven't done anything wrong to them to deserve it.


(When will this end?) I thought.

"Come on, dude.."

When they suddenly pulled me into the alley.

"This time?!" Eric yells.

I keep asking them why they were bullying me.

"Shut up, you skinny thief! You might have forgotten that you've tried to rob me"

Eric yelled at me.

I'm done with suffering. Despite my want to defend myself, I couldn't do anything because I am weak.

"I'm not sure why your wallet was in my bag last month. I'm completely innocent!"

I defended myself against their false accusations.

I tried so hard to explain to Eric that I had nothing to do with what had happened and had no idea his wallet was in my bag that tears welled up in my eyes.

"Why do you keep telling me your situation, you f*cker!"

He began punching me in the stomach and slapping my face as Mike began filming what was going on. Mike's laughter was all I could hear.

They didn't even feel sorry for me at all.

I tried to scream for help but couldn't because the pain in my stomach prevented my voice from coming out.

"You always blamed things to me..!" I shouted forcefully..

"How about we break your hand so you can never rob me again?"

Mike grabbed and forced my hand, and Eric began repeatedly hitting my hands with a hammer. My hands began to swell with blood.

I couldn't stop screaming because of the pain, but they covered my mouth with a black handkerchief.

I can feel the heaviness of my chest. I can't breath..

(Is this the end of my life?) I thought to myself.

I had no choice but to cry.

"I did nothing but work hard...All I want is to live a happy and peaceful life."

(Is this the end for me?)

June's final thoughts before passing away from massive bleeding. As for Eric and Mike, Ofcourse they run away...

[ You have died. ]

I see.. so I really died, because of those bastards.

"Is this the hell? I can't see anything..."

[>>Analyzing the soul of June Mito..>> Complete!<]

[>>Gathering all the data from your memory...<<]

What's with this strange voice?

"That repeatedly hit on my hands was really painful. F*ck those bastards!"


[>Due to extreme trauma, skill "Safety Net" has been acquired.

>Activating this skill protects the user against misfortune and difficulty.<<]

"Is any body here? Show yourself! Who are you?!"

I shouted but no one answered and could only hear pure silence.

*floating in darkness

I could barely see anything because it's so dark, only the strange voice earlier I could hear. I feel like I'm floating in the void.


"Wait, is there really something big machine like this here before? In this absolute darkness?! What is this, an SSmachine?"

*saw the logo

*SSmachine means Skill Slot Machine

Lots of questions began racing through my head. I feel uneasy just by being here.

[ >>Please press the spin button to acquire greater skills<<]

"Eh?.. What?."


[ >>Please press the spin button to acquire greater skills<<]

Just what the hell is skill?

"Stop this already, I just want to rest in peace. What's the use of all of this when I'm already dead?"

*crying inside

[>>Skill "Safety Net" activated. Your mind will be cleared.<]

[ >>Please press the spin button to acquire greater skills<<]

"Again..What is safety net?! Do I look like a fish?!"


[>>Skill "Safety Net" activated. Your mind will be cleared.<]

[ >>Please press the spin button to acquire greater skills<<]

Look's like I have no choice. After I press this button, please let me rest in peace!

*crying inside

[>>Skill "Safety Net" activated. Your mind will be cleared.<]

June started pressing the button..

[ >>Congratulations!<<]

[>Skill "Maestron" has been acquired. Activating the skill "Maestron" can scan anything and analyze the data and information that is gathered. To activate this skill the user must say the word "Maestron".<<]

[>Two spins remaining.<]

"Oh..I see, I only have three chances to spin on this picker wheel-like-machine".

I understand now, skill means unique abilities like those in movies I watched when I was still alive. I see.. I see..

Maestron..I'm lucky that I've got this great and useful skill.

"Okay.. let's find out what skill will I get next".

*pressed the button

[ >>Congratulations!<<]

[>Skill "Odyno" has been acquired.<<

The user can manipulate physical agony, pain and suffering, whether increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise changing pain. To activated this skill the target must be wounded first.<<]

[ >One spin remaining<< Please press the button to acquire greater skills.<<]


The fact that I can easily get a useful skills with this machine in front of me.

As if the Goddess of Luck is on my side.

"Now.. let's see the last skill I'll get."


[ >>Congratulations!<<]

[>>Special Skill "Hellios" has acquired. Activating this skill will let the user collect the soul of its killed target and use it in various ways. Include adding the target's skills and abilities to user's.<<]

"What!?..You're essentially giving me the go-ahead to murder!."

This skill, I feel uneasy just by hearing it. But with this, I might became powerful enough to protect myself.

[>> The requirements have been fulfilled. <<]

[>>Your soul will be transmigrated into your dead alternate self in 59 seconds<<]

[>> Goodluck!<<]

(System Count Down)


>Chapter 1< fin.