
A Good Cop should always ignore when there's trouble

Then as if the sword was fired from a gun, the sword flew like a fired bullet in sonic speed and managed to hit the tiny sun perfectly and extinguished his spell into nothing.

"Ming Ming, come!" while she sprinted towards Ben Li, Ran Ranxu called her sword back to which it flew back hilt first into her hand and brandished it before Ben Li before swinging it down with her Swordforce.

Ben Li tried to sidestep to the right with Dragon Stepping Bolt but he was shocked to discover that Ran Ranxu was one step ahead of her.

"Too slow!" Swerving her sword to the left and then swinging it to the right, she attacked Ben Li with a swift strike before he could even react.

"Puh?!" being dabbed by the direct Collison of her sword, as well as the additional strength incremented by her Swordforce, Ben Li was sent flying and tumbling like a rag doll for a few meters before kicking back to his feet. Yet, he was force to take 7 steps back to reduce the force he sustained before his body gave in from weakness.

Ben Li gritted his teeth and swallowed back the blood he was about to spurt out. He looked up and saw the tip of Ran Ranxu's sword just a few millimeters above his forehead.

"Any regrets?" asked Ran Ranxu with her cold and meaning voice.

Ben Li saw the cold dark look on her face and through that, he saw brutality and violence in the form of natural beauty. Such that the image she bore could catch a hardened soldier in a trance and lure him into the hands of death.

Ben Li sighed bitterly as he soothes the stinging pain from his injuries and spoke calmly. "The total range detection of your Spiritual Sense is about 50 meters in diameter. However, you are unable to keep it pulsing out because your mind couldn't bear handling so much information in such short second intervals. Thus, limiting your view and widening your blind spots."

"..." Ran Ranxu was speechless for a bit and Ben Li continued to recount what he had analyzed from the fight through his Soul Sense.

"Your body movements had only displayed about 23% of your full flexibility. Due to the stringent effort you put in to your daily training, your muscles are sore from the aching and the tendons would have torn off from the tensions if you had push to your very limit."


"The power of your aura gushing out of you is indeed a genuine Swordforce. One of the many accomplishments Sword Cultivators aim to attain to further sharpen their blades. However, it seems your Sword aura doesn't seem to have any specialty other than amplifying the sharpness and power of your Sword strikes but not the technique performed. Which is very basic and lacked many aspects to further magnify the effects of any sword technique you had ever cultivated. Meaning, you haven't cultivated any other Sword Arts other than the 'Basic Sword Arts'. A famous simple Sword Art which even a toddler can cultivate.

"These flaws of yours can be fixed by changing a bit of your daily activities and digest a few pills until you completely recover from your sore muscles. However, if these problems aren't fixed soon, then possibly, these flaws might become irreparable and might remain as traumas that hampers your cultivation."

"Ugh..." Ran Ranxu was a bit annoyed that some of her flaws were seen through as they fought. And even she never had the time nor composure to see any of his flaws. But then again, what of it?

She knew her own weaknesses very well but she had yet to set them straight. Overtime, she got used to these flaws of hers but now hearing that they might possibly become traumas that will hinder her, Ran Ranxu grew stiff and bitterly laugh to herself for her carelessness.

"Anything else?" she said with a dark look.

"Your Character has flaws. You're too naive and impatient. Your choice of wielding the Greatsword does not fit with your constitution. And wearing thick underwear hinders too much of your Qi flow... You also have other flaws but they can't be fixed anyway."

"My... My underwear?!" Ran Ranxu blushed in shock having known that was the cause of the discomfort before angrily glaring at Ben Li for knowing such a thing.

"I'll kill you!" Ran Ranxu had already thrown the idea of forgiving this bastard. That's it! He needs to die!

Without further, she lifted her sword up and swung it down. But before Ben Li could become another headless victim under the Guillotine blade, a voice filled echoing with authority resounded from their left side.

"Stop, you two! You are violating the Sect's rules and regulations. Sparring battle or life and death duels between disciples are not allowed any sect grounds except for the sect's dueling platform and the agreement between both sides and the referee! Anyone found violating the rules stated is considered a criminal offense! Surrender now and do not resist!"

""Ah, shit. It's the police."" both Ben Li and Ran Ranxu cursed and clicked their tongues at the same time. And as they turn to look at to their left, a middle-aged man garbed in Black robes and silver patterns symbolizing his membership with the Law Enforcement Department, appeared in a flicker and posed before them in the most authoritative manner ever conducted.

As if he carried the image of the envoy of justice, his eagle-like eyes swept everywhere all around the area and eventually landed on the two before him.

But as his gaze cast upon the visages of these two daring troublemakers, his eagle-like eyes turned black from disbelief and his mind emptied out all audacious thoughts filled with kick back retorts and witty arguments.


WHYISTHISHAPPENINGIDONTUNDERSTANDIWANTTOGETOUT!!!' he screamed in his mind for answers and solutions but it seems no one in his empty void will ever bring him salvation and continued to sink deeper in the abyss.

Meanwhile, Ben Li and Ran Ranxu stood dumbfounded staring at the Law Enforcer who stood stiffened and still in his most haughty demeanor. Yet, they can very much tell that this cop who seeks to exact justice was just about to get knocked unconscious by the mere presence of themselves.

Of course, This wasn't the first time they had enjoyed such privilege from their reputation. It's just that...

'Hey, you! You are a bonified Pinnacle stage Foundation Formation Cultivators! Not to mention, older than us! You can easily arrest any of us using your own individual strength. Why do you look so mortified as if you were force to feed the Demonlord's pet Cerberus with your own limbs?! If you're going to act this scared in front of us, how are your juniors ever going to respect you?!' they had this common frustration shared being a person with such a deep background that other people were practically force fed by it in a silver platter.

"Whew* Hey, police. This strange woman is trying to molest me!" Ben Li whistled to the cop and pointed his finger at Ran Ranxu and accused her.

""What?!"" Ran Ranxu and the cop were taken by surprise. Especially the cop who looked at Ran Ranxu with a befuddling expression and switched back to Ben Li.

But Ran Ranxu was the opposite of being confused. She was seething in rage knowing that this bastard was up to no good and quickly quipped back. "Don't listen to this lunatic! He's insane, I tell you! Any word coming from him and you report it as sheer nonsense! You got that, junior?!"

"Huh?!" the cop was even more perplexed as he tried to digest what was happening. But seems he forgot to chew and swallowed whole something he wasn't supposed to hear and now his guts are threatening him to shit bricks.

But luckily, he was thankful that his survival instincts took over his body in an instant as he immediately responded to Ran Ranxu subconsciously. "Yes, Senior Ran! Anything he says is anything but utter logic! I will not report anything at all as I saw nothing at all!"

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