
Chapter 1: The world have changed

Year 3020, because of a strange and mysterious virus outbreak ten years prior, the generations going onward has grown to be quite "special". Now in modern day society, having these powers are the new normal…but, not everyone is born gifted, some people are what the majority of the society calls "broken", because of the fact that they were born….well normal, if we were back in 2800. You got the point, in this society power is everything, the strong may strive and the weak must serve the strong, kinda messed up I know, but there is a reason for that ideology, it may sound strange or weird, but the reason for this is that the biological build up in the insects, crustaceanss and certain animals are different, so the virus had a completely different effect on them. This effect causes the various organisms to mutate and transform into gigantic monstrous version of themselves…..but if you think that's all…..well your mistaken, along with the huge bodily frame of the now called....mutants", the virus also provided them with extensive durability and various additional powers. Back to the statement I made earlier that the weak must serve the strong, to be more exact I don't mean human slavery I mean that the higher your status or rank is determines your place in society. If you are born special but your power/ability is weak, you wont get much attention....to put a long story short, all personnel with abilities are required to face against these monsters but only the higher ranking personnel normally get any type of assistance, leaving the rest of us to scrape what is left from scrap and handouts and then go to basically virtually die on the battlefield.

That is basically all I really have to say about the disheartening society we live in..

Wait…I didn't introduce myself did I....sorry about that, my name is Anthony E. Williams the E standing for Edward, but im not too picky about my name since my friends just call me tony for short. Im a freshman at The Hall of Light School for Gifted Children. To be honest that name doesn't really "tickle my fancy" if you pick up what im putting down. Many people, especially the person who started this academy believed that we as the population were all ignorant to the works of god. Since there was no proof where the virus came from, this led many to believe that it was a gift from god for his children to rise above all else and become all powerful. "Aite imma keep it a buck I do believe in god but the whole god wants us to be all powerful magical beings stuff I don't really get".

Here is the deal I don't really like extra attention is not that its bad I just don't really see the purpose of being overly excited for someone else for the simplest of things….

I guess I talked a little too much now but it was relevant for you to understand the basic idea of this world and just by reading you will understand the complexity of the world.

hope you enjoy and keep supporting me

The_Real_JBJ13creators' thoughts
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